Thursday, June 30, 2022

[MECHANICS] Dungeon! - Simple Mass Combat

Simple Mass Combat

Large-scale battles should never be fully played out with each individual unit having a full Turn. Instead, choose which units are important, likely the party of player characters and an enemy party of important NPCs. These units have Turns as normal, but they are not always in combat. Instead, treat the battlefield like a dungeoncrawl, with zones instead of rooms. Certain zones will be impassible or compromised due to the enemy's control or the clashing of ally and enemy foot soldiers, while other zones may contain battlefield events such as finding a wounded soldier or running into enemies.

"Dungeon" Turns

Continuing to treat the battlefield like a dungeon, Dungeon Turns should occur every 10 minutes. The Encounter Die should be rolled just like in a dungeon. This keeps an element of danger and randomness on the battlefield, even if they Party is trying to avoid direct combat.

Unit Strength

Standard soldiers are only worth 1 "unit" when it comes to large-scale combat. However, other creatures, effects, or mechanisms may be worth more than a single soldier is. Your GM may opt to use the examples below to add onto the relative strength of either side of large-scale combat.

  • Advantageous Terrain: Worth 20 units.
  • Cavalry Soldier: Worth 5 units.
  • Monster, Dragon, etc.: Worth units equal to its CR.
  • Siege Engine, Catapult, etc.: Worth 10 units.
  • Stronghold, Defensive Walls, etc.: Worth 30 units.

Attrition Rolls and Unit Damage

Attrition Rolls are how two opposing sides of a mass combat reduce the units of one another. At the end of each Dungeon Turn, the GM rolls 1d100 for each side of the conflict. They add the total units of each side onto their respective rolls and compare the totals. The side with the higher total deals 1d20 units of Damage to the opposing side. In the case of a tie, both sides take 1d20 units of Damage. The GM determines which units are specifically affected. Generally speaking, lower value units should be removed first while higher value units, such as Monsters or Siege Engines, should go later.

Party Impact

As a mass combat wages on, the Players will likely find themselves in scuffles with opposing units. While these can be run as individual combats, the GM may also allow Players to fight at a larger scale for the sake of efficiency. For example, a combat between a 5th Level Party versus a handful of 1 CR soldiers might not be very interesting, but a combat between the same Party and a Siege Ogre might be worth fully playing out.

If playing out a combat fully, nothing really changes. The main thing to note is that if the Party defeats the opposing units, that side of the mass combat loses those units on future Attrition Rolls.

If not fully playing out a combat use the procedure below;

1. The Party automatically wins Initiative and declares/describes their Actions (i.e., "I will move up to the soldiers, use my Action to Attack, and finally use my Free Action Attack.")

2. The GM declares potential retaliatory Actions (i.e., "The soldiers will attempt their own Attack in response, if they survive.")

3. Resolve declared Actions (See Below)

4. Repeat. 

To resolve declared Actions, combat is simplified. All Attacks hit automatically, bypassing the need for Attack Rolls. Instead, Damage is rolled immediately, but the total Damage dealt is divided by 5. This converts the Damage dealt directly into Unit Damage. If the Unit Damage dealt by all Players meets or exceeds the total units of the Encounter, the combat ends there. Otherwise, the opposing units will have a chance to retaliate.

If they retaliate, opposing units will Attack all Characters that Attacked them, hitting automatically. The Damage they deal is equal to their remaining value of units.

Finally, Spells use the same general rules above. Attack Roll Spells hit automatically while Spells that require a Save will always land with full effect. Spells with the power to incapacitate targets (such as Sleep or Zap) may effectively destroy a single targeted unit instantly.

Ending Mass Combats

There are a few ways large-scale battles can end. As mentioned above, it is likely that a battle will end with one side retreating. Unless this battle is the all-or-nothing last battle of a war, it is unlikely that every single unit will fight to the death. Once one side retreats, the battle ends.

Another reason to consider retreat is because of the threat of Capture. When an Attrition Roll is made, one side may attempt to capture the other side's remaining units. This can only be attempted if the targeted side has lost over half of their units, and if the Capturing side outnumbers the targeted side by double the number of units or more. If a Capture is attempted, half of the targeted side's remaining units become captured and the other half are forced to flee, ending the battle.

Finally, be it through the Encounter Die on a Dungeon Turn or by reaching a specific zone of the battlefield, facing off against the enemy party can have a great impact on the battle. If the enemy party flees or is defeated, the enemy army will retreat, ending the battle.

[MECHANICS] Dungeon! - Dungeoncrawling


This post is kind of "the name of the game" so to speak. If you want procedural rules to adventure through dungeons in a random way, this is the post for you.

Dungeoncrawling is very simple. The GM should have an idea of what the dungeon should be like. This could be a loose idea they can improvise off of, or a fully mapped out dungeon with multiple floors and many rooms. In the case your GM has neither, they can refer to one of the many free random dungeon generators found online. A few can be seen below.

Dungeon Encounters

As the party traverses a dungeon, the GM may have predetermined encounters placed in specific locations, or they may opt to use the Encounter Die, similar to a Hex Crawl. This more random approach is what I recommend. This does include the extra work of making an encounter list or encounter table, but it is worth the 5 minutes of prep that will take.

If using the Encounter Die, the GM should roll 1d6 each time the party enters a new room or important location within the Dungeon. On a 1, the GM chooses an Encounter from their list or rolls on their table. On a 6, there is a different outcome. Usually, I recommend treating a 6 as a change in momentum. If the party has already faced many hardships in the dungeon, a 6 could be some good luck, such as finding treasure or a pool of healing waters. On the other side of things, a 6 could turn a cakewalk of a dungeoncrawl into a deadly combat with a tough monster.

Dungeon Turns

Finally, Dungeon Turns are an important mechanic regardless of if you use random or pre-generated dungeons. Every 10 minutes that pass within the dungeon, the GM should take a Dungeon Turn. Additionally, you may time these 10 minutes in the real world on your phone or some other timer. I prefer using a real-world timer, as it breaks up the monotony and discourages players from wasting time or slacking off.

When a Dungeon Turn occurs, the GM and players each have a couple of tasks to quickly cover. Players should account for Torches that may finish burning, Spells that may end, etc. The GM should account for any NPCs or Wandering Monsters that may also be traversing the Dungeon. The GM should also roll the Encounter Die during this time. On a 1, a Wandering Monster comes across the party, or the party comes across a trap, etc. This keeps the game moving by applying pressure, big or small, on the party. On a 6, it is recommended that the GM treat it as a change in momentum, as described earlier in this post.

*Darkness and Light (Rules Reminder)

In Dungeon!, darkness a dangerous aspect of adventuring and makes sources of light important tools.

While in darkness, a Character has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Saves. This does not apply to Monsters, unless the GM rules that the Monster would be impeded by the lack of light. For example, a Wolf would not be impeded, but a Bandit would be.

The 5-Room Dungeon

As a quick note, consider looking up "The 5-Room Dungeon." This pdf by Roleplaying Tips outlines the idea well. I personally do not use this idea very often, as I feel overuse of the concept makes dungeons incredibly predictable and same-y. However, it is a great introduction to creating dungeons from scratch, especially if you are a new GM. Use the outline of The 5-Room Dungeon as a jumping off point but be careful to not rely on it or overuse it.

