Sunday, April 2, 2023

[#DUNGEON23] Mountain of the Frost Baron - Mar 27 to Apr 2, 2023

No Thon-Kyrr Yet
Thon-Kyrr is sadly not done yet. I'm also unsure if I will even post on time next week due to Easter Sunday. Most likely, I will be posting both next week's progress and Thon-Kyrr the Monday or Tuesday after Easter Sunday (Apr 9).

Level 3, Rooms 27 through 31

  • Dungeon Level 3 Outline - Darkwater Crag
    • Entrances / Exits: Darkwater Crag Entrance [DWC] (less travelled, somewhat guarded, enters/exits directly into Craghopper Mine)
    • Location: Within Arguk-Val, adjacent to and below Craghopper Mine.
    • Threats: Centipedes (Giant), Centipedes (Giant, Dire), Flail Snails, Gelatinous Cubes, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Rats (Giant)

Level 3, Rooms 27 through 31 (L2R27 to L2R31)
These "rooms" are instead Special Encounters that may be found within Darkwater Crag. Below is the Darkwater Crag Encounter List to serve as reference.

Darkwater Crag Encounter List
When a 1 is rolled on the Encounter Die, the GM rolls 1d20 on the table below. When it comes to the special encounters (15-20), the GM should reroll on the table if that encounter has already occurred.
  1. Legendary Gelatinous Cube; these creatures are not intelligent, solely seeking objects to digest.
  2. 2 Flail Snails; when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry and hostile.
  3. 2 Centipedes (Giant, Dire); when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry and hostile.
  4. "
  5. 1d4+1 Centipedes (Giant); when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry, but cautious.
  6. "
  7. 2d4 Rats (Giant); when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry, but cautious.
  8. "
  9. 2d4 Goblins; these goblins differ from the standard green type, having pale skin and milky-white eyes. They have many jagged teeth, baring them when threatened. They use simple weaponry and are hostile to other humanoid creatures.
  10. "
  11. "
  12. "
  13. Goblin Brigade (2d4 Goblins and 1d2 Hobgoblins); these goblins/hobgoblins differ from the standard type, having pale skin and milky-white eyes. They have many jagged teeth, baring them when threatened. They use simple weaponry and are hostile to other humanoid creatures.
  14. "
  15. L3R26
  16. L3R27
  17. L3R28
  18. L3R29
  19. L3R30
  20. L3R31
Monsters Stats
  • Centipede (Giant) - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Sickening (Causes the Affliction Enfeebled 1 on a hit)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: +1
  • Centipede (Giant, Dire) - 5 CR
    • HP: 25
    • AC: 15
    • AB: +5
    • Damage: 1d6 + 5, attacks two times
    • Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Carapace (Takes 1 less Damage each time it takes Damage. It will always take at least 1 Damage.); Sickening (Causes the Affliction Enfeebled 2 on a hit)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: +2
  • Flail Snail - 5 CR
    • HP: 25
    • AC: 17
    • AB: +5
    • Damage: 1d6 + 5, attacks two times
    • Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Blindsense (This creature can automatically sense targets within 30 feet of itself without needing to see them, and it is Immune to the Blind Affliction.); Brutal (Lands a Critical Hit on a Natural 19 or a Natural 20 and deals an additional 5 Damage on Critical Hits); Shell (This Monster has 2 additional AC. This is already accounted for in its Stats.)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: +2
  • Gelatinous Cube (Legendary) - 6 CR
    • HP: 30
    • AC: 16
    • AB: +6
    • Damage: 1d6 + 6, attacks two times
    • Special: Immune to falling Prone, being Grappled, and being Shoved; Sticky (Once per combat, can automatically Grapple a target on a hit); Engulf (When this creature rolls maximum on Damage, the target is engulfed by this creature. While engulfed, a target cannot Move and attempts Attacks at Disadvantage. They also take 6 Acid Damage at the end of each Round. Finally, a target is only freed from being engulfed if this creature dies.); Legendary (This creature has 1 additional Turn each Round for every 2 party members. For example, it would have 2 additional Turns, or 3 total Turns, if fighting a party of 4.)
    • Save: 12
    • Skills: +3
  • Goblin - 1 CR
    • HP: 5
    • AC: 11
    • AB: +1
    • Damage: 1d6 + 1
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Scuttle (Can dodge a non-Critical Hit once per combat)
    • Save: 15
    • Skills: +0
  • Hobgoblin - 3 CR
    • HP: 15
    • AC: 13
    • AB: +3
    • Damage: 1d6 + 3
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Scuttle (Can dodge a non-Critical Hit once per combat)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: +1
  • Rat (Giant) - 2 CR
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Scuttle (Can dodge a non-Critical Hit once per combat)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: +1

  • Special: The walls here are covered with the etched gibberish of goblins, including some crude drawings. One such drawing appears to depict the trap located in L3R23. A party that has yet to see the trap will not recognize the drawing.
  • TreasureNone.

