Ground RulesAllow me to begin with some housekeeping that I probably should have included in my initial post.
- While this Megadungeon is designed with Dungeon! in mind, I will aim to keep it as system agnostic as possible.
- My weekly progress will be listed in a single post, with the post labeled with the date range of content. Obviously, this first post has a date range of only a single day.
- Once I have completed a "level" or "floor" of the Megadungeon, I will compile all of that information into a single post. You can expect compiled "floors" to be posted approximately 1 week after that "floor's" month has concluded. If you are seeking to play along, this means it will be easiest to wait until February.
- Finally, I will be designing this Megadungeon to reflect my usual Session 0 Rules. Namely, I will avoid sensitive topics whenever possible. If I do cover sensitive topics, I will do my absolute best to handle them with the care and respect they deserve.
Now, strap in. This first post is a doozy! I have labeled each subsection with bolded and underlined titles, as shown below. The majority of this post is setup and context for the Megadungeon, so if you are solely interested in the first room of the Megadungeon, skip to the end of the post!
Megadungeon Overview
In the most general sense, the following is the overview of the Megadungeon's layout. This is subject to change as I continue to develop it, but for now this is the skeleton I will be building the dungeon around. You will notice that some of the dungeon's "levels" are actually just portions of wilderness. I am trying to shake up the traditional interpretation of what a dungeon level is. This also means that some areas will challenge the definition of a dungeon room as well. How will I do this? You'll have to wait and see!
- Lostone: Small city at the base of Arguk-Val.
- Craghopper Mine: Contains frequently travelled paths between Lostone and Argukhart as well as between Argukhart and Thon-Kyrr. Used by miners from Argukhart. Dungeon Level 1.
- Darkwater Crag: A flooded underground crag tucked away within Craghopper Mine. Dungeon Level 3.
- Steepwalker Trail: A frequently travelled path between Lostone and Thon-Kyrr. Used by trade caravans. Dungeon Level 2.
- Argukhart: Dwarven mining town within Arguk-Val.
- Thon-Kyrr: Elven village built into the side of Arguk-Val.
- Springwater Cave: A cave system where a freshwater river flows from a natural spring. Leads to the Hot Springs. Contains the Ancient Tomb. Dungeon Level 4.
- Ancient Tomb: A mysterious location discovered only recently. Dungeon Levels 5, 6, and 7.
- Deadman's Pass: A rarely traversed path that serves as a deadly shortcut around Springwater Cave. Leads to the Hot Springs. Dungeon Level 8.
- Hot Springs: An area of natural hot springs that is occasionally visited by the bravest citizens of Thon-Kyrr.
- Kald's Climb: A wind-ravaged path that approaches the summit of Arguk-Val. Connects the Hot Springs to the Crypt of Kald-Val. Dungeon Level 9.
- Crypt of Kald-Val: Being the oldest settlement in the region by far, Kald-Val sits upon a massive crypt that was carved into the mountain itself. Dungeon Level 10.
- Kald-Val: The oldest settlement in the region. It has been frozen over and all but destroyed. Dungeon Level 11.
- The Frost Baron's Floating Spire: This mysterious tower sits atop a small floating island. A magical bridge of floating stones appears to anchor the island to the center of Kald-Val. Dungeon Level 12.
Character Primer
If you are looking to run a campaign within the Mountain of the Frost Baron or simply follow along through solo play, this section is for you. This Character Primer has a simple goal; to demonstrate how you and your players should approach this adventure. The GM can of course alter anything and everything detailed here, but I promise that using the Character Primer will make Session 0 much easier.
Think of the Character Primer as a writing prompt of sorts. It will prompt you and your players to answer the who, what, where, when, and why of each of their Characters, as well as serve as a way to generate ideas for those players who have nothing particular in mind.
Step 1: Who
Who is your Character? There's no need to write a 10-page backstory here. Fundamentally, who are they? Their
Ancestry? Their recent history (
Background)? Their skillset (
Class)? That should be all you need for now.
Step 2: What
What is your Character up to? This one is two-fold. One part of this answer is pre-determined: your Character is most certainly seeking to adventure within, around, and on the mountain of Arguk-Val, the location of the Megadungeon. If a Character has no interest in the Megadungeon, you shouldn't be playing them.
The second part is effectively summed up as "What else are they up to?" For example, do they also work as a blacksmith on the side? Or perhaps they are searching for a long-lost friend?