[MECHANICS] Dungeon! - Wilderness Travel, Hex Crawls, and Point Crawls

Wilderness Travel in Dungeon!

To simulate travel, Dungeon! highly suggests that you use a hex crawl, or at least a point crawl. There is a common belief that travel in TTRPG's is boring. If your travel is boring, that likely means you are doing it wrong. Travel shouldn't be a 3-paragraph passage where the GM talks about the lore of the world, why the mountains are a certain shape, or how cold out it is. Why? Because most people find it boring.

Travel segments also shouldn't be railroaded sections of the game where player characters must move from point A to point B and encounter X, Y, and Z things that the GM has set up. Why? Because most people find it boring.

So, what should travel be?

Simply put, travel should be unpredictable. One day could be calm and eventless, only taking 1 minute or so to fully play out. The next day could be a dangerous encounter with a magical beast from which the party barely escapes alive. Now that's exciting. The mechanics below detail how to accomplish dangerous and exciting wilderness travel. If you still wish to hand-waive travel, that is your and your players' loss.

Hex Crawls

When designing a Hex Crawl, there are a few steps. Firstly, find or create a map. Below are a few free resources to aide in doing so.

Personally, I like to draw my maps by hand and then import them to a program like Gimp, where I can use overlays to create my hexes.

Also, remember that each hex is effectively a 5-mile (or 8 kilometer) radius. 5 miles is quite a big area. Many things can be present in a single hex.

Once you have your map, you may then begin to place important locations, objectives, etc. on the map. Don't worry about fleshing out each individual settlement or dungeon. Just have a rough idea that you can expand upon once the party decides to travel there. The beauty of not handwaving travel is that travel takes time. This gives you, the GM, time to prepare things while the players still get to go on fun adventures.

Your map will slowly fill out more over time, and that's ok. Not everything should be set in stone from Session 0 anyway.


Once content with your map and its features, you may proceed to the final step: random encounter tables. Regardless of if you like random encounters or not, you should read this step. You should still prep a list of encounters to fall back on, both combat and non-combat, so that the players have something to do during travel. If you do like random encounters, simply create your list in a numbered format, likely on a d20 table or d100 table. Once you have used an encounter on the table, you should consider replacing it. Some encounters might make sense to occur multiple times, while others will not. Use your best judgement for your campaign.


With the core of your Hex Crawl created, you should consider a few additional steps. Creating a calendar for your campaign may seem excessive, but it is truly both easy to do and pricelessly valuable. I recommend using one of the free options below to help you create it.


A final extra step should include making a Weather Table. You may choose to roll in advance for each day on your calendar, or you may simply roll each new day. You may use a Weather Flower, like this one by Goblin's Henchman, or simply use the weighted table I like to use as shown below. My table is not as realistic as a Weather Flower, but my players have never noticed a difference.
Step 1. Roll 2d4 to determine type of Weather present in the party's current hex. The outcome will work in almost every environment or season but will likely change in description and flavor. 
2. Extreme Precipitation (Moving to a new Hex costs 1 additional Movement Point)
3. Precipitation
4. Cloudy
5. Scattered cloud cover
6. No cloud cover
7. Sunny/Windy
8. Extreme Heat/Extreme Winds (Moving to a new Hex costs 1 additional Movement Point) 
Step 2. Roll 1d4 to determine the size of the Weather System, if applicable (i.e., rainstorms, snowstorms, clouds, etc.). On a 1, it is confined to that hex. On a 2, it is 2 hexes thick, etc. Then roll 1d6 to determine the direction the Weather System is moving, with 1 being north, 2 being northeast, 3 being southeast, etc. For each Movement Point the party uses (or for every 2 hours that pass), the Weather System moves 1 hex in that direction, possibly moving with the party.

Movement Points and the Encounter Die

Finally, as you may have guessed based on the Weather Table above, you must learn the mechanics of a Hex Crawl such as Movement Points and the Encounter Die. After finishing a Long Rest, the party gains 5 Movement Points. These Movement Points can be used to traverse hexes. There are 3 general types of hexes, which can be seen below.
  • Normal (1 MP. Common. Includes things like grassy fields, open roads, etc.)
  • Rough (2 MP. Somewhat common. Includes things like hills, forests, deserts, etc.)
  • Near Impassible (3 MP. Rare. Includes things like mountains, crags, rivers, etc.)
The GM should decide what biomes (or what color or number of each type of hex) constitute each type of hex. Normal hexes only cost 1 Movement Point to traverse, while Rough hexes cost 2 Movement Points and Near Impassible hexes cost 3. For each Movement Point used, 2 hours of time passes. If a party does not have enough Movement Points to traverse a hex, they may either stop traveling for the day or they may Push Themselves. If they Push Themselves, they become Exhausted, gaining Disadvantage on all d20 rolls, all Skill Checks, and being limited to 3 Movement Points per Long Rest instead of 5. After finishing a Long Rest, an Exhausted Character may Save to recover.

As for the Encounter Die, the GM rolls 1d6 each time the party traverses a hex. On a 1, there is an encounter. If the GM is using random encounter tables, they will then roll for a random encounter. If the GM is not using random encounters, they will simply choose an encounter from their encounter list. GMs should also not be afraid to improvise new encounters depending on the terrain or other situational effects. If a 6 is rolled on the Encounter Die, there is instead a different challenge. The GM may feel free to make this anything they can think of, but a great fallback is either a Lost Check or a Skill Challenge.

For a Lost Check, one party member must roll a Survival Skill Check. If the party member succeeds, the party continues as normal. If the party member fails, however, the GM moves the players back to the previous hex and rolls another 1d6, where 1 is north, 2 is northeast, 3 is southeast, etc. The party is then moved in the rolled direction instead of their originally intended direction. This movement consumes Movement Points equal to the hex they end up in, not the originally intended hex.

For a Skill Challenge, the GM thinks up a situation where the party must use Skill Checks to bypass an obstacle or escape peril. This could be anything from crossing a frozen creek to evading a landslide to simply trying to persuade a Troll to let them cross a bridge. The players then roll 1 Skill Check each. They may be creative with how they use their Skills to potentially solve the problem, but the GM must approve these attempts. Once a character has attempted a certain Skill, pass or fail, they cannot use that Skill again this Skill Challenge. Once the group reaches a certain number of successes or failures, or once the group has logically solved the problem via their Skill Checks and the GM's discretion, the Skill Challenge ends in either success or failure. The GM may decide the rewards or consequences of a successful or failed Skill Challenge. Some good example rewards are +1 Movement Point or some treasure, while some good example consequences could be -1 Movement Point or that each party member becomes Exhausted, as detailed in the Movement Points section.

Secret Locations

If you place secret locations on your hex map, you must make a couple of choices. You may either choose that the players automatically find these locations by traversing that hex, or you may choose that they must encounter it. From there, you have one final choice. If the party traverses a hex with a secret location, you may have the party find that location if the encounter die comes up as a 1, instead of using your encounter table. Alternatively, you may decide that secret locations are so well hidden that the party must Search the Hex to find them. Searching the Hex takes Movement Points equal to the hex's normal cost, and the party does not leave the hex. Additionally, it guarantees an encounter on the Encounter Die, or the discovery of a secret location.

