Friday, July 22, 2022

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Pact-Keeper

The Pact-Keeper

HP: +1d6 each Level, minimum of +3

AC: +1 each 2nd Level

AB: +1 each Level

Save: -1 each Level

Skills: +1 Skill Pip each Level

At 1st Level, you make a pact with an occult patron, eldritch being, or some otherworldly creature. This pact grants you 1 Spell Point (SP). You may use 1 Spell Point to petition your patron, allowing you to Cast any Spell. Finally, you regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest.

At 2nd Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 3rd Level, your patron grants you further magical power. Choose the option below that best fits your chosen patron.

  • Angel: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Bless or Heal without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Demon: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Bane or Drain without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Dragon: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Fear or Fire Breath without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Eldritch: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Dark Tentacle or Phantasm without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Fairy: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Charm or Hilarity without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Giant: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Earthquake or Ward without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Nature Spirit: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Grasping Vine or Thorns without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Spider Queen: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Sting or Web without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.

At 4th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 5th Level, your patron grants you power in combat. Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 7th Level, your patron empowers you even further. You gain the option below that matches the option you chose at 3rd Level.

  • Angel: You have been chosen by the gods above. When you would die, you may use this ability to remain at 1 HP instead. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Long Rest before you may use it again.
  • Demon: Your skin has hellish resilience. When you take Damage, you take -2 Damage. You take at least 1 Damage.
  • Dragon: You may fly short distances, growing draconic wings when you do so. You may fly for up to 10 minutes per Long Rest.
  • Eldritch: Your gaze is unsettling. You have Advantage on Skill Checks to cause the Afraid Affliction or intimidate others. Also, you cause 1 additional stage of the Afraid Affliction each time you cause it.
  • Fairy: Your mind is immune to magical trickery. You are Immune to the Spells Charm, Hilarity, Illusion, Phantasm, and Sleep.
  • Giant: You may occasionally grow in size and strength. For 1 minute, you may double in size, gaining Advantage on Skill Checks relating to physical strength and gaining Advantage on Damage rolls. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Nature Spirit: Your body regrows like a plant. Whenever you are Healed, you gain an additional 2d4 Healing.
  • Spider Queen: You are Immune to the Poisoned Affliction, and you may climb walls and ceilings like a spider.

At 8th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 9th Level, your patron aids your combat further. Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 10th Level, you have become a devout follower of your patron. Your patron offers you a choice; you may either construct an Altar to be used by yourself and other Pact-Keepers or become a Vessel of your patron. Details for both options are below.

  • Altar: You are sought out by 1d6 + 10 1st Level Pact-Keepers who follow your same patron. They will build the Altar in a valid location over the course of 25 days. Once completed, you will lead rituals at this Altar and these Pact-Keepers will follow your commands, as long as they do not violate your patron. Once up and running, you may perform ritual sacrifices at the Altar, with each ritual being considered a standard Downtime activity. Your patron blesses you with a certain benefit depending on the type of sacrifice performed:
    • Blood Sacrifice: You may decrease your Maximum HP by 10 for 24 hours. For the same amount of time, your Maximum Spell Points are increased by 5.
    • Human Sacrifice: If you ritualistically kill a sentient creature, you gain 6d6 Gold.
    • Sacrificial Tithe: For every 1 Gold of value sacrificed, you may fully Heal yourself or a nearby target.
  • Vessel: You may occasionally become a Vessel for your patron. As an Action, you may begin to channel your patron. For the next minute, you take -5 Damage (you take at least 1 Damage), you deal +5 Damage, and you provide +5 Healing. Additionally, you cannot die during this time. You can still be reduced to 0 HP, but you will remain alive and continue to fight. If you are still at 0 HP when the minute ends, you will then die as normal. Once you have used this ability, you must finish 5 Long Rests before you may use it again.

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