Step 3: Where
This step is also two-fold, but incredibly simple. One part of this answer is pre-determined: your Character is at the base of Arguk-Val, in the town of Lostone.
The second part is simply "Where are they from?" The global setting of the Mountain of the Frost Baron is intentionally left ambiguous. Come up with a place your Character hails from, if they aren't simply from Agurkkhiin.
Step 4: When
This step is admittedly poorly named. Really, this step is about deciding the timeline of events in your Character's life. Again, an excessive Backstory is not needed. Simply decide how long ago they were born, how long ago any important life-events occurred, and, most importantly, how long ago they arrived in Lostone.
Step 5: Why
This step is the most important of all: Why is your Character here? Harkening back to Step 2, they should have motivation to explore Arguk-Val. Moreover, this step should tell us why. It could be as simple as they lack money and are seeking fortune. Maybe they lost their home in the attack on Kald-Val and are now seeking to repel the Frost Baron. This is the most important step because this step is your Character. Ancestry, Background, and Class mean nothing if your Character has no "why."
Finishing Touches
From here, you should be good to go. Create your 1st Level
Character Sheet and start to play. Bonus points if you and your fellow players have good in-Character reasons to already be grouped up and working together. If you don't have good in-Character reasons, be a pal and just go along with it. The sooner the party groups up, the sooner the cool stuff happens!
Need some help?
If you are struggling for ideas, check out the random tables below.
- Who (1d6) Ancestry
- Dwarf
- Elf
- Gnome
- Halfling
- Human
- Orc
- (1d12) Class / Background
- Alchemist / Apprentice
- Barbarian / Soldier
- Bard / Thief
- Cleric / Devotee
- Druid / Drifter
- Fighter / Soldier
- Mage / Apprentice
- Monk / Ascetic
- Pact-Keeper / Apprentice
- Paladin / Devotee
- Ranger / Drifter
- Rogue / Thief
- What (1)
- I seek adventure within Arguk-Val.
- Where (1d4)
- I am from the town of Lostone.
- I am a refugee from Kald-Val.
- I am from a faraway land.
- I am from a neighboring country.
- When (1d4)
- I am young, having just reached adulthood.
- I am in early adulthood.
- I am middle-aged.
- I am bordering on elderly.
- Why (1d6)
- I lost my family in the attack on Kald-Val. I now seek vengeance.
- I seek to slay the monsters within Arguk-Val. The only good monster is a dead monster.
- I want to protect other settlements from the same fate as Kald-Val.
- I seek the riches rumored to be found within Arguk-Val.
- I simply wish to explore Arguk-Val, despite its danger.
- I want to speak with the Frost Baron. Perhaps he can be reasoned with.
The Adventure Begins
Once Characters have been sorted out, you are ready to begin play. Your GM can introduce each Character as they see fit, but each one should have at least 1 thing in common: they are currently in the town of Lostone.
A Note on Outlines: This section will contain the first of many "level" outlines. These outlines will be short, bulleted lists of the important factors and features of the relevant "level." For each post that contains rooms from a certain "level," this outline will be present. Finally, as all OSR gamers should know, the number corresponding to each "level" represents the approximate expected Level of Characters who should be exploring there. This does not mean Characters can't push their luck and go to "levels" where they don't belong, but it does mean that doing so can be fatal. Also, note that while Dungeon! is designed to only reach Level 10, the highest "level" of the megadungeon is 12... Henchman and Magic Items will certainly be needed to even the playing field.
- Settlement Outline - Lostone
- Location: At the base of Arguk-Val, 15 minutes by foot to Craghopper Mine, 20 minutes by foot to Steepwalker Trail
- Environment: Pine tree forest, rocky terrain, creeks, and a river
- Type: Small City
- Population: approx. 4500
- Culture: Primarily Human and Orc, some Dwarven influence
- Defenses: Walled, natural mountain defenses, 90 Town Guards, 9 Guard Captains, 1 Guard General
- Town Guard (Lostone) - 3 CR
- HP: 15
- AC: 13
- AB: +3
- Damage: 1d6 + 3
- Special: Can use Ranged Attacks
- Save: 14
- Skills: +1
- Guard Captain (Lostone) - 5 CR
- HP: 25
- AC: 15
- AB: +5
- Damage: 1d6 + 5, attacks two times
- Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; May command an ally once per Round, allowing them to attack once.