Point Crawls

When designing a Point Crawl, you are effectively designing a Hex Crawl with more restrictions and less structure. Simply find or draw a map of the region, labeling details and adding locations as you see fit. You should then create paths between details and locations, deciding how many Movement Points are required to fully travel one direction along that path.

From there, a Point Crawl basically becomes a Hex Crawl. For each Movement Point used, roll the Encounter Die. For each new day, roll for Weather. A calendar is still very useful even in a Point Crawl. Almost all the mechanics of a Hex Crawl (except for Lost Checks) are still used, simply the map looks different and functions a little differently.

The Average Adventuring Day

With all of these details in mind, the average adventuring day out in the wilderness, whether you are playing a hex crawl or a point crawl, should be similar to the adventuring day outlined below. It does not have to be as exact or even follow the same patterns or times, but the breakdown below provides a realistic schedule to follow.

Midnight to 6 AM: Long Resting

6 AM to 7 AM: Breakfast/Preparations

7 AM to 11 AM2 Movement Points

11 AM to Noon: Lunch/Short Rest

Noon to 6 PM3 Movement Points

6 PM to 10 PMDinner/Downtime

10 PM to MidnightLong Resting

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Ranger

Dwarf: *doesn't want pig*
Party: *gets pig anyway*
Dwarf and the pig:

The Ranger

HP: +1d8 each Level, minimum of +4

AC: +1 each 2nd Level

AB: +1 each Level

Save: -1 each Level

Skills: +2 Skill Pips each Level

At 1st Level, you have trained to track and hunt certain creatures. At the beginning of your Turn, you may choose to Mark a target within Long Range. The target will remain Marked for a number of hours equal to your Ranger Level or until you use this Ability on a new target. For the duration, you have Advantage on any Skill Checks you make in order to track or hunt the target (such as a Survival Skill Check to notice tracks or a Stealth Skill Check to sneak up on the target) and you deal +1 Damage to the target. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again. Finally, you may use 1 Spell Point to use this Ability again even if you haven't finished a Short Rest yet.

At 2nd Level, your experience with nature has granted you the ability to Cast Spells. You learn 2 Spells and you gain 2 Spell Points (SP). Using 1 Spell Point, you may cast any Spell you know. You regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest. Finally, you deal an extra +1 Damage to Marked targets.

At 3rd Level, you begin to track and hunt your prey in a specialized way. You may choose one of the options below.

  • Archer: When you use your 1st Level Ability to Mark a target, you may Mark 2 targets instead of only 1.
  • Beast Master: You form a kindred connection with animals. Animals will not harm you unless you harm them, and you gain the ability to communicate with animals; You may speak with and understand them as if you shared a common language.
  • Forager: You may automatically gather 1d4 Rations worth of fresh food once per Long Rest, assuming the surrounding terrain can reasonably provide it. Additionally, you have developed a knack for herbalism. You and your allies gain 1 additional Healing after Short Rests and 1d4 additional Healing after Long Rests. Healed targets also recover from Exhaustion.
  • Hunter: You deal an additional 1d4 Damage to Marked targets.
  • Wildman: Your Unarmed Attacks now deal 1d8 Damage instead of only 1d4 Damage. Also, you gain +2 AC.

At 4th Level, you learn 1 additional Spell and gain 1 additional Spell Point. Finally, you deal an extra +1 Damage to Marked targets.

At 5th Level, your specialized path teaches you a new combat tactic. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.

  • Archer: As an Action, you may use a Ranged or Thrown Weapon to launch a volley of Attacks, ignoring the Load attribute. Choose a target within Medium Range. That target and all other targets within Close Range of them take 3d4 Damage. You must use 1 piece of Ammo or 1 Thrown Weapon for each target.
  • Beast Master: You gain the service of a Companion. Your Companion takes on any appearance you choose, but its Stats remain the same regardless of appearance. Its Stats can be seen at the end of this post, and its Stats improve with your Ranger Level. In Combat, your Companion will always take its Turn during your Turn, as you must give it commands. Finally, your Companion benefits from your Damage bonus against Marked targets.
  • Forager: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.
  • Hunter: When you Attack, you may deal an additional 2d10 Damage on a hit. You may only use this Ability once per Round.
  • Wildman: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, you learn 1 additional Spell and gain 1 additional Spell Point. Finally, you deal an extra +1 Damage to Marked targets.

At 7th Level, you learn additional tactics from your path. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.

  • Archer: When you use your 1st Level Ability to Mark a target, you may Mark 3 targets instead of only 2.
  • Beast Master: Your Companion gains Advantage on 3 Skills of your choice.
  • Forager: The additional Healing you and your allies gain from Short Rests increases to 1d4. The additional Healing gained from Long Rests increases to a value equal to your Ranger Level.
  • Hunter: While you have a Marked target, you have Advantage on Saves.
  • Wildman: Your Unarmed Attacks now deal 1d10 Damage instead of only 1d8 Damage. Additionally, your primal senses prevent you from being Flanked.

At 8th Level, you learn 1 additional Spell and gain 1 additional Spell Point. Finally, you deal an extra +1 Damage to Marked targets.

At 9th Level, your specialized path has concluded. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.

  • Archer: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.
  • Beast Master: Once per Round and on your Turn, either you or your Companion may attempt a single Weapon/Unarmed Attack as a Free Action.
  • Forager: Once per Round, you may reroll an Attack Roll, Damage Roll, or Save you attempt.
  • Hunter: Once per Round, you may reroll an Attack Roll, Damage Roll, or Save you attempt.
  • Wildman: Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 10th Level, your skills as a Ranger are spoken of at many a tavern. A group of 1d6 + 10 1st Level Rangers reach out to you and offer to aide you; you may either create a Hunter's Guild or establish a Sanctuary. Details for both options are below.

  • Hunter's Guild: The group of Rangers will build your Hunter's Guild in a valid location over the course of 50 days. Once completed, you will control the Guild and its goals. Once up and running, your Hunter's Guild will generate 3d6 Gold per day. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your Guild in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • Sanctuary: The group of Rangers will find a valid nearby location to protect as a Sanctuary. The Sanctuary will be a 5-mile radius (or single hex) of wilderness that you and the other Rangers seek to protect. The Sanctuary takes no time to build, but it does not generate income. Instead, it generates 1d4 random Consumable Items per day. Additionally, there is almost always something to do in the Sanctuary, such as a monster to slay, poachers to chase off, or treasure to hunt for.

HP: 25 --- (+5 HP for every Ranger Level above 5th)
AC: 15 --- (+1 AC for every Ranger Level above 5th)
AB: +5 --- (+1 AB for every Ranger Level above 5th)
Damage: 1d6 + 5, only attacks once --- (+1 Damage for every Ranger Level above 5th)
Special: Servitude (Your Companion can be reduced to 0 HP, but it never truly dies. Once reduced to 0 HP, it crumbles to ash. Over the course of a Short or Long Rest, you may resummon your Companion at 1 HP using 1 Spell Point.)
Save: 13 --- (-1 Save at Ranger Levels 6th, 8th, and 10th)
Skills: Agility (2-in-6), Strength (2-in-6) --- (+1 Skill Pip at Ranger Levels 6th, 8th, and 10th)

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Paladin

The Paladin

HP: +1d10 each Level, minimum of +5

AC: +1 each Level

AB: +1 each Level

Save: -1 each 2nd Level

Skills: +1 Skill Pip each Level

At 1st Level, you devote yourself to a sacred oath. Work with your GM to decide what tenets and anathema your oath may have. Generally, a simple oath to remain Good or Lawful will do the trick. Additionally, you may Smite those who stand against your oath. Choose an Elemental Damage type. When you deal Damage to a target, you may use this Ability to deal an additional 1d4 Damage of the chosen type. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again. Finally, you may use 1 Spell Point to use this Ability again even if you haven't finished a Short Rest yet.

