Monday, February 13, 2023

[#DUNGEON23] Mountain of the Frost Baron - Feb 6 to Feb 12, 2023

Busy Week
Had a real busy week so I'm a day late again... No big deal though! More annoyingly, though, I didn't get to spend any time finishing up Argukhart. My goal is to post Argukhart by the end of the week!

Level 2, Rooms 6 through 12

  • Dungeon Level 2 Outline - Steepwalker Trail
    • Entrances / Exits: Lostone Entrance [STL] (heavily travelled, guarded, 15 minutes by foot to Lostone), Thon-Kyrr Entrance [STT] (heavily travelled, guarded, enters directly into Thon-Kyrr), Crevasse Entrance [CMC] (heavily travelled, connects Steepwalker Trail to Craghopper Mine)
    • Location: On Arguk-Val, climbing up the south-western side.
    • Threats: Bears, Cougars, Hawks (Giant), Spiders (Giant), Trolls

Level 2, Room 6 (L2R6)
This room is a narrow chokepoint that bandits have turned into a forced toll. They demand 1 Gold per person to pass through.
  • Encounter: 1d4+1 Bandits; Cocky and mean; Currently hanging around their camp, demanding their toll.
    • Bandit - 2 CR
      • HP: 10
      • AC: 12
      • AB: +2
      • Damage: 1d6 + 2
      • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Backstab (Can deal an extra 1d6 Damage once per combat)
      • Save: 14
      • Skills: +1
  • Treasure: Misc. weapons/armor, 2d4 Rations, 4 bedrolls, 2d6 Gold pieces.
    • Note: Obviously, this Treasure can only be taken if stolen from the Bandits or taken by force.

Level 2, Room 7 (L2R7)
This room is a rock-strewn path along a cliff's edge. It looks like rocks have fallen here recently.
  • Encounter: Each time this "room" is entered, the GM rolls 1d6. On a 1, rocks begin to fall onto the path (See Special).
  • Special
    • Falling Rocks: If rocks begin to fall, 1d4 targets of the GM's choice suffer the effect below.
      • Effect: If triggered, each target must roll a Save. If they fail, they take 5d6 Damage. If they succeed, they take half as much Damage.
  • Treasure: None.

Level 2, Room 8 (L2R8)
This room is a junction of paths leading to STT (the Thon-Kyrr Entrance to Steepwalker Trail). At the junction, an elf has made a cabin where he lives and looks after a handful of mules.
  • Encounter: Gythric Sablehair (Elf Merchant); Indifferent; Looking to buy, sell, or rent Mules.
    • Gythric Sablehair (Elf Merchant) - 4 CR
      • HP: 20
      • AC: 14
      • AB: +4
      • Damage: 1d6 + 4
      • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; 2 Spell Points; Magic Missile (The user creates 4 magical darts. They may then instantly send each dart to any target within Medium Range. These darts hit automatically and each dart deals 1d4 Force Damage.); Heal (The user may Heal themselves or an ally within Close Range for 1d6 + 4 HP.)
      • Save: 13
      • Skills: +2
  • Special
    • Mules: Gythric will buy Mules for 1d4 Gold, sell Mules for 5 Gold each, and rent Mules for 1 Gold per day, with a deposit of 10 Gold upfront.
  • Treasure: Cabin, 1 Shortsword, 1 Longbow, 4d4 Rations, 5d6 Gold pieces, 1d4 Mules.
    • Note: Obviously, this Treasure can only be taken if stolen from Gythric or taken by force.
    • Aftermath: If Gythric is slain, robbed, or otherwise harmed, the Mayor of Thon-Kyrr will do whatever she can to find the culprits and bring them to the Guards of Thon-Kyrr for potential jail time.

Level 2, Rooms 9 through 12 (L2R9 through L2R12)
These "rooms" are instead Special Encounters that may be found within Steepwalker Trail. Below are both the Steepwalker Trail Encounter List and the Steepwalker Trail Special Encounter List to serve as references.