- Save: 13
- Skills: +2
- Guard General (Lostone) - 7 CR
- HP: 35
- AC: 17
- AB: +7
- Damage: 1d6 + 7, attacks two times
- Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; May command an ally twice per Round, allowing them to attack once.
- Save: 12
- Skills: +3
- Diet: Beets, Carrots, Fungi, Potatoes, Mead, Meats, Milk
- Exports: Crops (beets, carrots, potatoes, and other root vegetables), Livestock (chickens, cows, donkeys, goats, pigs), Resources (firewood), Specialty Goods (honey, mead)
- Imports: Crops (fungi and herbs), Resources (dwarven tools and processed metals)
- Government: Monarchy under the Lostone Family
- Water Source: A freshwater river that flows down from Arguk-Val, wells
Settlement Details - LostoneLostone is the most populous settlement in the region, with approximately 4500 inhabitants. These people are most often Humans or Orcs, but there are a fair number of Dwarves as well. Elves, Gnomes, and Halflings are less common. Despite the poor soil quality, the farmers of Lostone are able to grow a variety of crops, primarily due to the fertilizer they make from a mix of livestock manure and the fungi they receive from Argukhart via trade. Lostone is the sole source of mead for the region, as it is the only settlement where bees can be kept. Using the fungi from Argukhart, the brewers of Lostone are able to ferment quality mead. Additionally, Lostone is the primary producer of lumber and firewood. All of this makes Lostone the primary trading hub of the region. Finally, Lostone is led by the monarch King Felix Lostone V, a descendant of Felix Lostone, the founder of the city.
Important Locations within Lostone
Below is a list of specific locations with importance in Lostone. Not every building or shop is listed. The GM may add to Lostone in any way they see fit, adding anything to the city that they wish. You will notice each settlement usually only has named 1 shop or merchant of each type. If you wish to add more, practice your improvisation! Make up some names.
- Farms: The Outer Wall is almost completely surrounded by farmland. More experienced Guards from the Outer Wall are sent on patrols through this area to check on local farmers.
- Slums: The four gates into the city each tend to attract small tent villages. Most of the people who live here are incredibly poor or are caravan merchants who are too cheap to pay for services inside the city.
- Outer Wall: The outer-most wall around the entire city. It has 4 main gates, generally located in each cardinal direction. The northern gate leads to Craghopper Mine, and the western gate leads to Steepwalker Trail. Most Guards are stationed here.
- Market District: Found in the northern section of the city, taking up most of the space between the northern gate and the Inner Wall. General goods may be purchased here, but not fine goods. Prices here tend to be above average.
- The Arguk-Val Guild: Found near the northern gate, this newly constructed Guild Hall is the King's response to the recent escalation of monster activity within Arguk-Val. Players will find this to be a great initial base of operations. Jobs can be found here, most of which will encourage Players to explore Arguk-Val.
- Job Board: When looking for jobs, players may find up to 3 jobs each day based on the table below. When using the job generator, the GM rolls 1d4, 1d6, and 1d8.

- The Caravan Company: Found near the northern gate, this area tends to be crowded with caravans, merchants, and pack animals headed for Argukhart and Thon-Kyrr. Players may pay a small fee per person to travel with a caravan.
- Dungir's Armory: Found in the heart of the Market District, this is the shop of a popular blacksmith and armorer. Many types of Armor and Weaponry may be purchased here.
- The Knapsack: Found in the heart of the Market District, this shop sells general goods. Almost any kind of Standard Item may be purchased here, save for Armor, Weapons, and Potions.
- The Thirsty Tankard: Found on the eastern edge of the Market District, this Inn is a popular hole-in-the-wall amongst adventurers and mercenaries. The food and drinks are cheap, but a night's stay tends to be more expensive.
- Mercantile District: Found in the southern section of the city, taking up most of the space between the southern gate and the Inner Wall. Fine goods may be purchased here. Prices here tend to be high.
- The Granite Pestle: Found in the heart of the Mercantile District, this Alchemist's shop sells Alchemical ingredients, Potions, Poisons, Firebombs, etc. for high prices.
- The Silken Seamstress: Found in the heart of the Mercantile District, this shop specializes in fine clothing. The clothes sold here tend to be expensive, but of great quality.
- Residential District: This district takes up the remaining space between the Outer and Inner Walls. The majority of citizens live here, usually living just above the poverty line. A lucky few families border on wealth, usually living near the Mercantile District.