At 2nd Level, your devotion has granted you the ability to Cast Spells. You learn 2 Spells and you gain 2 Spell Points (SP). Using 1 Spell Point, you may cast any Spell you know. You regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest. Finally, your 1st Level Smite Ability now deals 1d6 Damage instead of only 1d4 Damage.

At 3rd Level, your devotion grows stronger and modifies your oath. You may choose one of the options below.

  • Crusader: Your 1st Level Smite Ability may now be used once per combat instead of only once per Short Rest. You may still use it multiple times per combat at the cost of Spell Points.
  • Healer: As an Action, you may use 1 or more Spell Points to Heal yourself or an ally within Close Range. The Healing provided is equal to (10 x the Spell Points used).
  • Protector: Once per Round, you may reduce the Damage an ally in Close Range takes by 1d6. They take at least 1 Damage.
  • Warder: Whenever you use a Spell Point, you may also provide yourself or an ally within Short Range with a protective ward. The ward has 5 HP and will take Damage for its target prior to their HP taking Damage. The ward will last until it has been reduced to 0 HP, or until 1 minute has passed. When the ward is reduced to 0 HP, any excess Damage is applied to the intended target as normal.

At 4th Level, you learn 1 additional Spell and gain 1 additional Spell Point. Finally, your 1st Level Smite Ability now deals 1d8 Damage instead of only 1d6 Damage.

At 5th Level, your devotion has bolstered your combat. Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, you learn 1 additional Spell and gain 1 additional Spell Point. Finally, your 1st Level Smite Ability now deals 1d10 Damage instead of only 1d8 Damage.

At 7th Level, your oath has become fully realized. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.

  • Crusader: When you successfully use your 1st Level Smite Ability, you are Healed for 1d4 HP.
  • Healer: When you provide Healing to a target, you may reduce the value of a single Affliction they have by 2.
  • Protector: Once per Round, you may reduce the Damage an ally in Close Range takes by 2d6, instead of 1d6. They take at least 1 Damage.
  • Warder: Targets of your wards have Advantage on Saves while the ward is in effect.

At 8th Level, you learn 1 additional Spell and gain 1 additional Spell Point. Finally, your 1st Level Smite Ability now deals 1d12 Damage instead of only 1d10 Damage.

At 9th Level, your oath magnifies your combat. Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 10th Level, your devotion is praised by aspiring Paladins and experienced Paladins alike. A local noble reaches out to you and offers you a choice; you may either create your own Enforcer's Guild or ascend to Royalty. Details for both options are below.

  • Enforcer's Guild: The noble hires 1d10 + 30 1st Level Paladins to join the ranks of your new Enforcer's Guild. They will build your Enforcer's Guild in a valid location over the course of 50 days. Once completed, you will control the Guild and its goals. Once up and running, your Enforcer's Guild will generate 3d6 Gold per day, likely via fines and bail postings. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your Guild in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • Royalty: The noble puts in a good word with local royalty and arranges you into a royal marriage. The marriage will occur within 50 days. Once married, you will receive 5d6 Gold per day from your new royal in-laws and you will be gifted a home to live in with your new spouse at the nearest royal castle, stronghold, city, etc. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your home in half the normal time due to its accommodations.

[NEW SPELLS] Dungeon! - New Spells 6/29/22

Below is a list of new Spells I have added to Dungeon! Details for these Spells may be found on the Core Spell List.

  • Counter Spell
  • Crashing Wave
  • Grasping Vine
  • Magic Arrow
  • Polymorph
  • Sting
  • Swift Quiver
  • Thorns
  • Web

Sunday, June 26, 2022

[MONSTERS] Dungeon! - Forest Monsters

Forest Monsters

Below is a list of Monsters that may be found in a forest or forest-like biome. The template for creating monsters is also below for reference.

Monster Template

  • Desired CR = X
  • HP: X * 5
  • AC: 10 + X (Maximum of 25)
  • AB: X (Maximum of +20)
  • Damage: 1d6 + X
    • Note: Monsters of CR 5+ may attempt 1 Attack as a Free Action each Turn. Monsters of CR 9+ may attempt 2 Attacks as Free Actions each Turn.
  • Special: Give the Monster 1 to 5 special Abilities or special attributes, such as resistance to Fire Damage or the Ability to Cast Spells. If a Monster can Cast Spells, it may have a maximum number of Spell Points and a maximum number of know a number of Spells equal to X/2 (with a Maximum of 5). In terms of Spell's scaling, Monsters substitute their CR in place of Level.
  • Save: 15 - (X/2) (Minimum of 5)
  • Skills: X/2 Skill Pips may be applied (all Skills start as 1-in-6)
  • Ant (Giant, Soldier) - 4 CR
    • HP: 20
    • AC: 14
    • AB: +4
    • Damage: 1d6 + 4
    • Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Carapace (Takes 1 less Damage each time it takes Damage. It will always take at least 1 Damage.); Venom (Once per combat, can cause the Affliction Poisoned 2 on a hit)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Strength (3-in-6)
  • Ant (Giant, Worker) - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Venom (Once per combat, can cause the Affliction Poisoned 1 on a hit)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Strength (2-in-6)

  • Ant (Giant, Queen) - 6 CR
    • HP: 30
    • AC: 16
    • AB: +6
    • Damage: 1d6 + 6, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Carapace (Takes 1 less Damage each time it takes Damage. It will always take at least 1 Damage.); Venom (Once per combat, can cause the Affliction Poisoned 3 on a hit)
    • Save: 12
    • Skills: Strength (4-in-6)
  • Bandit - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Backstab (Can deal an extra 1d6 Damage once per combat)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Thievery (2-in-6)

  • Bandit Captain - 4 CR
    • HP: 20
    • AC: 14
    • AB: +4
    • Damage: 1d6 + 4
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Backstab (Can deal an extra 1d6 Damage once per combat)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Charisma (2-in-6), Thievery (2-in-6)
  • Bear - 5 CR
    • HP: 25
    • AC: 15
    • AB: +5
    • Damage: 1d6 + 5, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Can climb trees and other vegetation; Brutal (Lands a Critical Hit on a Natural 19 or a Natural 20 and deals an additional 5 Damage on Critical Hits); Revenge (Once per combat, can attempt a single Attack right after taking Damage)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Strength (3-in-6)
  • Centipede (Giant) - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Sickening (Causes the Affliction Enfeebled 1 on a hit)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Strength (2-in-6)
  • Centipede (Giant, Dire) - 5 CR
    • HP: 25
    • AC: 15
    • AB: +5
    • Damage: 1d6 + 5, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Carapace (Takes 1 less Damage each time it takes Damage. It will always take at least 1 Damage.); Sickening (Causes the Affliction Enfeebled 2 on a hit)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Strength (2-in-6), Survival (2-in-6)

