Friday, June 17, 2022

Dungeon! - Core Spell List

Below you will find the Spell List for Dungeon!

Spells in Dungeon! are not separated by Class, Level, nor are they divided into magical domains. When you learn a Spell, you may choose any Spell.

If you find issue with the fact that a Mage can Heal and a Cleric can Cast Fireball, simply work with your GM to choose which Spells may be forbidden or unavailable to certain classes.

When it comes to Casting a Spell, all Spells require an Action to Cast, unless otherwise stated. Also, all Spells cost 1 Spell Point (SP) to Cast.

Finally, Spells in Dungeon! scale in power with the Caster’s Level. The letter "X" represents the Casters Level in the Spells below. If a Monster Casts a Spell, it uses its CR instead. In situations where "X" is divided and the outcome is not a whole number, always round down to a minimum of 1.

Spell List, A - Z

  • Acid Blast: Choose a target within Short Range. They take (1d10 + X) Acid Damage and they must roll a Save. If they succeed, the Damage they take is halved.
  • Bane: Choose (X/2) target(s) within Short Range. They must subtract 1d4 from Attack Rolls for 3 Rounds.
  • Bless: Choose (X/2) target(s) within Short Range. They may add 1d4 onto Attack Rolls for 3 Rounds.
  • Blink: The user may instantly teleport up to (X/2) Range(s) away.
  • Bookspeak: The user may touch a book and ask the book (X/2) question(s) about its contents. The user instantly learns the answer to these questions, assuming the book's contents can answer these questions.
  • Charm: Choose a target within Short Range. They must roll a Save. If they are hostile towards you, they have Advantage on this Save. If they fail, the target becomes charmed by the user for X hour(s). While charmed, they treat the user as a close friend, aiding them in whatever way they can. Once this Spell ends, the target is Immune to this Spell for 24 hours. If the target succeeds on their Save, they may become hostile.
  • Color Spray: Choose (X/2) target(s) within Close Range. They must each roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Blind (X/2). If they succeed, nothing happens.
  • Cone of Cold: Choose a target within Short Range. The user then deals (1d8 + X) Ice Damage to that target and all other targets between themselves and that target. Each target must roll a Save. If a target succeeds, the Damage they take is halved.
  • Counter Spell: When a target within Medium Range of you Casts a Spell, you may Cast this Spell out of Turn. You and the target must each roll (1d20 + X). If you roll higher, you nullify the target's Spell. If they roll higher, their Spell overpowers yours, taking effect. If you tie, the Spells collide disastrously; both Spells backfire and you both take 3d6 Force Damage.
  • Crashing Wave: The user deals (1d8 + X) Water Damage to all targets within Close Range, except themself. Each target must roll a Save. If they fail, they are pushed back to Short Range. If they succeed, the Damage they take is halved. 
  • Dark Tentacle: The user may deal (1d8 + X) Necrotic Damage to a target within Short Range. The target must roll a Save. If they fail, they become Grappled by the tentacle until the end of the Round. If they succeed, the Damage they take is halved. 
  • Detect: For the next X Dungeon Turn(s), the user can magically detect and identify magic, traps, curses, etc. within 30 feet of them.
  • Doom: Choose a target within Medium Range. For 1d4 Rounds, the target takes X Damage at the end of each Round.
  • Drain: The user may choose a target within Close Range and make an Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes (2d4 + X) Necrotic Damage and the user is Healed for half as much HP.
  • Earthquake: The user deals (1d8 + X) Earth Damage to all targets within Short Range, except for themselves. Each target must roll a Save. If a target fails, they are also knocked Prone. If a target succeeds, the Damage they take is halved.
  • Fear: Choose a target within Short Range. They must roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Afraid (X/2). If they succeed, nothing happens.
  • Fireball: The user may choose a target within Medium Range. That target and all other targets within Close Range of the original target take (1d6 + X) Fire Damage and they must each roll a Save. If a target succeeds, the Damage they take is halved.
  • Firebolt: The user may choose a target within Medium Range and make an Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes (2d8 + X) Fire Damage.
  • Fire Breath: The user deals (1d12 + X) Fire Damage to all targets within Close Range, except for themselves. Each target must roll a Save. If a target succeeds, the Damage they take is halved.
  • Grasping Vine: The user may deal (1d6 + X) Nature Damage to a target within Medium Range. The target must roll a Save. If they fail, they become Grappled by vines until the end of the Round. If they succeed, the Damage they take is halved.
  • Haste: The user may target themselves or choose an ally within Short Range. The target gains 1 extra Action for (X/2) Round(s). At the end of this time, the target gains the Stunned Affliction for the same number of Rounds.
  • Heal: The user may Heal themselves or a willing target within Close Range for (1d6 + X) HP.
  • Hemorrhage: Choose a target within Medium Range. The target must roll a Save. If they fail, they instead gain the Affliction Bleed X. If they succeed, they gain the Affliction Bleed (X/2).