Steepwalker Trail Encounter List
When a 1 is rolled on the Encounter Die, the GM rolls 1d20 on the table below. On a 11-20, consult the Steepwalker Trail Special Encounter Table below this one.
  1. 1 Troll; when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry and very hostile.
  2. 1 Bear; when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry. However, they tend to avoid combat when possible.
  3. 1 Cougar; when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry. However, they tend to avoid combat when possible.
  4. "
  5. 1d4 Spiders (Giant); when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry, but cautious.
  6. 1d2 Spiders (Giant); when encountered, these creatures are usually hungry, but cautious.
  7. "
  8. 1d4+1 Hawks (Giant); when encountered, these creatures are usually hunting other animals as prey. However, they may harass creatures that they see as competition for their food.
  9. "
  10. "
  11. See Special Encounter List.
  12. See Special Encounter List.
  13. See Special Encounter List.
  14. See Special Encounter List.
  15. See Special Encounter List.
  16. See Special Encounter List.
  17. See Special Encounter List.
  18. See Special Encounter List.
  19. See Special Encounter List.
  20. See Special Encounter List.
Steepwalker Trail Special Encounter List
When it comes to the special encounters below, the GM should reroll on the table if that encounter has already occurred.
  1. L2R9
  2. L2R10
  3. L2R11
  4. L2R12
  5. L2R13
  6. L2R14
  7. L2R15
  8. L2R16
  9. L2R17
  10. L2R18
  11. L2R19
  12. L2R20
  13. L2R21
  14. L2R22
  15. L2R23
  16. L2R24
  17. L2R25
  18. L2R26
  19. L2R27
  20. L2R28
  • Side Note: If you happen to have a d30 lying around, you can easily just roll that to determine encounters for Steepwalker Trail by just adding 10 to all of the values of the Special Encounter List (i.e., 1 becomes 11, 2 becomes 12, 20 becomes 30, etc.). It will make the Special Encounters more common, but that's part of the fun of this Dungeon Level.
  • Encounter: Niana the Swift (Dwarf Bard); Kind and outgoing; Offers to play music for coin.
    • Niana the Swift (Dwarf Bard) - 2 CR
      • HP: 10
      • AC: 12
      • AB: +2
      • Damage: 1d6 + 2
      • Special: Can use Ranged Attacks; Fortitude (Advantage on Saves.); 1 Spell Point; Heal (The user may Heal themselves or an ally within Close Range for 1d6 + 2 HP.)
      • Save: 14
      • Skills: +1
  • Special
    • Music: Niana will play songs for 1 Silver each. Her songs take a few minutes to play. However, she will offer a special song to those who have paid her 3 or more Silver. For 1 Gold, she will play a special 10-minute ballad that will Heal all listeners for 1d4 HP. She can only play this ballad once per day.
  • Treasure: 1 Shortsword, 1 Lyre, 1 bedroll, 3d4 Rations, 5d6 Silver pieces.
    • Note: Obviously, this Treasure can only be taken if stolen from Niana or taken by force.
  • Encounter: Rannick, King of the Hawks (Human Hermit); Odd and paranoid; Cawing loudly at a nest of nearby Giant Hawks.
    • Rannick, King of the Hawks (Human Hermit) - 1 CR
      • HP: 5
      • AC: 11
      • AB: +1
      • Damage: 1d6 + 1
      • Special: Giant Hawks will not harm him.
      • Save: 15
      • Skills: +0
  • Special
    • Hawks: Rannick claims to be the King of the Hawks. He calls out to the Giant Hawks constantly, and they occasionally call back. While he has no control over them, they do avoid harming him.
  • Treasure: 1 Dagger, 1d4 Rations, 1d6 Copper pieces.
    • Note: Obviously, this Treasure can only be taken if stolen from Rannick or taken by force.

  • Encounter: Herd of Mountain Goats; Grazing on roots and weeds; Completely blocking the path.
    • Mountain Goat - 1 CR
      • HP: 5
      • AC: 11
      • AB: +1
      • Damage: 1d6 + 1
      • Special: Domesticated (This creature will always try to flee before it fights, only fighting as a last resort.)
      • Save: 15
      • Skills: +0
  • Special: Allow your players to use a creative solution to move or avoid the goats.
  • Treasure: If the Goats are killed; Rations (Goat meat) equal to twice the number of killed Goats and 1 Goat Pelt per killed Goat, with each Pelt being worth 1 Gold.
  • Encounter: 2d4 Sickly Peasants; Somber and weak; Burying a deceased friend under a pile of stones.
    • Sickly Peasant - 0 CR
      • HP: 1
      • AC: 10
      • AB: +0
      • Damage: 1d6 + 0
      • Special: Sickly (Permanently Enfeebled.)
      • Save: 15
      • Skills: +0
  • Treasure: None.

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