  • Special: A damp coin pouch sits in a puddle on the floor.
  • Treasure: The coin pouch contains; 5d6 Gold pieces, 4d6 Silver pieces, and 3d6 Copper pieces.
  • Special: The party hears the boisterous cackling of two or more goblins. It sounds far away, but echoes throughout the cave.
  • TreasureNone.
  • Special: In a small pool of water, the party spots 1d4 clams.
  • TreasureIf pried open with a bladed object, each clam contains a pearl worth 10 Gold pieces.

  • Special
    • Alarm Trap: A trap that makes noise or otherwise gives away the position of those who trigger it.
      • Trigger: The lead party member must roll a Save. If they succeed, they notice a tripwire along the ground. At one end of the wire, a rusty sword leans against the wall, ready to clatter onto the ground. If they fail, they set off the tripwire, knocking over the rusted sword and making a loud "clang!"
      • Effect: If triggered, the Trap alerts nearby Monsters. The GM rolls the Encounter Die, but 3 or less counts as a 1.
      • Disarm: 10
      • Special: Will draw in nearby goblins instead of causing a random encounter, if possible.

Level 4, Rooms 1 and 2 (Floor 2 and Floor 1 Layouts)

  • Dungeon Level 4 Outline - Springwater Cave
    • Entrances / Exits: Thon-Kyrr Entrance [L4R3] (less travelled, heavily guarded, enters/exits directly into Thon-Kyrr), Hot Springs Entrance [L4R22] (rarely travelled, unguarded, enters/exits directly to the Hot Springs), Ancient Tomb Entrance [L4R7] (rarely travelled, guarded, enters directly into the Ancient Tomb, L4R1)
    • Location: Within Arguk-Val, within a cave near Thon-Kyrr.
    • Threats: Basilisks, Cave Wyrms, Deep Elves, Flail Snails, Troglodytes, White Apes

Level 4, Room 1 (L4R1, Springwater Cave, Floor 2)
Below is the first "room" of the fourth Level of the Megadungeon, Springwater Cave. Like L1R1 (Craghopper Mine), it is not a traditional "room," as it is simply an overall map of the floor. Unlike Craghopper Mine, however, Springwater Cave is a completely natural series of caves with few purpose-built features.

The first thing you will likely notice about Springwater Cave is the cave's namesake; the river running directly through it. The river is fairly consistent in depth, having a gradual slope towards the middle from both sides. At its deepest points, the river is only 20 feet deep. Because the river flows quickly, safely crossing the river is difficult. To successfully cross without being pulled downriver, a creature must roll a Strength/Athletics (or similar) Skill Check of 15 or greater. If this Skill Check is failed, the creature is swept away downriver to the nearest river-adjacent room. The GM has the final say in this matter and should use their best judgement. Finally, being swept away between rooms L4R13 and L4R16 likely means certain death, as the creature will fall down a mighty waterfall before reaching the nearest room. If you find this too cruel, allow the player to roll a Death Save, surviving on 1 HP if they succeed.

You will also notice that there is a sturdy wooden bridge between L4R6 and L4R7. This is a recent addition created by the government of Thon-Kyrr. Additionally, you will notice that this Floor contains stairs up to the first Floor. Finally, you will notice that L4R7 contains a small path leading to a set of doors labeled L5. These doors lead to the fifth Level of the Megadungeon, the Ancient Tomb.

Much like Darkwater Crag, Springwater Cave expects the GM to run the area using Dungeoncrawling Rules, checking for encounters every 10 minutes. The caves are also very dark. Torches or Light Spells will be needed to explore the area safely.
  • Side Note: Between L4R1 and L4R2, the two Floors which make up this Level of the Dungeon only have 22 rooms. The remaining 8 rooms of the month will instead be special encounters that I will be adding to Springwater Cave's Encounter List, which is detailed below.

Level 4, Room 2 (L4R2, Springwater Cave, Floor 1)
Like the "room" above, L4R2 is a Floorplan of Springwater Cave. All of the same things as L4R1 apply.