  • Heroism: The user may target themselves or choose a target within Short Range. For X Round(s), the target has a +1 bonus on Attack rolls, Damage rolls, and Saves. The target is also Immune to the Afraid Affliction for the same duration.
  • Hex: Choose a target within Long Range. Then choose one of the following options; AC, Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, Skill Checks, or the Rolls of Saves. For (X/2) Rounds, the target suffers a -2 penalty to the chosen option.
  • Hilarity: The user may choose a target within Medium Range. The target must roll a Save. If they succeed, nothing happens. If they fail, the target falls Prone and suffers from maddening laughter for (X/2) Rounds. This laughter causes them to have Disadvantage on all d20 rolls. If they succeed, nothing happens.
  • Holy Weapon: The user may choose themselves or an ally within Short Range. The target's Attacks deal an additional 1d4 Radiant Damage on a hit for X Round(s).
  • Illusion: The user may choose a point within Long Range. The user may create an illusion no larger than a 10-foot cube for no longer than 5 seconds. This illusion can be auditory, visual, etc., but it may not leave the cube. All hostile creatures of a CR (or Level) less than or equal to X that can see or hear the illusion believe it to be real and gain the user's choice of the Affliction Afraid 2 or Provoked 2.
  • Invisibility: The user may target themselves or choose a target within Short Range. The target becomes completely invisible, including all their equipment, for X Dungeon Turn(s). While invisible, a target has Advantage on Stealth Skill Checks and Attack Rolls. Also, Attack Rolls against them have Disadvantage. However, this Spell will end early if the target Attacks or Casts a Spell.
  • Jump: The user may target themselves or choose a target within Short Range. For X hour(s), the target has Advantage on Skill Checks attempted to jump or climb, and they may automatically leap up to 10 feet vertically and 20 feet horizontally.
  • Light: Choose an object or creature within Short Range. For X hour(s), the target glows like a bright torch, providing light at Short Range.
  • Lightning Bolt: Choose a target within Long Range. The user then deals (1d4 + X) Shock Damage to that target and all other targets between themselves and that target. Each target must roll a Save. If a target succeeds, the Damage they take is halved.
  • Lorespeak: The user may touch an artifact or other object and ask the object (X/2) question(s) about its history. The user instantly learns the answer to these questions, assuming the object's history can answer these questions.
  • Magic Arrow: The user prepares a special piece of magical Ammo. The next Ranged Attack Roll they attempt is replaced with an option of their choice from the list below.
    • Fire Arrow: The user may choose a target within Long Range and attempt an Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes (1d6 + X) Fire Damage. All other targets within Close Range of the original take half as much Damage.
    • Ice Arrow: The user may choose a target within Long Range and attempt an Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes (1d8 + X) Damage and gains the Affliction Crippled 2.
    • Lightning Arrow: The user may choose a target within Long Range. That target and all other targets between the user and the initial target must roll a Save. On a failure, a target takes X Shock Damage. On a success, they take half as much Damage.
    • Seeker Arrow: The user may choose a target within Long Range. The arrow seeks the target out and hits automatically, dealing (1d4 + X) Force Damage.
  • Magic Lock: You may magically lock a door, window, chest, or other object that may be opened or closed. This lock will last for X year(s), or until you dismiss it. Alternatively, this Spell may be used to unlock a magically locked object. If the Caster of the magical lock was your Level or lower, you dismiss their lock with ease. If the Caster was higher than your Level, you must succeed on a Save to dismiss it. Finally, this lock does not make the object indestructible. A magically locked door may still be kicked down, and a window shattered.
  • Magic Missile: The user creates X magical dart(s). They may then instantly send each dart to any target within Medium Range. These darts hit automatically, but each dart only deals 1d4 Force Damage. This Damage cannot be increased in any way.
  • Mirror Image: The user creates 3 illusory copies of themselves which follow them around the battlefield, closely mimicking their actions. These copies may last for up to X Round(s). If the user is Attacked or targeted by a Spell during this time, the GM rolls 1d4. If the value rolled is higher than the current number of illusory copies, the Attack/Spell hits the user as normal. If the value rolled is less than or equal to the current number of copies, the Attack/Spell hits the copy, destroying it and therefore reducing the current number of copies. Finally, this Spell will end early if all 3 illusory copies are destroyed.
  • Phantasm: The user may choose a target within Long Range. The user may create an illusory attack or hazard no larger than a 10-foot cube for no longer than 5 seconds. This illusion can be auditory, visual, etc., but it may not leave the cube. The user then deals (1d12 + X) Psychic Damage the initial target and all other targets within Close Range of that target. Each target must roll a Save. If a target succeeds, the Damage they take is halved and they do not fall for the illusion.
