Wednesday, June 29, 2022

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Paladin

The Paladin

HP: +1d10 each Level, minimum of +5

AC: +1 each Level

AB: +1 each Level

Save: -1 each 2nd Level

Skills: +1 Skill Pip each Level

At 1st Level, you devote yourself to a sacred oath. Work with your GM to decide what tenets and anathema your oath may have. Generally, a simple oath to remain Good or Lawful will do the trick. Additionally, you may Smite those who stand against your oath. Choose an Elemental Damage type. When you deal Damage to a target, you may use this Ability to deal an additional 1d4 Damage of the chosen type. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again. Finally, you may use 1 Spell Point to use this Ability again even if you haven't finished a Short Rest yet.

At 2nd Level, your devotion has granted you the ability to Cast Spells. You learn 2 Spells and you gain 2 Spell Points (SP). Using 1 Spell Point, you may cast any Spell you know. You regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest. Finally, your 1st Level Smite Ability now deals 1d6 Damage instead of only 1d4 Damage.

At 3rd Level, your devotion grows stronger and modifies your oath. You may choose one of the options below.

  • Crusader: Your 1st Level Smite Ability may now be used once per combat instead of only once per Short Rest. You may still use it multiple times per combat at the cost of Spell Points.
  • Healer: As an Action, you may use 1 or more Spell Points to Heal yourself or an ally within Close Range. The Healing provided is equal to (10 x the Spell Points used).
  • Protector: Once per Round, you may reduce the Damage an ally in Close Range takes by 1d6. They take at least 1 Damage.
  • Warder: Whenever you use a Spell Point, you may also provide yourself or an ally within Short Range with a protective ward. The ward has 5 HP and will take Damage for its target prior to their HP taking Damage. The ward will last until it has been reduced to 0 HP, or until 1 minute has passed. When the ward is reduced to 0 HP, any excess Damage is applied to the intended target as normal.

At 4th Level, you learn 1 additional Spell and gain 1 additional Spell Point. Finally, your 1st Level Smite Ability now deals 1d8 Damage instead of only 1d6 Damage.

At 5th Level, your devotion has bolstered your combat. Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, you learn 1 additional Spell and gain 1 additional Spell Point. Finally, your 1st Level Smite Ability now deals 1d10 Damage instead of only 1d8 Damage.

At 7th Level, your oath has become fully realized. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.

  • Crusader: When you successfully use your 1st Level Smite Ability, you are Healed for 1d4 HP.
  • Healer: When you provide Healing to a target, you may reduce the value of a single Affliction they have by 2.
  • Protector: Once per Round, you may reduce the Damage an ally in Close Range takes by 2d6, instead of 1d6. They take at least 1 Damage.
  • Warder: Targets of your wards have Advantage on Saves while the ward is in effect.

At 8th Level, you learn 1 additional Spell and gain 1 additional Spell Point. Finally, your 1st Level Smite Ability now deals 1d12 Damage instead of only 1d10 Damage.

At 9th Level, your oath magnifies your combat. Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 10th Level, your devotion is praised by aspiring Paladins and experienced Paladins alike. A local noble reaches out to you and offers you a choice; you may either create your own Enforcer's Guild or ascend to Royalty. Details for both options are below.

  • Enforcer's Guild: The noble hires 1d10 + 30 1st Level Paladins to join the ranks of your new Enforcer's Guild. They will build your Enforcer's Guild in a valid location over the course of 50 days. Once completed, you will control the Guild and its goals. Once up and running, your Enforcer's Guild will generate 3d6 Gold per day, likely via fines and bail postings. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your Guild in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • Royalty: The noble puts in a good word with local royalty and arranges you into a royal marriage. The marriage will occur within 50 days. Once married, you will receive 5d6 Gold per day from your new royal in-laws and you will be gifted a home to live in with your new spouse at the nearest royal castle, stronghold, city, etc. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your home in half the normal time due to its accommodations.

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