Sunday, July 31, 2022

[NEW SPELLS] Dungeon! - New Spells 7/31/22

Below is a list of new Spells I have added to Dungeon! Details for these Spells may be found on the Core Spell List.

  • Hemorrhage
  • Jump
  • Magic Lock
  • Push
  • Stun

Friday, July 22, 2022

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Pact-Keeper

The Pact-Keeper

HP: +1d6 each Level, minimum of +3

AC: +1 each 2nd Level

AB: +1 each Level

Save: -1 each Level

Skills: +1 Skill Pip each Level

At 1st Level, you make a pact with an occult patron, eldritch being, or some otherworldly creature. This pact grants you 1 Spell Point (SP). You may use 1 Spell Point to petition your patron, allowing you to Cast any Spell. Finally, you regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest.

At 2nd Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 3rd Level, your patron grants you further magical power. Choose the option below that best fits your chosen patron.

  • Angel: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Bless or Heal without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Demon: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Bane or Drain without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Dragon: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Fear or Fire Breath without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Eldritch: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Dark Tentacle or Phantasm without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Fairy: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Charm or Hilarity without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Giant: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Earthquake or Ward without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Nature Spirit: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Grasping Vine or Thorns without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Spider Queen: You may use this ability to Cast the Spell Sting or Web without using a Spell Point. Once you have used this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.

At 4th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 5th Level, your patron grants you power in combat. Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 7th Level, your patron empowers you even further. You gain the option below that matches the option you chose at 3rd Level.

  • Angel: You have been chosen by the gods above. When you would die, you may use this ability to remain at 1 HP instead. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Long Rest before you may use it again.
  • Demon: Your skin has hellish resilience. When you take Damage, you take -2 Damage. You take at least 1 Damage.
  • Dragon: You may fly short distances, growing draconic wings when you do so. You may fly for up to 10 minutes per Long Rest.
  • Eldritch: Your gaze is unsettling. You have Advantage on Skill Checks to cause the Afraid Affliction or intimidate others. Also, you cause 1 additional stage of the Afraid Affliction each time you cause it.
  • Fairy: Your mind is immune to magical trickery. You are Immune to the Spells Charm, Hilarity, Illusion, Phantasm, and Sleep.
  • Giant: You may occasionally grow in size and strength. For 1 minute, you may double in size, gaining Advantage on Skill Checks relating to physical strength and gaining Advantage on Damage rolls. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may use it again.
  • Nature Spirit: Your body regrows like a plant. Whenever you are Healed, you gain an additional 2d4 Healing.
  • Spider Queen: You are Immune to the Poisoned Affliction, and you may climb walls and ceilings like a spider.

At 8th Level, you gain 1 additional Spell Point.

At 9th Level, your patron aids your combat further. Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 10th Level, you have become a devout follower of your patron. Your patron offers you a choice; you may either construct an Altar to be used by yourself and other Pact-Keepers or become a Vessel of your patron. Details for both options are below.

  • Altar: You are sought out by 1d6 + 10 1st Level Pact-Keepers who follow your same patron. They will build the Altar in a valid location over the course of 25 days. Once completed, you will lead rituals at this Altar and these Pact-Keepers will follow your commands, as long as they do not violate your patron. Once up and running, you may perform ritual sacrifices at the Altar, with each ritual being considered a standard Downtime activity. Your patron blesses you with a certain benefit depending on the type of sacrifice performed:
    • Blood Sacrifice: You may decrease your Maximum HP by 10 for 24 hours. For the same amount of time, your Maximum Spell Points are increased by 5.
    • Human Sacrifice: If you ritualistically kill a sentient creature, you gain 6d6 Gold.
    • Sacrificial Tithe: For every 1 Gold of value sacrificed, you may fully Heal yourself or a nearby target.
  • Vessel: You may occasionally become a Vessel for your patron. As an Action, you may begin to channel your patron. For the next minute, you take -5 Damage (you take at least 1 Damage), you deal +5 Damage, and you provide +5 Healing. Additionally, you cannot die during this time. You can still be reduced to 0 HP, but you will remain alive and continue to fight. If you are still at 0 HP when the minute ends, you will then die as normal. Once you have used this ability, you must finish 5 Long Rests before you may use it again.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

[MECHANICS] Dungeon! - Henchmen & Hirelings

Henchmen & Hirelings

Unlike Player Characters, Henchmen and Hirelings have certain restrictions. For one, they require daily pay. The Pay Stat in their Stat Block lists their rate of daily pay.