  • Cougar - 4 CR
    • HP: 20
    • AC: 14
    • AB: +4
    • Damage: 1d6 + 4
    • Special: Can climb trees and other vegetation; Brutal (Lands a Critical Hit on a Natural 19 or a Natural 20 and deals an additional 4 Damage on Critical Hits); Intimidate (May cause one target to gain the Affliction Afraid 2 when combat begins)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Agility (2-in-6), Stealth (2-in-6)
  • Dwarf - 1 CR
    • HP: 5
    • AC: 11
    • AB: +1
    • Damage: 1d6 + 1
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Fortitude (Advantage on Saves)
    • Save: 15
    • Skills: All 1-in-6
  • Elf - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; 1 Spell Point; Magic Missile (The user creates 2 magical darts. They may then instantly send each dart to any target within Medium Range. These darts hit automatically and each dart deals 1d4 Force Damage.)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Liston (2-in-6)
  • Fungal King - 4 CR
    • HP: 20
    • AC: 14
    • AB: +4
    • Damage: 1d6 + 4
    • Special: Immune to Necrotic Damage and the Enfeebled Affliction; 2 Spell Points; Drain (The user may choose a target within Close Range and make an Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes 2d4 + 4 Necrotic Damage and the user is Healed for half as much HP.), Heal (Heal self or an ally within Close Range for 1d6 + 4 HP)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Charisma (2-in-6), Survival (2-in-6)

  • Fungal Sage - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Immune to Necrotic Damage and the Enfeebled Affliction; 1 Spell Point; Drain (The user may choose a target within Close Range and make an Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes 2d4 + 2 Necrotic Damage and the user is Healed for half as much HP.)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Medicine (2-in-6)
  • Fungal Warrior - 1 CR
    • HP: 5
    • AC: 11
    • AB: +1
    • Damage: 1d6 + 1
    • Special: Immune to Necrotic Damage and the Enfeebled Affliction
    • Save: 15
    • Skills: All 1-in-6
  • Goblin - 1 CR
    • HP: 5
    • AC: 11
    • AB: +1
    • Damage: 1d6 + 1
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Scuttle (Can dodge a non-Critical Hit once per combat)
    • Save: 15
    • Skills: All 1-in-6

  • Green Dragon - 10 CR
    • HP: 50
    • AC: 20
    • AB: +10
    • Damage: 1d6 + 10, 2 Free Action Attacks each Turn
    • Special: Can fly; Immune to Poison Damage and the Poisoned Affliction; 5 Spell Points; Fear (A target within Short Range must roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Afraid 5), Poison Gas (The user chooses a target within Medium Range. That target and all other targets within Close Range of the original must each roll a Save. If a target fails, they gain the Affliction Poisoned 5. If they succeed, nothing happens.)
    • Save: 10
    • Skills: Agility (2-in-6), Charisma (2-in-6), Knowledge (2-in-6), Strength (3-in-6)
  • Hobgoblin - 3 CR
    • HP: 20
    • AC: 14
    • AB: +3
    • Damage: 1d6 + 3
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Tough (This Monster has 5 additional HP. This is already accounted for in its Stats.); Well-Equipped (This Monster has +1 AC. This is already accounted for in its Stats.)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Strength (2-in-6)

  • Insect Swarm - 5 CR
    • HP: 25
    • AC: 15
    • AB: +5
    • Damage: 1d6 + 5, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Can fly; Immune to falling Prone, being Grappled, and being Shoved; Scuttle (Can dodge a non-Critical Hit once per combat)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Agility (3-in-6)
  • Jelly (Green) - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Immune to Poison Damage and the Poisoned Affliction; Immune to falling Prone, being Grappled, and being Shoved; Sticky (Once per combat, can automatically Grapple a target on a hit)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Stealth (2-in-6)
  • Killer Bee - 1 CR
    • HP: 5
    • AC: 11
    • AB: +1
    • Damage: 1d6 + 1
    • Special: Can fly; Venom (Once per combat, can cause the Affliction Poisoned 1 on a hit)
    • Save: 15
    • Skills: All 1-in-6
  • Leech (Giant) - 4 CR
    • HP: 20
    • AC: 14
    • AB: +4
    • Damage: 1d6 + 4
    • Special: Bloodlust (Causes the Affliction Bleed 4 on a Critical Hit. Deals +2 Damage to Bleeding targets.); Vampiric (Heals for 2 HP on a hit)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Strength (3-in-6)

  • Mage (Evil) - 8 CR
    • HP: 40
    • AC: 18
    • AB: +8
    • Damage: 1d6 + 8, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: 4 Spell Points; Bane (Choose a target within Short Range. They must subtract 4 from their Attack Rolls for 4 Rounds.), Drain (The user may choose a target within Close Range and make an Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes 2d4 + 8 Necrotic Damage and the user is Healed for half as much HP.), Fireball (The user may choose a target within Medium Range. That target and all other targets within Close Range of the original target take 1d6 + 8 Fire Damage and they must each roll a Save. If a target succeeds, the Damage they take is halved.), Magic Missile (The user creates 8 magical darts. They may then instantly send each dart to any target within Medium Range. These darts hit automatically, but each dart only deals 1d4 Force Damage.)
    • Save: 11
    • Skills: Charisma (3-in-6), Knowledge (3-in-6)

  • Noble - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Intimidate (May cause one target to gain the Affliction Afraid 1 when combat begins)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Charisma (2-in-6)

  • Ogre - 9 CR
    • HP: 45
    • AC: 19
    • AB: +9
    • Damage: 1d6 + 9, 2 Free Action Attacks each Turn
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Brutal (Lands a Critical Hit on a Natural 19 or a Natural 20 and deals an additional 9 Damage on Critical Hits); Intimidate (May cause one target to gain the Affliction Afraid 4 when combat begins)
    • Save: 11
    • Skills: Strength (5-in-6)
  • Ooze (Green) - 6 CR
    • HP: 30
    • AC: 16
    • AB: +6
    • Damage: 1d6 + 6, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Immune to Poison Damage and the Poisoned Affliction; Immune to falling Prone, being Grappled, and being Shoved; Sticky (Once per combat, can automatically Grapple a target on a hit)
    • Save: 12
    • Skills: Stealth (2-in-6), Strength (3-in-6)
  • Orc Chieftan - 7 CR
    • HP: 35
    • AC: 17
    • AB: +7
    • Damage: 1d6 + 7, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Intimidate (May cause one target to gain the Affliction Afraid 3 when combat begins); War Cry (Causes the Affliction Afraid 7 on a Critical Hit)
    • Save: 12
    • Skills: Charisma (2-in-6), Strength (3-in-6)

