Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Dungeon! - Magic Items

Magic Items

Magic Items in Dungeon! are handled however the GM wishes to. If your setting is low magic, simply don't give out Magic Items often. If your setting is high magic, go nuts.

Be warned, however. Many new GMs will often flood their games with Magic Items and then complain when it breaks the game. Don't be that guy. Just use your brain and only give Magic Items if it actually makes sense to. The same thing goes for designing Magic Items. If you think its overpowered, it probably is. That doesn't mean you can't put it in your game, but know that if you make your bed you must lie in it. Don't be the GM who puts an OP Magic Item into their game only to take it away later.

All that being said, the Magic Items I have put into Dungeon! were all designed to be balanced in some way. Use these Magic Items as guidelines when creating your own if you wish to avoid making Magic Items that might break your game.

Consumable Magic Items

These types of Magic Items may only be used once. This includes things like Potions, Scrolls, etc. All Consumable Magic Items require an Action to use (aside from Ammo and Rope), just like normal Consumable Items.

  • +1, +2, and +3 Ammo: Must be used alongside Ranged Weapons. Provides a bonus on Attack and Damage rolls equal to the "+" listed for Ranged Attacks they are used for. Unlike normal Ammo, however, magical Ammo is destroyed completely after use.
  • Antidote: The user loses all stages of the Poisoned Affliction they have when quaffed.
  • Greater Firebomb: Must be thrown akin to an Attack but uses an Action. On a hit, deals 1d10 + 10 Fire Damage to the intended target as well as any targets within Close Range of the initial target.
  • Greater Healing Potion: Heals 3d6 + 10 HP when quaffed.
  • Greater Holy Water: Must be thrown akin to an Attack but uses an Action. On a hit, deals 1d12 + 10 Radiant Damage to the intended target as well as any targets within Close Range of the initial target. Any target that is not an unholy creature is not affected.
  • Greater Poison: Can be coated on a Weapon or quaffed as an Action. If coated on a Weapon, the next target to take Damage from that Weapon must roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Poisoned 4. If they succeed, they gain the Affliction Poisoned 2. If quaffed, the target gains the Affliction Poisoned 10.
  • Potion of Cure Disease: The user loses all Diseases (or sicknesses) they have when quaffed.
  • Potion of Haste: The user Casts the Spell Haste on themselves when quaffed.
  • Potion of Magic: Restores 1d4 Spell Points when quaffed.
  • Potion of Might: The user gains +3 on Attack and Damage rolls for 1 minute when quaffed.
  • Potion of Polymorph: The user Casts the Spell Polymorph on themselves when quaffed.
  • Potion of Resilience: The user gains +3 AC and +3 on Saves for 1 minute when quaffed.
  • Potion of Rest: The user loses Exhaustion when quaffed.
  • Regenerative Rope: This may be used just like a normal Rope. Every 2d6 days, however, it regrows 10 feet in length. It always has a maximum possible length of 50 feet. If the last 10 feet are used up, this Magic Item is destroyed.
  • Scroll of Blink: The user may Cast the Spell Blink.
  • Scroll of Fireball: The user may Cast the Spell Fireball.
  • Scroll of Revive: The user may Cast the Spell Revive.
  • Tome of Detect: One person may read this book over the course of one full day of Downtime. The reader then learns the Spell Detect and this book is destroyed.
  • Tome of Heal: One person may read this book over the course of one full day of Downtime. The reader then learns the Spell Heal and this book is destroyed.
  • Tome of Light: One person may read this book over the course of one full day of Downtime. The reader then learns the Spell Light and this book is destroyed.
    • Potion (Any Spell): The user becomes affected by the infused Spell when quaffed, Casting it on themselves.
    • Scroll (Any Spell): The user may Cast the imbued Spell.
    • Tome (Any Spell): One person may read this book over the course of one full day of Downtime. The reader then learns the imbued Spell and this book is destroyed.

Magical Accessories

These types of Magic Items are primarily small objects, such as Rings, Boots, Helmets, Cloaks, etc. Use logic when wearing these Magic Items. For example, a magical Scarf could easily be worn with a magical Necklace, but two magical Helmets couldn't be worn at once. Finally, all of the options below may be mixed and matched to your desires. Be careful, as more than 3 options may be too powerful.

