Friday, March 31, 2023

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Warlord

The Warlord

HP: +1d10 each Level, minimum of +5

AC: +1 each 2nd Level

AB: +1 each Level

Save: -1 each 2nd Level

Skills: +2 Skill Pips each Level

At 1st Level, your words have gained the power to bolster the spirit of your allies. As an Action, you may Heal a target that can see or hear you for (2d4 + your Warlord Level) HP. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Long Rest before you may use it again.

At 2nd Level, you are able to bolster your allies more often. You may now use your 1st Level ability twice between Long Rests.

At 3rd Level, you begin to lead your allies in a specific style. Choose one of the options below.

  • War Chief: When you attempt Skill Checks to Demoralize or Taunt targets, you have Advantage.
  • Warlock: You gain the ability to Cast Spells. You learn 2 Spells and you gain 2 Spell Points (SP). Using 1 Spell Point, you may Cast any Spell you know. You regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest.
  • Warrior: You gain +2 AC and you deal +2 Damage with Weapons.

At 4th Level, you may now use your 1st Level ability three times between Long Rests.

At 5th Level, your leadership influences your combat. Once per Round and on your Turn, you may direct an ally, allowing them to attempt a single Weapon Attack.

At 6th Level, you may now use your 1st Level ability four times between Long Rests.

At 7th Level, your leadership style grows more potent. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.

  • War Chief: When you succeed on Skill Checks to Demoralize or Taunt targets, you cause the Affliction Afraid 3 (Demoralize) or Provoked 3 (Taunt), and the target takes 1d6 Psychic Damage.
  • Warlock: You gain 2 additional Spell Points and learn 2 additional Spells.
  • Warrior: You gain an additional +2 AC and you deal an additional +2 Damage with Weapons.

At 8th Level, you may now use your 1st Level ability five times between Long Rests.

At 9th Level, you have mastered your leadership style. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.

  • War Chief: Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may direct an ally, allowing them to attempt a single Weapon Attack.
  • Warlock: Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may direct an ally, allowing them to attempt a single Weapon Attack.
  • Warrior: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 10th Level, your leadership has shaped many battles, leaving an impact on both your friends and your foes. Your followers present you with a choice; you may either task them with building a Stronghold, or you may ask them to become a War Band. Details for both options are below.

  • Stronghold: You amass 1d20 + 30 1st Level Fighters who seek to serve you and fight alongside you, following your every command. They will build your Stronghold in a valid location over the course of 100 days. Once completed, you will rule over the Stronghold and any local settlements that seek your protection. Once up and running, your Stronghold will generate 1d6 Gold per day, with a bonus 1d6 to that rate for each settlement you protect. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your Stronghold in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • War Band: You gather 1d10 + 20 2nd Level Barbarians who will travel with you and follow your every command. They will follow you into combat without question and will fight to the death.

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