  • Orc Shaman - 5 CR
    • HP: 25
    • AC: 15
    • AB: +5
    • Damage: 1d6 + 5, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; 2 Spell Points; Heal (Heal self or an ally within Close Range for 1d6 + 5 HP); Fear (A target within Medium Range must roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Afraid 2)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Medicine (2-in-6), Survival (2-in-6)
  • Orc Warrior - 3 CR
    • HP: 15
    • AC: 13
    • AB: +3
    • Damage: 1d6 + 3
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; War Cry (Causes the Affliction Afraid 3 on a Critical Hit)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Strength (2-in-6)
  • Pixie - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; 1 Spell Point; Bless (Choose a target within Short Range. They may add 1 onto their Attack Rolls for 1 Round.)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Charisma (2-in-6)
  • Quarry Beetle - 3 CR
    • HP: 15
    • AC: 13
    • AB: +3
    • Damage: 1d6 + 3
    • Special: Carapace (Takes 1 less Damage each time it takes Damage. It will always take at least 1 Damage.); Scuttle (Can dodge a non-Critical Hit once per combat)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Agility (2-in-6)

  • Rat (Giant) - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Scuttle (Can dodge a non-Critical Hit once per combat)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Agility (2-in-6)
  • Rat Swarm - 4 CR
    • HP: 20
    • AC: 14
    • AB: +4
    • Damage: 1d6 + 4
    • Special: Immune to falling Prone, being Grappled, and being Shoved; Scuttle (Can dodge a non-Critical Hit once per combat)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Agility (3-in-6)
  • Shambling Mound - 7 CR
    • HP: 35
    • AC: 17
    • AB: +7
    • Damage: 1d6 + 7, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Immune to Shock Damage; Heals from Shock Damage; Blindsense (This creature can automatically sense targets within 30 feet of itself without needing to see them, and it is Immune to the Blind Affliction.); Vampiric (Heals for 3 HP on a hit)
    • Save: 12
    • Skills: Stealth (3-in-6), Strength (2-in-6)
  • Slime (Green) - 4 CR
    • HP: 20
    • AC: 14
    • AB: +4
    • Damage: 1d6 + 4
    • Special: Immune to Poison Damage and the Poisoned Affliction; Immune to falling Prone, being Grappled, and being Shoved; Sticky (Once per combat, can automatically Grapple a target on a hit)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Stealth (2-in-6), Strength (2-in-6)
  • Spider (Giant) - 3 CR
    • HP: 15
    • AC: 13
    • AB: +3
    • Damage: 1d6 + 3
    • Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Venom (Once per combat, can cause the Affliction Poisoned 1 on a hit)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Agility (2-in-6)

  • Strangler Vine - 5 CR
    • HP: 25
    • AC: 15
    • AB: +5
    • Damage: 1d6 + 5, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Immune to the Blind Affliction; Sticky (Once per combat, can automatically Grapple a target on a hit); Strangle (Deals 1d6 Damage when a target is successfully Grappled and deals another 1d6 Damage at the end of each Round if a target is Grappled)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Stealth (3-in-6)
  • Troll - 6 CR
    • HP: 30
    • AC: 16
    • AB: +6
    • Damage: 1d6 + 6, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Regeneration (Regains 6 HP at the end of each Round. Acid or Fire can prevent this.); Revenge (Once per combat, can attempt a single Attack right after taking Damage)
    • Save: 12
    • Skills: Strength (4-in-6)
  • Undead Adventurer - 3 CR
    • HP: 15
    • AC: 13
    • AB: +3
    • Damage: 1d6 + 3
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Immune to Necrotic Damage and the Enfeebled Affliction; Immune to Poison Damage and the Poisoned Affliction; Immune to the Bleed Affliction; Healed by Necrotic Damage; Damaged by Healing magic
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Strength (2-in-6)
  • Veteran Adventurer - 6 CR
    • HP: 30
    • AC: 16
    • AB: +6
    • Damage: 1d6 + 6, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Fortitude (Advantage on Saves)
    • Save: 12
    • Skills: Medicine (2-in-6), Strength (2-in-6), Survival (2-in-6)
  • Wolf - 1 CR
    • HP: 5
    • AC: 11
    • AB: +1
    • Damage: 1d6 + 1
    • Special: Pack Hunter (+1 Damage if at least 1 ally is also within Close Range)
    • Save: 15
    • Skills: All 1-in-6

  • Wolf (Dire/Giant) - 3 CR
    • HP: 15
    • AC: 13
    • AB: +3
    • Damage: 1d6 + 3
    • Special: Bold (This Monster has Advantage on Morale Checks); Pack Hunter (+1 Damage if at least 1 ally is also within Close Range)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Strength (2-in-6)
X, Y, Z
  • Zombie - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Immune to Necrotic Damage and the Enfeebled Affliction; Immune to Poison Damage and the Poisoned Affliction; Immune to the Bleed Affliction; Healed by Necrotic Damage; Damaged by Healing magic; Vampiric (Heals for 1 HP on a hit)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Strength (2-in-6)

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Monk

The Monk

HP: +1d8 each Level, minimum of +4

AC: +1 each Level

AB: +1 each Level

Save: -1 each Level

Skills: +1 Skill Pip each Level

At 1st Level, you have started down a path of martial arts mastery. If you are not wearing Armor or wielding a Shield, you gain +2 AC and your Unarmed Attacks deal 1d6 Damage instead of only 1d4 Damage. Finally, you may replace the Damage die of any Weapon you use with your Unarmed Attack's Damage die.

At 2nd Level, your training has allowed you to become more practiced with a certain Weapon, making it your Monk Weapon. Choose 1 type of Weapon, such as a Longbow, Staff, or even your Unarmed Attacks. You deal +1 Damage with your Monk Weapon.

At 3rd Level, your path has come to a crossroads. Choose one of the Monk Ways below.

  • Way of the Body: If you are not wearing Armor or wielding a Shield, you gain an additional +1 AC.
  • Way of the Mind: Your path has led you to meditation. During Short and Long Rests, you may meditate to gain additional benefits. Meditating will double the Healing you receive from a Short or Long Rest, and it will grant you 1 Fate Point. You may only have 1 Fate Point at a time. After a d20 roll, you may use 1 Fate Point to reroll it. You must use the new roll.
  • Way of the Spirit: Your spirit becomes intertwined with the Ki of the world around you. You gain the ability to Cast Spells. You learn 2 Spells and you gain 2 Spell Points (SP). Using 1 Spell Point, you may cast any Spell you know. You regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest.

At 4th Level, you become more experienced with your Monk Weapon. You deal an additional +1 Damage with your Monk Weapon. Finally, your Unarmed Attacks now deal 1d8 Damage instead of only 1d6 Damage, if you are not wearing Armor or wielding a Shield.

At 5th Level, you advance your martial arts. Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Unarmed Attack as a Free Action. Finally, your path augments your martial arts skill. You gain the option below that matches the Way you chose at 3rd Level.

  • Way of the Body: If you are not wearing Armor or wielding a Shield, you gain an additional +1 AC.
  • Way of the Mind: When you land a Critical Hit, you regain 1 Fate Point, if you do not already have one.
  • Way of the Spirit: You may replace your Unarmed Attacks with blasts of Ki. These blasts have the Weapon attribute Ranged, and they deal Radiant Damage or Necrotic Damage (your choice when you gain this Ability) instead of physical Damage. They count as Unarmed Attacks for you, meaning they can benefit from your Unarmed Attack's increased Damage die and they can be used in place of your "Once per Round" free Unarmed Attack.

