Thursday, December 29, 2022

[#DUNGEON23] Dungeon! - Mountain of the Frost Baron (Introduction)

As evidenced by the lack of posts, I have been struggling to come up with new content for Dungeon! I am at a point where I feel there is no real need for any new Classes or Mechanics (I do still have a couple surprises up my sleeves).

At this crossroads, I have realized that Dungeon! lacks one core thing; a setting. Personally, I believe every GM should work with their players to create their own shared setting. However, this is no easy task. Most GMs would much rather have a pre-made setting to just play in "out of the box" or a pre-made setting they can easily tweak.

So, I have decided to use this crossroads as an opportunity for growth. I personally struggle with long-term adventure design. I prefer to make things up as I go and run one-shots on the side. Creating long, full, and interesting pre-written adventures is not something I have ever even tried. That's where the #dungeon23 challenge comes in. I see this challenge as an immense opportunity for three main reasons: 1, Designing a Megadungeon as the setting for Dungeon! seems like a no-brainer; 2, Taking on this challenge will help me to grow my adventure design abilities; and 3, having a consistent long-term project attached to Dungeon! will help me create content for this blog.

All that aside, here's the 4-1-1.
  • I am taking the #dungeon23 challenge. Let's do this!
  • I will be posting my progress every Sunday. If I get behind, I will do my best to catch up by the following Sunday.
  • I will continue to create content for Dungeon! beyond this challenge, but it will likely be at a slower pace.
Now, allow me to introduce you to my Megadungeon concept for #dungeon23...

Mountain of the Frost Baron, Introduction

Somewhere out in the infinite cosmos, there is a planet much like our own. The people of this planet have been stuck in a medieval society for millennia. While these people lack much in terms of technology, some lucky few are blessed with The Gift.

The Gift can be used for many things. It can make difficult tasks trivial. It can turn the tide of battle instantly. But, most of all, it can fill a pure heart with unfathomable evil. Because of this, The Gift is often feared. Those with The Gift are treated with caution. Regardless, many seek to control those with The Gift, as the Gifted can possess magical powers beyond comprehension.

Those with The Gift have altered history and literally shaped the planet these people call home. However, recent times have been calmer and more controlled. This is due to the presence and influence of The Solan Empire, a near-global colonizing force that currently holds much of the world in its strict, albeit lawful, grip.

On this world, there is a continent known as Zulfdir. This continent is the original home of the Dwarves, stout mountain-dwelling folk who follow their own strict code of law. For decades, they have resisted the influence of The Solan Empire. On the edges of Zulfdir, war rages between the Empire and the many Dwarven Clans of Zulfdir, who have banded together in brotherhood.

Our focus, however, is on a small country in the mountainous heart of Zulfdir. This country is known as Argukkhiin; a close-knit community of towns and cities known for welcoming refugees of any ancestry. The majority of the country is uninhabitable due to rocky soil, frozen terrain, and deadly monsters. However, the people of Argukkhiin found refuge upon, within, and atop the mountain of Arguk-Val, the namesake of the region.

Approximately 3 years ago, Argukkhiin was attacked. A powerful wielder of The Gift, known only as the Frost Baron, rained hellish cold from above, decimating the village of Kald-Val near the mountain's summit. Those who escaped spoke of a flying spire, from which the Baron launched his assault. His spire can now be seen floating near Arguk-Val's summit, seemingly tethered to the mountain by magic.

Now, the people of Argukkhiin live in fear. The Frost Baron demands taxes each month. The people, with little choice, obey. With the other Dwarven Clans off fighting The Solan Empire, the people of Argukkhiin are left with little aide in repelling this tyrant. Worse, monster activity within Arguk-Val has seemingly become amplified by the Frost Baron's presence, with reports of monster attacks steadily increasing. Desperate, the leaders of Argukkhiin have begun to offer travelling mercenaries and adventurers impressive sums to scour the caves and crevasses of Arguk-Val for answers.

That's a sneak peak of what's to come! On the first of the year, I will be releasing a Character Primer, the starting village, and the first "room" of the Megadungeon. Stay tuned!

Dungeon! YoutTube Channel

Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that I have launched an official YouTube Channel featuring content for Dungeon! In the coming weeks ...