Also, Henchmen and Hirelings must roll Morale. Unlike Monsters, Henchmen and Hirelings roll Morale in more specific situations. Whenever a Henchman, Hireling, or Player Character is killed, every nearby Henchmen and Hireling must roll Morale. Additionally, they will roll Morale each day they go without pay. For each consecutive day without pay, they gain a cumulative -1 to their Morale Save. These cumulative -1's are reset once they are paid in full for their unpaid days of work. Finally, Henchmen and Hirelings may roll Morale at the GM's discretion each time a Player Character attempts to mistreat them. For example, a Guard who is forced by his employer to walk into a Trap will most certainly roll Morale before deciding if they will actually obey. Whenever a Henchman or Hireling fails a Morale Save, they instantly quit employment and, if in danger, do everything they can to flee and defend themselves.

Many Henchmen and Hirelings also have Ranks. Ranks are effectively Levels for Henchmen and Hirelings. Rank often impacts the Stats of Henchmen and Hirelings, including their Pay. Any Henchmen or Hireling that has a Rank starts at a minimum of Rank 1 and can reach a maximum of Rank 5. To reach their next Rank, a Henchman or Hireling must be paid a Bonus. This Bonus should be a single large sum equal to 10 times their current Pay. At the GM's discretion, however, Henchmen and Hirelings may already be higher than Rank 1 when first employed by the Player Characters.


Henchmen are combat-oriented. They can be hired as muscle for clearing out a dungeon, but some types of Henchmen have preferred jobs listed as Special mechanics. Also, Henchman can wield any Weapon and can wear Armor based on what type of Henchman they are. All Henchman may use Shields. Henchman will start out with the standard equipment listed in their Stat Block unless the GM alters their Stat Block. For example, this means a Guard you hire would start out with Heavy Armor and a Spear, but no Shield. The GM may alter this and/or you may give better equipment to that Guard, improving their Stats.

Basic Henchmen

  • Guard - CR = Rank - - - Encumbrance: 20 - - - Pay: 5 Silver per Rank per Day
    • HP: 6 per Rank
    • AC: 13 (w/ Heavy Armor; can wear any Armor)
    • AB: +1 per Rank
    • Damage: 1d8 (w/ Spear), 1 Free Action Attack each Turn if Rank 5
    • Special: Guards will fight alongside their employers, but they prefer stationary work protecting settlements and strongholds. At the end of each week, any Guard not assigned to stationary work must roll Morale.
    • Save: 15
    • Skills: Listen (2-in-6)
  • Mercenary - CR = Rank + 2 - - - Encumbrance: 20 - - - Pay: 1 Gold per Rank per Day
    • HP: 8 per Rank
    • AC: 14 (w/ Medium Armor + Shield; can wear any Armor)
    • AB: +2 per Rank
    • Damage: 1d8 (w/ Battle Axe), 1 Free Action Attack each Turn if Rank 3 or higher
    • Special: Mercenaries will fight alongside their employers. They have no specific work preferences, but they are not as loyal as Knights. Mercenaries value Gold and self-preservation over all else.
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: Agility (2-in-6), Strength (2-in-6)
  • Knight - CR = Rank + 2 - - - Encumbrance: 20 - - - Pay: 2 Gold per Rank per Day
    • HP: 10 per Rank
    • AC: 15 (w/ Heavy Armor + Shield; can wear any Armor)
    • AB: +2 per Rank
    • Damage: 1d8 (w/ Longsword), 1 Free Action Attack each Turn if Rank 3 or higher
    • Special: Knights seek battle and to fight alongside their employers. They are willing to fight to the death, and they have Advantage on Morale rolls. At the end of each week, any Knight that has not seen combat in the past week must roll Morale.
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Charisma (2-in-6), Strength (3-in-6)