- The Chapel of Arguk: Found near the western gate, this chapel is one of the most popular in the city. The chapel is dedicated to Arguk, the Dwarven God of the Hearth and Home. Many residents of Lostone follow Arguk despite most not being Dwarvish. Many believe this is a way of giving thanks to Arguk for Arguk-Val, the bountiful mountain the majority of the people of Argukkhiin call home.
- A Note on Gods and Religion: In this setting, I have decided to not fully flesh out a pantheon. I may add a god here or there, but they will be detailed if and when they come up. This is to encourage GMs and their players to add to the world. The only God I have added for now is Arguk, the Dwarven God of the Hearth and Home. Legend says that the heart of Zulfdir was once a flat tundra of ice, death, and monsters. Any Dwarves exiled from their Clans were sent to this tundra to die alone. Arguk wished to show these Dwarves mercy and grant them the safety and warmth of a new home. So, Arguk struck the tundra with a massive hammer, cracking the earth and creating the mountains that now make up Argukkhiin ("Kin of Arguk"). At the center of these mountains arose Arguk-Val ("Arguk's Summit"); a beacon of hope for the exiled and rejected.
- Inner Wall: The inner-most wall around the Noble District and the Royal Palace. It has 4 main gates, generally located in each cardinal direction. The upper echelon of Guards is usually posted here. Commoners need special permission to enter here.
- Noble District: Found within the Inner Wall, taking up the majority of the space. The wealthy live here. There are some specialty shops, such as jewelers and magic item merchants. Prices here tend to be very high.
- Birkov Jewelers: Found just within the Inner Wall, this shop buys and sells high-quality jewels and jewelry. Their prices are high, but they often pay well when buying fine jewelry from sellers.
- Chimera Specialty Goods: Found just within the Inner Wall, this shop specializes in Magic Items. Their prices, however, are absurdly high.
- The Royal Palace: Found near the center of the Noble District. A magnificent structure chiseled from stone and accented with the finest wood. The royal Lostone family resides here. The main hall contains a throne where King Felix Lostone V can often be found, often watched over by a personal army of 30 Royal Guards.
Important People in Lostone
Below is a list of specific people with importance in Lostone. Not every inhabitant is listed. The GM may add to Lostone in any way they see fit, fleshing out the 4000+ unnamed NPCs if they so choose.
- Zomund Oxbutcher: Guildmaster of The Arguk-Val Guild. He is a middle-aged Orc with gray skin, jet black hair in a topknot, and a muscular build. He is 37 years old and claims to have been a warrior by the age of 10. He wears a ragged beard which partially masks his orc tusks. His piercing eyes reflect both his experience and his hatred for monsters. He was once a Guard Captain but was personally appointed by the King to head the Guild. He has no family.
- Tildi Hornblower: Owner of The Caravan Company. She is an older Dwarf with freckled skin, short brown hair, and a stocky build. She is 204 years old and has been managing The Caravan Company for nearly 150 years. She squints her eyes when going over documents, accentuating the wrinkles on her face. She usually charges adventurers 1 Gold per person to travel with a caravan. She is married to Fenrick Craghopper (193), a distant descendant of the founder of Craghopper Mine. They have no children.
- Dungir Ironjaw: Owner of Dungir's Armory. He is a young Dwarf with tanned skin, a shaved head, and a muscular build. He is 62 years old and only arrived in Lostone about 10 years ago. Rumor says he was exiled from his Clan and discharged from their military after he seduced his commander's wife. He has a gruff-looking shaved face but is often seen smiling and happy. He is married to Viola Ironjaw (127). They have a son, Dovak Ironjaw (10).
- Cedric Halstein: Owner of The Knapsack. He is an elderly Human with dark skin, a balding head, and a frail build. He is 65 years old and has lived in Lostone for his entire life. He is known for being crotchety, but generally a kind man. He is hard of hearing and uses a pinewood cane. His adopted daughter, Lani Halstein (21), handles most of the business's daily operations. He has a younger cousin, Cecellia Lasterwood (45).
- Lani Halstein: Daughter of Cedric Halstein. She is a young Orc with green skin, long black hair, and an average build. She is 21 years old and was adopted by Cedric when she was 3. Cedric has never told her where she came from, but Lani believes that her parents were adventurers who perished in Arguk-Val. She is a shrewd businesswoman and does not take kindly to sexism.