  • Amulet of Immunity: The wearer is Immune to the Enfeebled and Poisoned Afflictions.
  • Amulet of [Skill] (+1, +2, or +3): Increases the effective Skill Pips the wearer has in the specified Skill by the "+" listed.
  • Bag of Holding: A satchel that grants the carrier 100 additional Encumbrance. Regardless of how full it is, the bag is always lightweight and small. 
    • Note: Creatures cannot be placed within the Bag, nor does putting two Bags together rip apart space-time or some random crap. Not gonna happen.
  • Boots of Leaping: The wearer may leap up to 10 feet vertically and 20 feet horizontally.
  • Boots of Water Walking: The wearer may slowly walk atop the surface of water.
  • Cloak of Camouflage: The wearer has Advantage on Stealth Skill Checks and is completely unnoticeable to the naked eye while completely still.
  • Cockatrice Charm: The wearer is Immune to the Paralyzed and Poisoned Afflictions.
  • Crown of Light: The wearer may Cast the Spell Light at will.
  • Gauntlets of Ogre Power: The wearer has +1 on Attack and Damage rolls. They may also lift objects weighing 500 pounds (225 kg) or less with ease.
  • Handwraps of Might (+1, +2, or +3): The wearer has a bonus on Unarmed Attack and Damage rolls equal to the "+" listed. At the GM's discretion, this Accessory may also have some of the same magical effects that Magical Weapons can.
  • Helm of Heroism: The wearer may Cast the Spell Heroism at will.
  • Helm of Telepathy: The wearer may telepathically communicate with others within Medium Range at will.
  • Medal of Courage: The wearer is Immune to the Afraid and Stunned Afflictions.
  • Ring of Spell Absorption: When targeted by a Spell, the wearer may use this Ring to absorb the Spell and all of its effects completely. However, the Ring is then destroyed.
  • Ring of Elemental Resistance: The GM chooses one Elemental Damage type when this Ring is obtained. The wearer takes half as much Damage of this specific type.
  • Ring of Healing: The wearer regains 1 additional HP from Short Rests and 1d4 additional HP from Long Rests.
  • Ring of Power: The wearer's Maximum Spell Points are increased by 1. If the Ring is removed, the additional Spell Point is lost until the Ring is worn again.
  • Ring of Protection: Provides a +1 bonus to AC and Saves while worn.
  • Scarf of Tangling: The wearer may use an Action to command this Scarf to Grapple a target within Short Range. The target gets a Save as normal.
  • Scribe's Spectacles: The wearer can read and understand all forms of writing.

Magical Armor

These Magic Items are simply Armor or Shields that have additional magical effects. Just like normal Armor, two sets of Magical Armor cannot logically be worn at the same time. Finally, all of the options below may be mixed and matched to your desires. Be careful, as more than 3 options may be too powerful.

  • +1, +2, and +3 Armors and Shield: Provides a bonus to AC and Saves equal to the "+" listed while worn.
  • Armor of Toughness: Armor that increases the wearer's Maximum HP by 10. If the Armor is removed, the additional HP is lost until the Armor is donned again.
  • Aquatic Armor: Armor that allows the wearer to swim as easily as they walk. They do not sink in water regardless of weight, unless they choose to.
  • Climber's Armor: Armor that allows the wearer to climb as easily as they walk. They also take half as much Damage when they take Damage due to falling.
  • Elemental Resistance: The GM chooses one Elemental Damage type when this Armor is obtained. The wearer takes half as much Damage of this specific type.
  • Mithril or Silvered: Damage rolls against the wearer have Disadvantage.
  • Sentinel Shield: A Shield that floats around and follows its wielder, allowing the wielder to benefit from the Shield without actually using a hand to hold onto it.

Magical Weapons

These Magic Items are simply Weapons that have additional magical effects. Otherwise, they act just like normal Weapons. Finally, all of the options below may be mixed and matched to your desires. Be careful, as more than 3 options may be too powerful.

  • +1, +2, and +3 Weapons: Provides a bonus on Attack and Damage rolls equal to the "+" listed when used to Attack.
  • +3 vs. Animals: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack Animals.
  • +3 vs. Casters: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack humanoid Spellcasters.
  • +3 vs. Dragons: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack Dragons.
  • +3 vs. Dwarves: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack Dwarves.
  • +3 vs. Elves: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack Elves.
  • +3 vs. Orcs: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack Orcs.
  • +3 vs. Regenerative: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack creatures that have the Regeneration Ability.
  • +3 vs. Shapeshifters: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack creatures that can shapeshift.
  • +3 vs. Undead: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack creatures that are Undead.
  • Arcing: Deals an additional 1d4 Shock Damage on a hit.
  • Burning: Deals an additional 1d4 Fire Damage on a hit.
  • Chilling: Deals an additional 1d4 Ice Damage on a hit.
  • Detecting: The wielder may Cast the Spell Detect at will.
  • Draining: The wielder regains 1 HP each time this Weapon deals Damage to a target.
  • Mithril or Silvered: Damage rolls with this Weapon have Advantage.
  • Radiant: The wielder may Cast the Spell Light at will.
  • Reaching: The Weapon gains the Reach attribute, but retains its normal Damage.
  • Sentient: This Weapon somehow contains the spirit, soul, or mind of another being. It may either empathetically, telepathically, or verbally communicate with its wielder, and it has its own ideas and goals. The GM should treat the sentient being as an NPC, having it make its own decisions. It cannot move itself or force itself to Attack, but it will most certainly attempt to sway its wielder to do these things for it. As part of this, the GM should choose a specific goal or purpose for this being. This could be something like "Slay Dragons" or "Fight for Good." The GM should then roll a special Ego Stat for this Weapon, as detailed below.
    • Ego: When rolling Ego for a Weapon, the GM rolls 1d3 (1d6 halved, rounded up). The value rolled is the Weapon's Ego. If the wielder has been using the Weapon in a way that aides the being in its goal, the Weapon has a bonus on Attack and Damage rolls equal to its Ego Stat. If the wielder ever goes against the being's goal, this bonus is lost and instead becomes a penalty of the same magnitude (i.e., A Weapon with Ego: 3 would provide a -3 penalty on Attack and Damage rolls if the Wielder is acting against the being's goal). This penalty will persist until the wielder aids the being again.