Specialized Henchmen

  • Magic-User - CR = Rank - - - Encumbrance: 10 - - - Pay: 3 Gold per Rank per Day
    • HP: 4 per Rank
    • AC: 11 (w/ Light Armor; can only wear Light Armor)
    • AB: +1 per Rank
    • Damage: 1d6 (w/ Dagger), 1 Free Action Attack each Turn if Rank 5
    • Spells: 1 Spell Point per Rank. Knows 1 Spell per Rank from the d10 list below:
      1. Bookspeak
      2. Counter Spell
      3. Detect
      4. Fireball
      5. Invisibility
      6. Light
      7. Lorespeak
      8. Magic Missile
      9. Sleep
      10. Ward
    • Special: Magic-Users seek knowledge and to explore alongside their employers. They are willing to fight to the death for this knowledge, and they have Advantage on Morale rolls. At the end of each week, any Magic-User that has not found any sort of arcane knowledge or Item in the past week must roll Morale.
    • Save: 12
    • Skills: Knowledge (3-in-6), Languages (2-in-6)
  • Priest - CR = Rank - - - Encumbrance: 15 - - - Pay: 2 Gold per Rank per Day
    • HP: 6 per Rank
    • AC: 12 (w/ Medium Armor; can wear Light or Medium Armor)
    • AB: +1 per Rank
    • Damage: 1d8 (w/ Mace), 1 Free Action Attack each Turn if Rank 5
    • Spells: 1 Spell Point per Rank. Knows 1 Spell per Rank from the d8 list below:
      1. Bane
      2. Bless
      3. Fear
      4. Heal
      5. Heroism
      6. Holy Weapon
      7. Light
      8. Revive
    • Special: Priests seek holy relics and to explore alongside their employers. They are willing to fight to the death for these holy relics, and they have Advantage on Morale rolls. At the end of each week, any Priest that has not found any sort of holy relic or information in the past week must roll Morale.
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: Languages (2-in-6), Medicine (3-in-6)
  • Specialist - CR = Rank - - - Encumbrance: 10 - - - Pay: 1 Gold per Rank per Day
    • HP: 4 per Rank
    • AC: 11 (w/ Light Armor; can only wear Light Armor)
    • AB: +2 per Rank
    • Damage: 1d6 (w/ Dagger), 1 Free Action Attack each Turn if Rank 5
    • Special: Specialists simply seek treasure and wealth. However, they do value self-preservation. At the end of each week, any Specialist that has not found any sort of treasure in the past week must roll Morale.
    • Save: 12
    • Skills: Agility (3-in-6), Listen (3-in-6), Search (3-in-6), Stealth (3-in-6), Thievery (3-in-6); Specialists also gain +1 Skill Pip to assign for each Rank they gain above 1.


Hirelings are not combat-oriented. In fact, they will do everything in their power to avoid combat, fleeing completely if they must. They can be hired for specific tasks and as skilled laborers. Hirelings tend to have specific preferences, listed as Special mechanics. Finally, most Hirelings lack HP, AC, AB, and Saves. This is because these values are not relevant. If a Hireling who lacks one of these Stats takes 1 or more Damage, they die instantly.

  • Accountant - - - Pay: 1 Gold per Day
    • Special: Accountants will not accompany their employers on adventures, instead investing funds for their employer in the local economy. For every day an Accountant is paid to work, they generate 1d4 - 1 Gold.
    • Skills: Knowledge (2-in-6)
  • Craftsman - - - Pay: 5 Silver per Day
    • Special: Craftsman will not accompany their employers on adventures, instead specializing in 1 specific craft (such as Alchemy, Blacksmithing, etc.). For every day a Craftsman is paid to work, they generate 1 Item related to their craft. The GM may require the Craftsman to be supplied with additional Coin or ingredients to craft certain Items.
    • Skills: Strength (2-in-6)
  • Crewman - - - Pay: 3 Silver per Day
    • Special: Crewman specialize in driving wagons, manning ships, and other Vehicle related jobs. Also, they will care for Beasts of Burden and Mounts. Finally, when attempting to repair a Vehicle, they automatically succeed on the Skill Check.
    • Skills: Survival (2-in-6)
  • Doctor - - - Pay: 1 Gold per Day
    • Special: Doctors are trained in medicine but lack magical ability. While they won't engage in combat, Doctors are willing to travel alongside their employers, offering their services. Below are the services a Doctor may provide.
      • Over 10 minutes... A Doctor may apply a Bandage with no risk of failure.
      • Over 1 hour... A Doctor may increase the Short Rest Healing of up to 5 nearby targets by 1d4.
      • Over 8 hours... A Doctor may increase the Long Rest Healing of up to 5 nearby targets by 5.
      • Over a full day... A Doctor may cure 1 nearby target of a single Sickness of Disease.
      • Over a full day... A Doctor may create and install a prosthetic onto a single target. The prosthetic will allow the target to function as normal, but permanently reduces the target's Maximum HP by 5.
    • Skills: Medicine (3-in-6)
  • Laborer - - - Pay: 1 Silver per Day
    • Special: Laborers will not accompany their employers on adventures, instead performing grunt-work at certain locations. If you want something built, moved, or excavated, Laborers are your best bet.
    • Skills: Strength (2-in-6)
  • Manager - - - Pay: 7 Silver per Day
    • Special: Managers can be put in charge of up to 10 other Henchmen or Hirelings. Each Henchman or Hireling managed by them has their Pay reduced by a value of 1 Silver. Henchmen and Hirelings may not be managed by more than one Manager at a time.
    • Skills: Charisma (2-in-6)
  • Torchbearer - - - Encumbrance: 10 - - - Pay: 3 Silver per Day
    • HP: 5
    • AC: 15
    • AB: +0
    • Damage: N/A, Hirelings will never Attack
    • Special: Torchbearers craft 4 Torches after a Long Rest, or they may instead find 1 Flask of Oil. Also, Torchbearers will avoid fleeing from combat unless ordered otherwise. However, the most a Torchbearer will do in combat is provide the actual fighters with light.
    • Save: 15
    • Skills: Agility (2-in-6)