- Jakob Lasterwood: Owner/Chef at The Thirsty Tankard. He is a middle-aged Human with pale skin, blonde hair, and a heavyset build. He is 47 years old and has owned The Thirsty Tankard for the past 15 years. He has a temper, but his wife has mastered the art of calming him down. He is married to Cecellia Lasterwood (45). They have no children.
- Cecellia Lasterwood: Owner/Barkeep at The Thirsty Tavern. She is a middle-aged Human with dark skin, long black hair, and a heavyset build. She is 45 years old and has owned The Thirsty Tankard for the past 15 years. She is a jovial woman but can become stern and commanding at a moment's notice. She is married to Jakob Lasterwood (47) and has an older cousin, Cedric Halstein (65). She and Jakob have no children.
- Enoc Gratzwick: Owner of The Granite Pestle. He is an elderly Human with olive skin, messy white hair, and a thin build. He is 61 years old and hails from a faraway land. He is highly intelligent and flaunts this fact, over-describing the ingredients used to craft his alchemical creations. He is hesitant to sell to non-Humans. He has no family.
- Nadria Patsik: Owner of The Silken Seamstress. She is a young Human with light skin, long brown hair, and a thin build. She is 24 years old and has only recently attained a wealthy status. She was able to capitalize on her skills as a seamstress from a young age. She has an older brother in the Town Guard, Francis Patsik (28). She has no other family.
- Brother Elmir: Priest of Arguk, who practices at The Chapel of Arguk. He is an elderly Dwarf with pale skin, a shaved head, and a stocky build. He is 271 years old and originally hails from Kald-Val. While he escaped during the Frost Baron's attack, he lost a few fingers and toes to frostbite. He hobbles as he walks and uses a hand-crafted cane embellished with a holy symbol to Arguk. Brother Elmir believes Arguk saved his life during the attack for a purpose, but he is unsure as to the nature of that purpose. He lost his family in the attack on Kald-Val.
- Sister Andura: Priestess of Arguk, who practices at The Chapel of Arguk. She is a middle-aged Human with dark skin, short brown hair, and a thin build. She is 44 years old and has been dedicated to Arguk since the age of 14. She has run the Chapel alone for nearly 20 years, so the recent addition of Brother Elmir has made her work easier. She is fond of Brother Elmir, treating him like her adoptive grandfather. She has no family.
- Silas Birkov: Owner of Birkov Jewelers and recognized Noble. He is a middle-aged Human with pale skin, long red hair, and an average build. He is 41 years old and was born into most of his wealth. He and his brother are known for being snooty around other nobility, often insulting their choice of jewelry. He has a twin brother, Sylvester Birkov (41).
- Sylvester Birkov: Owner of Birkov Jewelers and recognized Noble. He is a middle-aged Human with pale skin, long red hair, and an average build. He is 41 years old and was born into most of his wealth. He and his brother are known for being snooty around other nobility, often insulting their choice of jewelry. He has a twin brother, Silas Birkov (41).
- Petra Aethercane: Owner of Chimera Specialty Goods and Court Mage to the King. She is a middle-aged Elf with tan skin, long golden hair, and a thin build. She is 350 years old, and she is the only officially recognized wielder of The Gift in Lostone. She is a quiet person, mostly only talking when she mumbles to herself about her research. She does not live in the Royal Palace but has a personal Royal Guard who escorts her everywhere. When the need arises, she is brought to the King to give advice. She has no family.
- King Felix Lostone V: Monarch of Lostone and the most powerful leader in Argukkhiin. He is a middle-aged Human with pale skin, graying braided hair, and a heavy build. He is fast approaching the age of 42 but looks a decade older. He seems to have a permanent scowl and a furrowed brow, both of which are accented by his thick mustache and fuzzy eyebrows, respectively. However, he has a calm temperament and surprising intellect. He is well-known for heroically leading a legion of Guards in a bandit raid 20 years ago. While he is said to have a glutton's appetite, he also donates all excess food from the Royal Palace to chapels in the lower districts. He is married to Queen Astrid Lostone (38), and they have 2 children together, Prince Felix Lostone VI (16) and Princess Greta Lostone (11).