At 6th Level, you become more diverse with your Monk Weapons. You may choose a 2nd Monk Weapon. Also, you deal an additional +1 Damage with your Monk Weapons.

At 7th Level, your path concludes. You gain the option below that matches the Way you chose at 3rd Level.

  • Way of the Body: If you are not wearing Armor or wielding a Shield, you gain an additional +1 AC.
  • Way of the Mind: When you use a Fate Point to reroll, the reroll has Advantage.
  • Way of the Spirit: You gain 2 additional Spell Points and learn 2 additional Spells.

At 8th Level, you have mastered your Monk Weapons. While you are conscious, you cannot be disarmed of your Monk Weapons. Also, you deal an additional +1 Damage with your Monk Weapons. Finally, your Unarmed Attacks now deal 1d10 Damage instead of only 1d8 Damage, if you are not wearing Armor or wielding a Shield.

At 9th Level, you have mastered your martial art of choice. Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Unarmed Attack as a Free Action. Finally, you deal an additional +1 Damage with your Monk Weapons.

At 10th Level, you have become a mysterious figure in martial arts history. Many young Monks begin to seek you out in the hope that you will train them. This leads you to a choice; you may either create a Monastery or a Secret Technique. Details for both options are below.

  • Monastery: 1d10 + 20 1st Level Monks offer to help you create a Monastery where you could teach martial arts. They will build your Monastery in a valid location over the course of 50 days. Once completed, you will lead the Monastery and these Monks will do their best to learn from you. Once up and running, your Monastery will not generate income, but local settlements may seek protection from you. For each settlement you protect, the Monastery will receive 1d6 Gold per day in donations. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your Monastery in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • Secret Technique: Work with your GM to create a complex or dangerous technique that you have mastered. A simple guideline for this technique is that it should be a standard Attack that allows you to either automatically benefit from a Maneuver (such as Flanking or a Grapple) or allows you to Cast a Spell, all as part of a single Attack. A couple of examples can be seen below. Once you have attempted your Secret Technique, you must finish a Long Rest before you may attempt it again.
    • Quaking-Earth Palm: On a hit, the target also suffers the effects of a Trip, falling Prone automatically.
    • Lightning Blows: On a hit, the user Casts the Spell Haste on themselves.

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Alchemist

The Alchemist

HP: +1d6 each Level, minimum of +3

AC: +1 each 2nd Level

AB: +1 each 2nd Level

Save: -1 each Level

Skills: +2 Skill Pips each Level

At 1st Level, you have learned how to swiftly concoct alchemical Items from everyday ingredients, even in the midst of combat. Using a Move, you may create either a Firebomb, Healing Potion, Holy Water, or a Vial of Poison, as seen in the Standard Items list. Items created through this Ability are only potent for a short time, becoming useless 1 minute after they are created. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Long Rest before you may use it again. Finally, you may use 1 Spell Point to use this Ability again, even if you have yet to finish a Long Rest.

At 2nd Level, your experiments have allowed you to mimic magical effects. You gain the ability to Cast Spells. You learn a number of Spells equal to your Alchemist Level and you gain 2 Spell Points (SP). Using 1 Spell Point, you may Cast any Spell you know. You regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest.

At 3rd Level, your alchemical research has led you down a new path. Choose one of the options below.

  • Chemist: When you deal Damage to a target through an alchemical Item or a Spell, you deal +5 Damage.
  • Doctor: When you provide Healing to a target through an alchemical Item or a Spell, you provide +5 Healing.
  • Mad Scientist: When you Cast a Spell, you may choose to take 1d6 Damage to temporarily increase the value of "X" in that Spell by 1d4.

At 4th Level, you may gain one of the options below.
  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +1 AB.
  • You gain 2 additional Spell Points.

At 5th Level, you augment your combat using your research. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.

  • Chemist: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.
  • Doctor: When you Heal a target, they may immediately attempt a single Weapon Attack.
  • Mad Scientist: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, you may gain one of the options below.

  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +1 AB.
  • You gain 2 additional Spell Points.

At 7th Level, your research has led to a breakthrough discovery. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.
  • Chemist: You may use this Ability to instantly create a Greater Firebomb, as seen in the Magic Item list. Items created through this Ability are only potent for a short time, becoming useless 1 minute after they are created. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Long Rest before you may use it again.
  • Doctor: You may use this Ability to instantly create a Greater Healing Potion, as seen in the Magic Item list. Items created through this Ability are only potent for a short time, becoming useless 1 minute after they are created. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Long Rest before you may use it again.
  • Mad Scientist: You may use this Ability to instantly create a potion that emulates any Spell you know. If quaffed, the user can instantly Cast the chosen Spell as part of the same Action. Items created through this Ability are only potent for a short time, becoming useless 1 minute after they are created. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Long Rest before you may use it again.

At 8th Level, you may gain one of the options below.

  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +1 AB.
  • You gain 2 additional Spell Points.

At 9th Level, your combat and your research have combined into perfect alchemical warfare. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.
  • Chemist: Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.
  • Doctor: When you Heal a target, they may immediately attempt two Weapon Attacks.
  • Mad Scientist: Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 10th Level, your research has made you infamous. An investor approaches you with an offer; they can provide the funding for you to create your own Laboratory, or to create and stock your own Warehouse for alchemical ingredients. The details for each option are below.
  • Laboratory: 1d10 + 10 1st Level Alchemists are hired to help you create and run your Laboratory. They will build your Laboratory in a valid location over the course of 100 days. Once completed, you will lead the Laboratory and these Alchemists will do their best to assist you. Once up and running, your Laboratory generates 2d6 Gold per day, and it allows you to create 1 Alchemical Item or swap out one known Spell per day of Downtime. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your Laboratory in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • Warehouse: Your investor purchases an empty warehouse in a nearby location. Over the course of 10 days, it becomes furnished with plenty of storage space and even some living accommodations. Your Warehouse always remains stocked with common alchemical ingredients, allowing you to create 1d4 Alchemical Items per day of Downtime. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your Warehouse in half the normal time due to its accommodations.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Rogue

The Rogue

HP: +1d6 each Level, minimum of +3

AC: +1 each 2nd Level

AB: +1 each Level

Save: -1 each Level

Skills: +3 Skill Pip each Level

At 1st Level, you may occasionally backstab your foes, dealing massive Damage. When you deal Damage to a target, you may choose to deal additional Damage equal to (3 x your Rogue Level). You may only use this Ability once per combat.

At 2nd Level, your Skills begin to become more consistent. Before attempting a Skill Check, you may choose to forgo rolling and instead opt to automatically succeed. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Long Rest before you may use it again.

At 3rd Level, you have found your preferred way of gaining the upper hand in combat. Choose one of the benefits below.

  • Assassin: You may use your 1st Level Rogue Ability twice per Combat, but it only deals additional Damage equal to (1d4 + twice your Rogue Level).
  • Cat-Burglar: You are an adept climber, being able to free-climb most surfaces your GM deems reasonable. If you have used a Move to climb or you are at an elevation at least 5 feet higher than your target's, you may drop down onto your target and Melee Attack them as an Action. This grants you Advantage on both the first Attack Roll and the first Damage Roll.
  • Master Thrower: Whenever you Throw a Weapon, it returns back to your hand on a hit or miss. Also, you deal an additional 1d4 Damage with Weapons you Throw.
  • Ruffian: You gain +2 AC and you deal +2 Damage with Weapons.
  • Scout: When combat begins, you may choose which Range you are at compared to your opponents and allies. Additionally, you always go first in combat, even if the enemy tries to surprise you.
  • Trickster: You gain the ability to Cast Spells. You learn 2 Spells and you gain 2 Spell Points (SP). Using 1 Spell Point, you may cast any Spell you know. You regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest.

