Thursday, September 21, 2023

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Barbarian (Rework)

The original design for The Barbarian Class focused on their Rage and re-contextualizing Rage as different emotions. In hindsight, I do still like this idea. It is far more interesting than every Barbarian just being angry, but simply changing the emotion does nothing to change the fact that this version of a Barbarian just Rages and hits things.

Therefore, I am redesigning the Class from the ground up. Instead of focusing on Rage as the core concept, I will instead be focusing on the Conan / Outlander archetype as the core Class while aspects like Rage will instead be added as sort of preternatural powers instead of proper Subclasses (like The Cleric for example). Not only will this make Dungeon's Barbarian more interesting, but it will also differentiate them from other martial classes, like The Fighter or The Monk.

Finally, the old version of The Barbarian will be labeled as (OLD), but it will remain posted. This new version will be the only one supported going forward, but I will keep them as separate posts due to their drastic differences.

The Barbarian (Rework)

HP: +1d10 each Level, minimum of +5

AC: +1 each 2nd Level

AB: +1 each Level

Save: -1 each 2nd Level

Skills: +2 Skill Pips each Level

At 1st Level, you are a fearsome warrior, but your skill comes more from instinct than proper training. Despite your d10 HP Die, you are incapable of wearing Heavy Armor. However, you are far more mobile in combat because of this. Once per combat, you may perform a Move as a Free Action. Finally, this extra Move may only be used to Move or Charge, not for any other Maneuvers.

At 2nd Level, your instincts grow stronger. You gain one of the options below.

  • You gain +1 AC.
  • You deal +1 Damage with Weapons.

At 3rd Level, your experience and instincts have granted you a unique ability. Choose one of the options below.

  • Brawler: You may now use your 1st Level ability to attempt the Grapple, Shove, and Trip Maneuvers.
  • Horde Breaker: You may now use your 1st Level ability to attempt the Cleave and Flanking Maneuvers.
  • Outlander: When you attempt a Skill Check, you may use this ability to automatically succeed. You may use this ability even after failing the Skill Check. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Rage: When you Attack, you may use this ability to unleash yourself into a state of rage. While raging, you deal +2 Damage and take -2 Damage. You take at least 1 Damage. This rage will persist until combat ends, and it will not function out of combat. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Survivor: When you attempt a Save, you may use this ability to automatically succeed. You may use this ability even after failing the Save. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Tactician: You may now use your 1st Level ability to attempt the Steady Aim and Study Opponent Maneuvers.
  • Unwavering: You are Immune to the Afraid and Provoked Afflictions.
  • Warcry: You may now use your 1st Level ability to attempt the Demoralize and Taunt Maneuvers.

At 4th Level, your instincts begin to reflect even greater skill. You may now use your 1st Level ability up to twice per combat. Finally, you gain one of the options below.

  • You gain +1 AC.
  • You deal +1 Damage with Weapons.

At 5th Level, combat has become more instinctual for you. Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, your instincts begin to become preternatural. You gain one of the options below.

  • You gain +1 AC.
  • You deal +1 Damage with Weapons.

At 7th Level, your further experience and impressive instincts have granted you another unique ability. Choose a 2nd option from the list you were offered at 3rd Level. You cannot take the same option.

At 8th Level, your instincts have become borderline supernatural. You may now use your 1st Level ability up to three times per combat. Finally, you gain one of the options below.

  • You gain +1 AC.
  • You deal +1 Damage with Weapons.

At 9th Level, your instincts are at their peak while you are engaged in combat. Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 10th Level, you have become a paragon of Barbarian culture. This renown allows you to gather enough followers to either form a Clan or form a War Band. Details for both options are below.

  • Clan: You gather 1d20 + 50 clan members who have limited combat ability. However, they will create a village in a valid location over the course of 25 days. Once completed, you will rule over the village. Once up and running, this village will generate 1d6 Gold per day, and one 1st Level Barbarian per week. These new recruits will follow your commands but prefer to protect the best interests of the village. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within this village in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • War Band: You gather 1d10 + 20 2nd Level Barbarians who will travel with you and follow your every command. They will follow you into combat without question and will fight to the death.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Update Part 2 - Austi-Con 2023

Hi folks,

Check the first update if you are interested in Dungeon23 progress. Otherwise, read below for a fun update!

I will be attending Austi-Con 2023! I will be hosting a Dungeon! One Shot on Day 2 of the event, Saturday at 3 PM. At this one shot I will also be handing out a limited supply of printed Dungeon! rulebooks! Finally, if you are interested in the one shot, details to prepare a character are below. If you need help, don't worry! Making a character at the event will only take a few minutes.