The First Room of the Megadungeon
- Dungeon Level 1 Outline - Craghopper Mine
- Entrances / Exits: External Entrance [CME] (heavily travelled, guarded, 15 minutes by foot to Lostone), Internal Entrance [CMI] (heavily travelled, guarded, enters directly into Argukhart), Crevasse Entrance [CMC] (heavily travelled, connects Steepwalker Trail to Craghopper Mine), Darkwater Crag [DWC] (descends to Dungeon Level 3)
- Location: Within Arguk-Val, at and below ground-level
- Threats: Centipedes (Giant), Goblins, Jellies (Green), Quarry Beetles
Level 1, Room 1 (L1R1, Craghopper Mine)
Below is the first room of the Megadungeon. It is certainly not a traditional "room," as it is more or less a road between Lostone and Argukhart. Designed by the Dwarves of Argukhart, Craghopper Mine is a meticulously planned and organized structure. The main tunnel is nearly 5 miles long, effectively connecting Lostone and Argukhart. Over the years, the miners have dug deep into the mountain, discovering all sorts of locations (L1R2 - L1R24), including a shortcut to Steepwalker Trail (L1R24), a flooded underground crag (DWC, Darkwater Crag), and much more. The mine is not lit at all times, so travelers are expected to bring their own light sources. While this helps to keep down on smoke and allows travelers to see one another from afar, it can also make darker corners of the mine perfect nests for monsters.
This "room" between settlements is effectively meant to be used as a
Point Crawl, where travel along the main path costs 2 Movement Points and traveling down any side path costs 1 (or fewer) Movement Points. You could alternatively run this area using
Dungeoncrawling Rules, checking for encounters every 10 minutes. This will make for a far more deadly game, however.
Regardless, the GM may elect to not roll the Encounter Die when the party enters rooms L1R2 - L1R24. Most of these rooms will already have something within them, so rolling for an Encounter can complicate things. Feel free to embrace the chaos if you wish, but you have been warned.- Side Note: You may notice that this Level effectively only has 24 rooms, L1R1 through L1R24. The final 7 rooms of the month will instead be special encounters that I will be adding to Craghopper Mine's Encounter List, which is detailed below.
Craghopper Mine Encounter List
When a 1 is rolled on the Encounter Die, the GM rolls 1d20 on the table below. When it comes to the special encounters (14-20), the GM should reroll on the table if that encounter has already occurred.
- 1d2 Quarry Beetles; when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry.
- 1d2 Centipedes (Giant); when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry.
- "
- 1d2 Jellies (Green); these creatures are not intelligent, solely seeking objects to digest.
- "
- 1d4+3 Goblins; these goblins differ from the standard green type, having pale skin and milky-white eyes. They have many jagged teeth, baring them when threatened. They use simple weaponry and are hostile to other humanoid creatures. Notably, goblins are usually dripping wet when found in Craghopper Mine.
- "
- "
- 1d4+1 Goblins; these goblins differ from the standard green type, having pale skin and milky-white eyes. They have many jagged teeth, baring them when threatened. They use simple weaponry and are hostile to other humanoid creatures. Notably, goblins are usually dripping wet when found in Craghopper Mine.
- "
- "
- "
- "
- L1R25
- L1R26
- L1R27
- L1R28
- L1R29
- L1R30
- L1R31
Monsters Stats
- Centipede (Giant) - 2 CR
- HP: 10
- AC: 12
- AB: +2
- Damage: 1d6 + 2
- Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Sickening (Causes the Affliction Enfeebled 1 on a hit)
- Save: 14
- Skills: +1
- Goblin - 1 CR
- HP: 5
- AC: 11
- AB: +1
- Damage: 1d6 + 1
- Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Scuttle (Can dodge a non-Critical Hit once per combat)
- Save: 15
- Skills: +0
- Jelly (Green) - 2 CR
- HP: 10
- AC: 12
- AB: +2
- Damage: 1d6 + 2
- Special: Immune to Poison Damage and the Poisoned Affliction; Immune to falling Prone, being Grappled, and being Shoved; Sticky (Once per combat, can automatically Grapple a target on a hit)
- Save: 14
- Skills: +1
- Quarry Beetle - 3 CR
- HP: 15
- AC: 13
- AB: +3
- Damage: 1d6 + 3
- Special: Carapace (Takes 1 less Damage each time it takes Damage. It will always take at least 1 Damage.); Scuttle (Can dodge a non-Critical Hit once per combat)
- Save: 14
- Skills: +1
Closing Thoughts
Hopefully this is the start of a wonderfully productive new year! This post is likely to be one of the longest I make, but perhaps that will change once I reach Levels 10+. I will do my best to link relevant posts as they are made, such as the "rooms" on the Encounter List above. I wish all of my fellow Dungeon23 participants bountiful motivation and inspiration! Oh, and Happy New Year!