Friday, June 17, 2022

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Barbarian (OLD)

You will notice that this post has the label OLD. That is because this post is out-of-date with the current design of Dungeon! and will no longer be supported. However, because of the drastic differences, this post will remain as an optional Class and relic of the past. The version of The Barbarian that Dungeon! now supports can be found here.

The Barbarian (OLD)

HP: +1d12 each Level, minimum of +6

AC: +1 each 2nd Level

AB: +1 each Level

Save: -1 each 2nd Level

Skills: +1 Skill Pip each Level

At 1st Level, you harness the true power of one of your emotions. For most Barbarians, this is their rage. When you Attack, you may use this Ability to unleash yourself into a state of this emotion. While in this state, you deal +1 Damage and take -1 Damage. You take at least 1 Damage. This state will persist until combat ends, and it will not function out of combat. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.

At 2nd Level, you can momentarily toughen yourself against Damage. When you take Damage, you can use this Ability to reduce the Damage taken by 2d4. You take at least 1 Damage. You may only use this Ability once per combat.

At 3rd Level, your emotion has granted you additional power. Choose one of the following benefits that is closest to the emotion you chose. You gain this benefit while you are in your powerful state of emotion.

  • Calm: You are Healed for 2 HP at the end of each Round until combat ends.
  • Defiance: You gain +1 on Attack Rolls.
  • Pain: You take an additional -1 Damage.
  • Sorrow: You gain +1 AC.
  • Rage: You deal an additional +1 Damage.

At 4th Level, your powerful emotion does not waiver. While in your powerful state of emotion, you are immune to the effects of the Afraid Affliction and the Provoked Affliction.

At 5th Level, your emotions fuel your combat further. Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, your powerful state of emotion becomes even stronger. Instead of dealing +1 Damage and taking -1 Damage while in this state, you now deal +2 Damage and take -2 Damage.

At 7th Level, your emotion has become even more powerful. The option you chose at 3rd Level is replaced with the advanced version shown below. You gain this benefit while you are in your powerful state of emotion.

  • Calm: You are Healed for 4 HP at the end of each Round until combat ends.
  • Defiance: You gain +2 on Attack Rolls.
  • Pain: You take an additional -2 Damage.
  • Sorrow: You gain +2 AC.
  • Rage: You deal an additional +2 Damage.

At 8th Level, your emotion becomes untamable. You no longer need to Short Rest to unleash your powerful state of emotion again, simply being able to unleash it at will. It still only works in combat, and it still ends when combat ends.

At 9th Level, you can allow your emotion to lash out physically. After you are Attacked or targeted by a Spell (hit or miss), you can use this Ability to attempt a single Weapon Attack, even if it is not your Turn. You may only use this Ability once per Round.

At 10th Level, you have become a paragon of Barbarian culture. This renown allows you to gather enough followers to either form a Clan or form a War Band. Details for both options are below.

  • Clan: You gather 1d20 + 50 clan members who have limited combat ability. However, they will create a village in a valid location over the course of 25 days. Once completed, you will rule over the village. Once up and running, this village will generate 1d6 Gold per day, and one 1st Level Barbarian per week. These new recruits will follow your commands but prefer to protect the best interests of the village. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within this village in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • War Band: You gather 1d10 + 20 2nd Level Barbarians who will travel with you and follow your every command. They will follow you into combat without question and will fight to the death.

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