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

[NEW SPELLS] Dungeon! - New Spells 7/19/22

Below is a list of new Spells I have added to Dungeon! Details for these Spells may be found on the Core Spell List.

  • Bookspeak
  • Color Spray
  • Dark Tentacle
  • Earthquake
  • Heroism
  • Lorespeak

Monday, July 18, 2022

[MECHANICS] Dungeon! - Beasts of Burden, Mounts, and Vehicles

Beasts of Burden, Mounts, and Vehicles

This post is a bit of a hodgepodge of mechanics that go hand-in-hand with both Wilderness Travel and Encumbrance. If you aren't using either of those mechanics, this post probably won't be of much use to you.

The most important thing to note with this post is that the mechanics listed below are pretty simple and rely on common sense. Yes, Mules have HP and a CR, but they aren't intended for warfare. Yes, Vehicles have HP, but obviously they would not be Healed by a potion. Try to keep these things in mind when using the mechanics below and when creating new Beasts of Burden, Mounts, and Vehicles.

Beasts of Burden

  • Donkey - 1 CR - - - Encumbrance: 15 - - - Riders: 1 - - - Cost: Low
    • HP: 10
    • AC: 11
    • AB: +1
    • Damage: 1d6 + 1
    • Special: Domesticated (This creature will always try to flee before it fights, only fighting as a last resort.); Tough (This creature has 5 additional HP. This is already accounted for in its Stats.)
    • Save: 15
    • Skills: N/A
  • Ox - 3 CR - - - Encumbrance: 25 - - - Riders: 1 - - - Cost: High
    • HP: 20
    • AC: 13
    • AB: +3
    • Damage: 1d6 + 3
    • Special: Domesticated (This creature will always try to flee before it fights, only fighting as a last resort.); Tough (This creature has 5 additional HP. This is already accounted for in its Stats.)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: N/A
  • Mule - 2 CR - - - Encumbrance: 20 - - - Riders: 1 - - - Cost: Moderate
    • HP: 15
    • AC: 12
    • AB: +2
    • Damage: 1d6 + 2
    • Special: Domesticated (This creature will always try to flee before it fights, only fighting as a last resort.); Tough (This creature has 5 additional HP. This is already accounted for in its Stats.)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: N/A

  • Camel - 3 CR - - - Encumbrance: 15 - - - Riders: 1 or 2 - - - Cost: High
    • HP: 15
    • AC: 13
    • AB: +3
    • Damage: 1d6 + 3
    • Special: Domesticated (This creature will always try to flee before it fights, only fighting as a last resort.); Mount (This creature grants its rider 3 extra Movement Points per day.); Desert-Dweller (This creature does not have its movement impeded by sand and it cannot become dehydrated or Exhausted due to dry or hot environments.)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: N/A
  • Riding Horse - 3 CR - - - Encumbrance: 10 - - - Riders: 1 or 2 - - - Cost: Moderate
    • HP: 15
    • AC: 13
    • AB: +3
    • Damage: 1d6 + 3
    • Special: Domesticated (This creature will always try to flee before it fights, only fighting as a last resort.); Mount (This creature grants its rider 3 extra Movement Points per day.)
    • Save: 14
    • Skills: N/A
  • War Horse - 5 CR - - - Encumbrance: 15 - - - Riders: 1 or 2 - - - Cost: High
    • HP: 30
    • AC: 15
    • AB: +5
    • Damage: 1d6 + 5, 1 Free Action Attack each Turn
    • Special: Mount (This creature grants its rider 3 extra Movement Points per day.); Tough (This creature has 5 additional HP. This is already accounted for in its Stats.)
    • Save: 13
    • Skills: N/A