I hope you see you there!

- Bob

One Shot: The Black Spire

Story Primer: 3 days ago, an obsidian spire arose from the earth and pierced the sky. Its presence has caused fear and panic amongst the members of a nearby community, the village of Brimstone, as each night creatures from the Spire attack the village. All efforts to enter or climb the spire have ended in death. The local noble, Baron Erik Volstag, will be sending your party to deal with this threat by any means necessary.

Character Primer: This adventure is intended for 5th Level Characters using the Dungeon! System. No particular Classes are required, but it is recommended that the party is well-rounded. Additionally, Baron Volstag has paid each party member 15 Gold upfront for this quest. This is in addition to any starting money granted by a Character's Background. At the GM's discretion, each Character may also start with 1 Magic Item of their choice. The GM may veto specific Magic Items if they see fit. Finally, each Character should follow each of the creative constraints below.
1. My Character is generally a good person.
2. My Character is loyal to the Baron and to the party.
        3. My Character has motivation to finish this quest, such as a desire to protect the people of Brimstone, or a desire to find riches within The Black Spire, etc.

Update Part 1 - Dungeon23, Rules Changes, and Something Special

Hi folks,

As you can tell by the lack of posts, life has been crazy lately. I moved States, changed jobs, and even got engaged. While I haven't been posting anything Dungeon23 related, I have continued to work on the project in my spare time. I'm still a little behind, but my goal for now is to try and post each month as a bulk post before the end of the year.

Additionally, Dungeon will be seeing a bunch of rules changes based on playtesting.
  • First, the d20 Skill System will be replaced with a simple d6-roll-under Skill System. Details for this have been added to the Core Rules, and the Character Sheet has been changed to reflect this. As part of this change, Classes no longer earn Skill Points each Level, earning Skill Pips instead. This also removes the need for DCs, which will eventually be removed from Mountain of the Frost Baron.
    • Why; This change has been made to simplify the job of the GM while also empowering players to know their chances of success. In true OSR fashion, there is no real need for DCs if the task is impossible. Therefore, why not just remove DCs?
  • Second, all Classes / Subclasses have had certain 5th and 9th Level abilities reworded. Details for this have been added to each respective Class / Subclass.
    • Why; This change has been made because what I had originally written and what I had intended were different. I had written the abilities in a 5e "Extra Attack" style, but in hindsight I have no idea why I did this. My intention was always to allow for more fluid combat by making such "Extra Attacks" Free Actions, freeing up player Actions for more creative options. This change will likely have a massive impact if you have been interpreting the rules 5e style, and so I apologize. The good news is that the new interpretation of the rules should be more fun and more balanced, allowing for all Subclasses to feel viable.
  • Third, Combat Extras have been rebranded as Maneuvers. Details for this have been added to the Core Rules. Mechanically, nothing has changed. The main changes have just been to formatting.
    • Why; The Combat Extras section has just always felt a bit messy, so I have separated most of it into Maneuvers and some other mechanics, such as Critical Hits and Death Saves, into separate rules.
  • Fourth, Short Rests, Long Rests, and Rations have been tweaked, lowering the Healing they provide. Details for this have been added to both the Core Rules and the Standard Items List. 
    • Why; This change has been made because Healing was more prevalent that expected. True OSR-style Healing is still weaker, but I decided to split the middle between that and what Dungeon! previously had.
  • Fifth, the values of certain Henchman and Hirelings have been modified. Details for this have been added to the Henchman and Hirelings rules.
    • Why; This change has been made to prevent Henchman from overshadowing player characters and increase the competency of certain Hirelings.
  • Sixth, some new Spell have been added and some old Spells have been buffed. Details for this have been added to the Core Spell List. The most notable changes are to Bane, Bless, Color Spray, and Heroism.
    • Why; New Spells are fun! Also, the buffed Spells were all a bit weak compared to the others.
  • Finally, the AB and AC caps for monsters have each been increased by 5. Details for this have been added to the Core Rules and the relevant Monsters.
    • Why; As my test campaign has progressed, I have discovered that Magic Items have more of an impact than expected. I suppose I should have known better, but shoulda-coulda-woulda.

On the bright side, I have something currently in the works I am excited to announce! I will post an Update Part 2 once I have more details but stay tuned until then!

- Bob

Dungeon! YoutTube Channel

Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that I have launched an official YouTube Channel featuring content for Dungeon! In the coming weeks ...