Additionally, you will notice that this Floor contains stairs down to the second Floor.

Springwater Cave Encounter List
When a 1 is rolled on the Encounter Die, the GM rolls 1d20 on the table below. When it comes to the special encounters (13-20), the GM should reroll on the table if that encounter has already occurred.
  1. Legendary Cave Wyrm; when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry and hostile. (Only Once)
  2. 2 Basilisks; when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry and hostile.
  3. "
  4. 1d4 Flail Snails; when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry and hostile.
  5. "
  6. 1d2 Deep Elves with 1d2 White Ape companions; when encountered, these creatures are usually cautious. The Deep Elves only speak the Elven tongue but can be reasoned with.
  7. "
  8. "
  9. 1d4+1 Troglodytes; when encountered, these creatures are usually territorial and hostile. Troglodytes cannot be reasoned with.
  10. "
  11. "
  12. "
  13. L4R23
  14. L4R24
  15. L4R25
  16. L4R26
  17. L4R27
  18. L4R28
  19. L4R29
  20. L4R30
Monsters Stats
  • Basilisk - 7 CR
    • HP: 35
    • AC: 17
    • AB: +7
    • Damage: 1d6 + 7, attacks two times
    • Special: Petrifying Gaze (Once per Round, this creature may attempt to petrify 1 target it can see. The target must roll a Save. If they fail, the gain the Affliction Paralyzed 1. If they succeed, nothing happens.)
    • Save: 12
    • Skills: +3
  • Cave Wyrm (Legendary) - 8 CR
    • HP: 40
    • AC: 18
    • AB: +8
    • Damage: 1d6 + 8, attacks two times
    • Special: Can burrow; Blindsense (This creature does can automatically sense targets within 30 feet of itself without needing to see them, and it is Immune to the Blind Affliction.); Carapace (Takes 1 less Damage each time it takes Damage. It will always take at least 1 Damage.); Engulf (When this creature rolls maximum on Damage, the target is engulfed by this creature. While engulfed, a target cannot Move and attempts Attacks at Disadvantage. They also take 8 Acid Damage at the end of each Round. Finally, a target is only freed from being engulfed if this creature dies.); Legendary (This creature has 1 additional Turn each Round for every 2 party members. For example, it would have 2 additional Turns, or 3 total Turns, if fighting a party of 4.)
    • Save: 11
    • Skills: +4
  • Deep Elf - 6 CR
    • HP: 30
    • AC: 16
    • AB: +6
    • Damage: 1d6 + 6, attacks two times
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; 3 Spell Points; Magic Missile (The user creates 6 magical darts. They may then instantly send each dart to any target within Medium Range. These darts hit automatically and each dart deals 1d4 Force Damage.); Web (The user may choose a target within Medium Range. That target and all other targets within Close Range of them must roll a Save. If a target fails, they are Grappled by webs for up to 3 Rounds, or until they break the Grapple. If a target succeeds, they are unaffected.)
    • Save: 12
    • Skills: +3
  • Flail Snail - 5 CR
    • HP: 25
    • AC: 17
    • AB: +5
    • Damage: 1d6 + 5, attacks two times
    • Special: Can climb walls and upside down; Blindsense (This creature can automatically sense targets within 30 feet of itself without needing to see them, and it is Immune to the Blind Affliction.); Brutal (Lands a Critical Hit on a Natural 19 or a Natural 20 and deals an additional 5 Damage on Critical Hits); Shell (This Monster has 2 additional AC. This is already accounted for in its Stats.)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: +2
  • Troglodyte - 4 CR
    • HP: 20
    • AC: 14
    • AB: +4
    • Damage: 1d6 + 4
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Camouflage (Monsters of this type have a 4-in-6 chance to Surprise instead of the normal 1-in-6. Additionally, the party's attempts to Stealth do not have any impact on this Monster's attempts to Surprise.); Sickening (Causes the Affliction Enfeebled 2 on a hit)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: +2
  • White Ape - 5 CR
    • HP: 25
    • AC: 15
    • AB: +5
    • Damage: 1d6 + 5, attacks two times
    • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Can climb vines and other vegetation; Brutal (Lands a Critical Hit on a Natural 19 or a Natural 20 and deals an additional 5 Damage on Critical Hits)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: +2

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Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that I have launched an official YouTube Channel featuring content for Dungeon! In the coming weeks ...