Staves, Wands, and Other Casting Foci

These Magic Items are specifically designed to allow their wielders to Cast Spells they normally couldn't. Each Magic Item of this type has a set number total of uses, rolled by the GM when the Item is acquired. Once it has been all used up, the Item loses its magical power and becomes mundane.

  • +1, +2, and +3 Foci: Provides a bonus on Attack and Damage rolls equal to the "+" listed when used for the Attack and Damage rolls of Spells. Also, the other Foci below may also have this effect added onto them.
  • Crytal Focus: The user may Cast the Spell Ward. 1d4 uses.
  • Druidic Totem: The user may Cast the Spell Polymorph. 1d4 uses.
  • Holy Symbol: The user may Cast the Spell Bless. 1d4 uses.
  • Occult Object: The user may Cast the Spell Bane. 1d4 uses.
  • Staff of Fireball: The user may Cast the Spell Fireball. 3d4 uses.
  • Staff of Heal: The user may Cast the Spell Heal. 3d4 uses.
  • Staff of Web: The user may Cast the Spell Web. 3d4 uses.
  • Wand of Acid Blast: The user may Cast the Spell Acid Blast. 2d4 uses.
  • Wand of Lightning Bolt: The user may Cast the Spell Lightning Bolt. 2d4 uses.
  • Wand of Magic Missiles: The user may Cast the Spell Magic Missile. 2d4 uses.
    • Focus (Any Spell): The user may Cast the imbued Spell. 1d4 uses.
    • Staff (Any Spell): The user may Cast the imbued Spell. 3d4 uses.
    • Wand (Any Spell): The user may Cast the imbued Spell. 2d4 uses.

Magic Item Randomization

When you wish to randomly award Magic Items, a simple way to do so is to roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, choose a Consumable Magic Item. On a 3, choose a Magical Accessory. On a 4, choose a Magical Armor. On a 5, choose a Magical Weapon. On a 6, choose a Staff, Wand, or other Casting Focus. Instead of choosing which Item to grant, you may also choose to roll on the d20 tables below.

  • Consumable Magic Items


+1 Ammo



+2 Ammo


+3 Ammo




Greater Firebomb


Greater Healing Potion




Greater Holy Water


Greater Poison


Potion of Cure Disease


Potion of Magic


Potion of Might


Potion of Resilience


Potion of Rest


Regenerative Rope


Potion (Any Spell)


Scroll (Any Spell)


Tome (Any Spell)

  • Magical Accessories


Aptitude (bonus equal to 1d3)



Amulet of Immunity


Bag of Holding


Boots of Leaping


Boots of Water Walking


Cloak of Camouflage


Cockatrice Charm


Crown of Light


Gauntlets of Ogre Power


Handwraps of Might (bonus equal to 1d3)


Helm of Telepathy


Medal of Courage


Ring of Spell Absorption


Ring of Elemental Resistance


Ring of Healing


Ring of Power


Ring of Protection


Scarf of Tangling


Scribe’s Spectacles

  • Magical Armor


Shield (bonus equal to 1d3)


Light Armor (bonus equal to 1d3)


Medium Armor (bonus equal to 1d3)


Heavy Armor (bonus equal to 1d3)


Armor of Toughness (Light)


Armor of Toughness (Medium)


Armor of Toughness (Heavy)


Aquatic Armor (Light)


Aquatic Armor (Medium)


Aquatic Armor (Heavy)


Climber’s Armor (Light)


Climber’s Armor (Medium)


Climber’s Armor (Heavy)


Elemental Resistance (Shield)


Elemental Resistance (Light)


Elemental Resistance (Medium)


Elemental Resistance (Heavy)


Mithril or Silvered Armor (Medium)


Mithril or Silvered Armor (Heavy)


Sentinel Shield (bonus equal to 1d4 - 1)

  • Magical Weapons


Weapon (bonus equal to 1d3)




+3 vs. Animals


+3 vs. Casters


+3 vs. Dragons


+3 vs. Dwarves


+3 vs. Elves


+3 vs. Orcs


+3 vs. Regenerative


+3 vs. Shapeshifters


+3 vs. Undead












Mithril or Silvered




Sentient (Ego equal to 1d3)

  • Staves, Wands, and Other Casting Foci


Foci (bonus equal to 1d3)




Crystal Focus


Druidic Totem


Holy Symbol


Occult Object


Focus (Any Spell)







Wand (Any Spell)





Staff (Any Spell)



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