Friday, June 17, 2022

Dungeon! - Standard Items

Below you will find the basic Item list for Dungeon! Items will detail their mechanics and their price; a Common Price and a Rare Price. If the GM rules that the Item is a common commodity, the Common price is used. Otherwise, the Rare price is used. Finally the GM may alter the prices for Items in the world of Dungeon!


Armor grants bonus AC based on its type. Only 1 type of Armor may be worn at a time, wielding more than 1 Shield does not provide further benefits, and Armor and Clothing may not be worn at the same time.

  • Light Armor: +1 AC - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.
    • No requirements
    • No drawbacks
  • Medium Armor: +2 AC - - - Common; 5 Gold. Rare; 10 Gold.
    • Requires a d8 HP die or greater
    • Disadvantage on Stealth
  • Heavy Armor: +3 AC - - - Common; 10 Gold. Rare; 20 Gold.
    • Requires a d10 HP die or greater
    • Disadvantage on Stealth
  • Shield: +2 AC - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.
    • Requires a free hand
    • Special: If wielding a Shield, a character may Splinter that Shield to halve the Damage of a single Attack, Spell, or Trap. However, the Shield is completely destroyed. Also, this does not block any additional effects the Damage may have.


Clothes do not provide AC. Instead, they provide a +1 bonus to a Skill of your choice. Only 1 set of Clothing may be worn at any given time and Armor and Clothing may not be worn at the same time. Clothes often cost 1d20 Silver.

  • Example Clothes: Robes (+1 Knowledge), Vestments (+1 Charisma), etc.


The currency used in Dungeon! is coin, which is broken into 3 denominations; Copper, Silver, and Gold. Conversions for these denominations are below.

  • Copper: 10 Copper = 1 Silver.
  • Silver: 10 Silver = 1 Gold.
  • Gold: The highest denomination.

Most settlements in the world of Dungeon! rarely see Gold coins. The vast majority of the world's economy is made up of Copper and Silver, while much of the world's Gold is hoarded by Monsters, rich nobility, and greedy adventurers.


Consumables are Items that can be used to powerful effect but may often only be used once. Most Consumables must be used as an Action.

  • Ammo: Must be used alongside Ranged Weapons. After combat concludes, you may recover half the total Ammo fired. - - - Common; 2 Copper. Rare; 4 Copper.
  • Bandage: Can be used over the course of 10 minutes to bandage the wounds of yourself or someone you can touch. The user then rolls a Medicine Skill Check. On a success, the target regains 1d4 HP. On a failure, the target only regains 1 HP. - - - Common; 5 Copper. Rare; 1 Silver.
  • Firebomb: Must be thrown akin to an Attack but uses an Action. On a hit, deals 1d10 Fire Damage to the intended target as well as any targets within Close Range of the initial target. - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.
  • Flask of Oil: Primarily used to refuel Lanterns. They can also be thrown to create an area of Oil, which is slippery. This area will be centered on the target and spreads out to Close Range. Targets in the area must roll a Save each time they Move and at the end of each Round, falling Prone if they fail. Areas of such oil can also be lit to become an area of Fire for 1d4 Rounds. This area of Fire will deal 1d6 Fire Damage to targets within when first lit and at the end of each Round if they remain within. - - - Common; 1 Silver. Rare; 2 Silver.
  • Healing Potion: Heals 3d6 HP when quaffed. - - - Common; 2 Gold. Rare; 4 Gold.
  • Herbal Poultice: Heals 1d6 HP when used on a willing target in Close Range. - - - Common; 2 Silver. Rare; 4 Silver.
  • Holy Water: Must be thrown akin to an Attack but uses an Action. On a hit, deals 1d12 Radiant Damage to the intended target as well as any targets within Close Range of the initial target. Any target that is not an unholy creature is not affected. - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.
  • *Lantern: Burns for four hours (24 Dungeon Turns), providing light out to Short Range. Once burned up, a Lantern must be refueled using a Flask of Oil. - - - Common; 2 Silver. Rare; 4 Silver.
  • Lockpick: This Item is required to attempt Thievery Skill Checks to open locks, disarm traps, etc. If the Skill Check is failed, this Item breaks. - - - Common; 1 Silver. Rare; 2 Silver.
  • Ration: Can be eaten over the course of 10 minutes. Characters must consume 1 Ration per day to avoid starvation. Each day a character starves, their Maximum HP is reduced by 5 until they are no longer starving. - - - Common; 1 Silver. Rare; 2 Silver.
  • Rope: Can be used to climb, tie things up, etc. - - - Common; 1 Silver (per foot). Rare; 2 Silver (per foot).
  • *Torch: Burns for one hour (6 Dungeon Turns), providing light out to Short Range. If used as a Weapon, deals 1d6 Fire Damage while burning. Each time a Torch deals Damage, it has a 1-in-4 chance to go out. This chance also applies if dropped. - - - Common; 5 Copper. Rare; 1 Silver.
  • Vial of Poison: Can be coated on a Weapon or quaffed as an Action. If coated on a Weapon, the next target to take Damage from that Weapon must roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Poisoned 2. If they succeed, they gain the Affliction Poisoned 1. If quaffed, the target gains the Affliction Poisoned 5. - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.