  • Poison Gas: The user may choose a target within Medium Range. That target and all other targets within Close Range of the original target must each roll a Save. If a target fails, they gain the Affliction Poisoned X. If they succeed, nothing happens.
  • Polymorph: The user may choose a target within Short Range. That target must roll a Save. If they fail, the Caster may transform the target into a harmless 1 HP creature, such as a mouse or a house cat, for up to (X/2) Rounds. While in this form, the target cannot use any special Abilities they have, nor can they Attack or use Spell Points. They may only Move, and they may only do so once per Round. Also, this form only has an AC of 10 and has a Save of 15. If the target is reduced to 0 HP while in this form, they instantly revert back to their original form and any excess Damage is applied to their original form's HP. If they succeed, nothing happens.
  • Push: Choose a target within Short Range. The target takes (1d6 + X) Force Damage and must roll a Save. If they fail, they are pushed back 1 Range. If they succeed, the Damage they take is halved.
  • Ray of Enfeeblement: The user may choose a target within Long Range and make an Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes (2d6 + X) Necrotic Damage and gains the Affliction Enfeebled 2.
  • Ray of Frost: The user may choose a target within Long Range and make an Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes (2d6 + X) Ice Damage and gains the Affliction Crippled 2.
  • Reduce Affliction: The user may target themselves or an ally within Close Range. The user then chooses one Affliction the target has and reduces the value of that Affliction by (X/2).
  • Revitalize: Choose X targets within Close Range. You Heal each target for 1d4 HP and you remove Exhaustion from each target.
  • Revive: The user may choose a dead target within Close Range. If they have died within the last minute, they are brought back to life and regain X HP. If the target has been dead longer than 1 minute, this Spell fails.
  • Shackle: Choose a target within Medium Range. The target must roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Crippled X and they become Grappled by magical shackles until the end of the Round. If they succeed, they instead gain the Affliction Crippled (X/2).
  • Shatter: The user may choose a target within Medium Range. The target takes (1d8 + X) Sound Damage and they must roll a Save. If they succeed, the Damage they take is halved.
  • Shocking Grasp: The user may choose a target within Close Range and make an Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes (2d10 + X) Shock Damage.
  • Sleep: The user may choose a target within Medium Range. The target must roll a Save. If they fail, they fall Prone and fall asleep for X Round(s), or until they take Damage. An ally within Close Range may use an Action to wake up a sleeping target. Finally, Melee Attacks against sleeping targets are Critical Hits.
  • Speak With Dead: Choose a corpse within Close Range. You call forth the spirit of the corpse to question it. If the spirit is unwilling, this Spell fails. If the spirit is willing, the user may ask the spirit (X/2) questions. The spirit will answer to the best of its ability, and it must answer truthfully. If the spirit does not know the answer, it may simply respond as such. Once the last question has been asked, or once 10 minutes have passed, the spirit vanishes, and the corpse becomes a pile of ash.
  • Sting: The user may choose a target within Medium Range and attempt an Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes (2d4 + X) Poison Damage and must roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Poisoned 2. If the target succeeds, nothing further occurs.
  • Stun: Choose a target within Short Range. They must roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Stunned (X/2). If the target succeeds, nothing happens.
  • Swift Quiver: For X Rounds, the user may ignore the Load Attribute of any Weapons they use, instantly Loading Ammo for each Attack Roll they attempt. If they are using a Ranged Weapon that lacks the Load Attribute, they may instead attempt 1 additional Attack with that Weapon each Round as a Free Action, but the Attack Roll always has Disadvantage.
  • Thorns: The user becomes covered in sharp thorns for X Rounds. Targets that attempt Melee Attacks against the user take 1d4 Damage, hit or miss.
  • Tongues: For the next hour, the user becomes fluent in X languages of their choice. You may choose any language you have ever seen or heard, even if you do not know its name.
  • Ward: The user may magically protect themselves or an ally within Short Range, granting them +2 AC for X Rounds.
  • Web: The user may choose a target within Medium Range. That target and all other targets within Close Range of them must roll a Save. If a target fails, they are Grappled by webs for up to X Round(s), or until they break the Grapple. If a target succeeds, they are unaffected.
  • Whirlwind: The user deals (1d4 + X) Wind Damage to all targets within Short Range, except themself. Each target must roll a Save. If they fail, they are pulled into Close Range. If they succeed, the Damage they take is halved.
  • Zap: Choose a target within Short Range. They must roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Paralyzed (X/5). If they succeed, nothing happens.

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