At 4th Level, your Skills become more reliable. You may now use your 2nd Level Ability twice between Long Rests.

At 5th Level, your combat reflexes have heightened. Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, your Skills start to become uncanny. You may now use your 2nd Level Ability three times between Long Rests.

At 7th Level, you have gained further experience in your preferred style of combat. The option you chose at 3rd Level is augmented as shown below.

  • Assassin: If you land the killing blow on a target by using your 1st Level Rogue Ability, you regain that use of the Ability, potentially allowing you to use it more than twice per combat.
  • Cat-Burglar: When you perform a "drop down" Attack as described in your 3rd Level Ability, the target gains the Affliction Afraid 2, hit or miss.
  • Master Thrower: Weapons you Throw only have Disadvantage at Long Range, being Thrown without Disadvantage at Medium Range. Also, you can throw any other object you can pick up at Short Range, or Medium Range at Disadvantage.
  • Ruffian: You gain an additional +2 AC and you deal an additional +2 Damage with Weapons.
  • Scout: When you deal Damage to a target who is at Short Range or further, you deal an additional 1d4 Damage.
  • Trickster: You gain 2 additional Spell Points and learn 2 additional Spells.

At 8th Level, your Skills have become unmatched. You may now use your 2nd Level Ability five times between Long Rests. 

At 9th Level, your combat reflexes are almost supernatural. Once per Round, you may reroll an Attack Roll, Damage Roll, or Save you attempt.

At 10th Level, your roguish exploits have caused your name to become well-known and respected. A mysterious benefactor reaches out to you and offers you a choice; you may either pose as Nobility or create your own Thieves' Guild. Details for both options are below.

  • Nobility: Your benefactor gifts you 1d10 + 10 house servants and a nearby mansion. Your house servants have no combat capabilities, but they serve you loyally and seek to aid you and your shared benefactor in any way they can. Through mysterious (and likely nefarious) business practices, your benefactor is able to pay you 4d6 Gold per day to pose as nobility. Your benefactor will occasionally ask you to host parties for other nobility with the goal of using you to sway political opinions, blackmail nobles, etc. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your mansion in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • Thieves' Guild: Your benefactor hires 1d20 + 30 1st Level Rogues to join the ranks of your new Thieves' Guild. They will build your Thieves' Guild in a valid location over the course of 50 days. Once completed, you will control the Guild and its goals. Once up and running, your Thieves' Guild will generate 4d6 Gold per day, likely via crime. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your Guild in half the normal time due to its accommodations.

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Mage

The Mage

HP: +1d6 each Level, minimum of +3

AC: +1 each 2nd Level

AB: +1 each 2nd Level

Save: -1 each Level

Skills: +2 Skill Pips each Level

At 1st Level, you gain the ability to Cast Spells. You learn a number of Spells equal to (3 + your Mage Level) and you gain 2 Spell Points (SP). Using 1 Spell Point, you may Cast any Spell you know. You regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest.

At 2nd Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 3rd Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point. Also, your magical practices have unearthed forgotten knowledge. Choose one of the options below.

  • Arcane Tactics: You gain +2 AB, +2 AC, and you deal +2 Damage with Weapons.
  • Forbidden Knowledge: You gain +3 Skill Pips. Also, you learn 2 additional Spells.
  • Mystical Rituals: You always regain 1 Spell Point per Short Rest instead of only once per day. Also, you learn 2 additional Spells.
  • Primal Power: You deal +5 Damage with Spells.

At 4th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 5th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point. Also, your magical practices augment your combat. You gain the option below that matches the option you chose at 3rd Level.

  • Arcane Tactics: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.
  • Forbidden Knowledge: Whenever you deal Damage to a target, you may use 1 Spell Point to provide yourself or an ally within Short Range 2d8 Healing.
  • Mystical Rituals: When you Cast a Spell on an ally, they may immediately attempt a single Weapon Attack.
  • Primal Power: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 7th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point. Also, your magical practices empower you further. You gain the option below that matches the option you chose at 3rd Level.
  • Arcane Tactics: You gain +2 AB, +2 AC, and you deal +2 Damage with Weapons.
  • Forbidden Knowledge: Your forbidden knowledge allows you to occasionally cheat death itself. When you or an ally within Medium Range would die, you may use this Ability to allow the target to remain at 1 HP instead. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Long Rest before you may use it again.
  • Mystical Rituals: Whenever you finish a Short or Long Rest, you may swap out one Spell you know with a different one.
  • Primal Power: When you would fail an Attack Roll, Save, or Skill Check, you may choose to reroll it instead. Once you have used this Ability, 10 minutes must pass before you may use it again.

At 8th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 9th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point. Also, your magical practices have culminated in great magical power. You gain the option below that matches the option you chose at 3rd Level.
  • Arcane Tactics: Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.
  • Forbidden Knowledge: You gain the service of a Thrall. Your Thrall takes on any appearance you choose, but its Stats always remain the same. Its Stats can be seen at the end of this post. In Combat, your Thrall will always take its Turn during your Turn, as you must give it commands.
  • Mystical Rituals: When you Cast a Spell on an ally, they gain a 1d12 bonus die. They may use this bonus die once during the next 10 minutes, adding it onto an Attack Roll, Damage Roll, Save, or Skill Check. Each of your allies may only have one of these bonus dice at a time.
  • Primal Power: When you Cast a Spell that deals Damage, you may use 1 additional Spell Point to cause it to deal an additional 1d10 Damage.

At 10th Level, you have become a Mage spoken of in myth. The mysterious aura surrounding your magical abilities causes aspiring apprentices to seek you out. By working with these apprentices, you may establish either a Conservatory or a Laboratory. Details for both options are below.
  • Conservatory: 1d6 + 10 1st Level Mages offer to help you create a Conservatory where you could teach magic. They will build your Conservatory in a valid location over the course of 100 days. Once completed, you will lead the Conservatory and these Mages will do their best to learn from you. Once up and running, your Conservatory will generate 3d6 Gold per day in tuition. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your Conservatory in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • Laboratory: 1d6 + 10 1st Level Mages offer to help you create a Laboratory where you could research magic. They will build your Laboratory in a valid location over the course of 100 days. Once completed, you will lead the Laboratory and these Mages will do their best to assist you. Once up and running, your Laboratory will allow you to swap out any and all known Spells on a Long Rest, and you will regain 1 Spell Point per hour while within the Laboratory. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your Laboratory in half the normal time due to its accommodations.

HP: 50
AC: 20
AB: +10
Damage: 1d6 + 10, only attacks once
Special: Servitude (Your Thrall can be reduced to 0 HP, but it never truly dies. Once reduced to 0 HP, it crumbles to ash. Over the course of a Short or Long Rest, you may resummon your Thrall at 1 HP using 1 Spell Point.)
Save: 10
Skills: All 1-in-6

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