*Darkness and Light

In Dungeon!, darkness a dangerous aspect of adventuring and makes sources of light important tools.

While in darkness, a Character has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Saves. This does not apply to Monsters, unless the GM rules that the Monster would be impeded by the lack of light. For example, a Wolf would not be impeded, but a Bandit would be.


Weapon damage is based on a Weapon's Size. The Damage is then modified by other attributes, such as if the Weapon can be Thrown, if the Weapon is Ranged, or if the Weapon has Reach. Such Weapon attributes and their effects are listed below.

  • Small: Small Weapons are always one-handed and usually deal 1d6 Damage.
  • Medium: Medium Weapons are always one-handed and usually deal 1d8 Damage.
  • Versatile: Versatile Weapons can be used one-handed or two-handed. They often deal 1d8 Damage if used with one-hand or 1d10 Damage if used with two-hands.
  • Large: Large Weapons require two-hands to use and usually deal 1d12 Damage.
  • Reach: If a Melee Weapon has the Reach attribute, it can be used from Short Range as well as Close Range. However, Reach Weapons have their Damage die reduced by 1 size, to a minimum of 1d6.
  • Thrown: If a Weapon has the Thrown attribute, it can be thrown from Short Range or from Medium Range with Disadvantage. However, Thrown Weapons have their Damage die reduced by 1 size, to a minimum of 1d6.
  • Ranged: If a Weapon has the Ranged attribute, it can be fired from Short Range, Medium Range, or from Long Range with Disadvantage. However, Ranged Weapons have their Damage die reduced by 2 sizes, to a minimum of 1d6.
  • Load: Weapons with the Load attribute must have ammunition loaded into them using either an Action or a Move. Load Weapons can only load 1 ammunition at a time. Once loaded, a Load Weapon can be fired from Short Range, Medium Range, or from Long Range with Disadvantage. Finally, Load Weapons have their Damage die increased by 1 size, to a maximum of 1d10.

The complete Weapon list is below. Using the above attributes, new Weapons can easily be created and added to your games.
  • Unarmed: 1d4 Damage
  • Improvised: 1d4 Damage if Small, 1d6 Damage if Medium, 1d8 Damage if Large
  • Shield Bash: 1d6 Damage, requires a Shield
  • Club: 1d8 Damage, Medium - - - Common; 1 Silver. Rare; 2 Silver.
  • Staff: 1d6 Damage or 1d8 Damage, Versatile, Reach - - - Common; 2 Silver. Rare; 4 Silver.
  • Dagger: 1d6 Damage, Small, Thrown - - - Common; 1 Silver. Rare; 2 Silver.
  • Shortsword: 1d8 Damage, Medium - - - Common; 3 Silver. Rare; 6 Silver.
  • Longsword: 1d8 Damage or 1d10 Damage, Versatile - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.
  • Great Sword: 1d12 Damage, Large - - - Common; 2 Gold. Rare; 4 Gold.
  • Mace: 1d8 Damage, Medium - - - Common; 2 Silver. Rare; 4 Silver.
  • Maul: 1d12 Damage, Large - - - Common; 2 Gold. Rare; 4 Gold.
  • Flail: 1d6 Damage or 1d8 Damage, Versatile, Reach - - - Common; 3 Silver. Rare; 6 Silver.
  • Great Flail: 1d10 Damage, Large, Reach - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.
  • Spear: 1d6 Damage or 1d8 Damage, Versatile, Thrown, Reach - - - Common; 3 Silver. Rare; 6 Silver.
  • Pike: 1d10 Damage, Large, Reach - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.
  • Hand Axe: 1d6 Damage, Medium, Thrown - - - Common; 2 Silver. Rare; 4 Silver.
  • Battleaxe: 1d8 Damage or 1d10 Damage, Versatile - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.
  • Great Axe: 1d12 Damage, Large - - - Common; 2 Gold. Rare; 4 Gold.
  • Halberd: 1d10 Damage, Large, Reach - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.
  • Shortbow: 1d6 Damage, Large, Ranged - - - Common; 4 Silver. Rare; 8 Silver.
  • Longbow: 1d8 Damage, Large, Ranged - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.
  • Crossbow: 1d10 Damage, Large, Ranged, Load - - - Common; 2 Gold. Rare; 4 Gold.
  • Hand Crossbow: 1d6 Damage, Medium, Ranged, Load - - - Common; 1 Gold. Rare; 2 Gold.
  • Flintlock: 1d8 Damage, Medium, Ranged, Load - - - Common; 3 Gold. Rare; 6 Gold.

Dual Wielding

Dual Wielding is an option in Dungeon! Any Character may Dual Wield, and any Weapon that can be wielded with one hand can be used to Dual Wield. If you Attack while Dual Wielding, you roll the Damage dice for both Weapons. However, you only use the higher of the two rolls,

Finally, Shields and Unarmed Attacks cannot be used for Dual Wielding.

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Dungeon! YoutTube Channel

Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that I have launched an official YouTube Channel featuring content for Dungeon! In the coming weeks ...