Mount Equipment

Over the course of 10 minutes, you may equip a willing Mount with 1 piece Mount Equipment you own. A Mount may only have 1 piece of Mount Equipment active at any given time. All Mount Equipment may only be placed on creatures with the Mount Ability. 

  • Riding Saddle: The wearer provides its rider with a further 2 additional Movement Points per day.
  • Saddlebags: The wearer has an additional +5 Encumbrance. Saddlebags may also be placed on Beasts of Burden, unlike other Mount Equipment.
  • Light Mount Armor: The wearer has +1 AC and +5 Maximum HP, but it provides its rider with 1 less extra Movement Point.
  • Medium Mount Armor: The wearer has +2 AC and +10 Maximum HP, but it provides its rider with 2 less extra Movement Points.
  • Heavy Mount Armor: The wearer has +3 AC and +15 Maximum HP, but it doesn't provide its rider with extra Movement Points.


All Vehicles are considered objects. Land Vehicles must be pulled by at least 1 Beast of Burden or Mount and all Vehicles must be steered/driven by at least 1 Character or NPC.

All Vehicles have an AC of 15 and a number of Hit Points equal to their Encumbrance. Vehicles automatically succeed on all Saving Throws against Spells, Maneuvers, etc. When a Vehicle reaches 0 HP, it is destroyed, and all of its contents are dropped to the ground.

Finally, Vehicles may be repaired at a rate of 1 HP per 1 hour of time spent repairing, but they cannot be Healed by magic, potions, etc. At the end of each hour, the worker may roll a Strength Skill Check to attempt to increase the HP repaired. On a success, the Vehicle regains 5 HP instead of only 1 HP.

Additionally, Vehicles grant Riders extra Movement Points, similar to Mounts. However, Vehicles are more limited as to where they can travel. For example, a Pull-Cart is meant for land travel, not sea travel. By the same token, Ships are meant for sea travel, not land travel. Simply use common sense. Obviously, a Ship cannot be used to travel through a grassland hex that lacks a deep, wide river.

Land Vehicles

  • Hand-Cart - - - Encumbrance: 10 - - - Riders: None - - - Cost: Low
  • Pull-Cart - - - Encumbrance: 25 - - - Riders: 1 to 4 - - - Cost: Moderate
    • Special: Buggy (If pulled by a Beast of Burden, +1 Movement Points. If pulled by a Mount, +2 Movement Points.)
  • Wagon - - - Encumbrance: 50 - - - Riders: 1 to 6 - - - Cost: High
    • Special: Buggy (If pulled by a Beast of Burden, +1 Movement Points. If pulled by a Mount, +2 Movement Points.)
Sea Vehicles

Note: Ships often list more than 1 Rider as a baseline. This is because most ships require a minimum number of crew members to function. For example, a Medium Ship needs at least 3 Riders, otherwise it will be dead in the water.
  • Raft - - - Encumbrance: 10 - - - Riders: 1 - - - Cost: Low
    • Special: Dinghy (This Vehicle only uses 2 Movement Point on Water Hexes, unless there is stormy weather, at which point Water Hexes cost 4 MP.)
  • Rowboat - - - Encumbrance: 25 - - - Riders: 1 to 3 - - - Cost: Moderate
    • Special: Dinghy (This Vehicle only uses 2 Movement Point on Water Hexes, unless there is stormy weather, at which point Water Hexes cost 4 MP.)
  • Ship (Small) - - - Encumbrance: 100 - - - Riders: 1 to 10 - - - Cost: Extreme, at least 2,500 GP
    • Special: Sailboat (This Vehicle only uses 1 Movement Point on Water Hexes, unless there is stormy weather, at which point Water Hexes cost 3 MP.)
  • Ship (Medium) - - - Encumbrance: 250 - - - Riders: 3 to 30 - - - Cost: Extreme, at least 10,000 GP
    • Special: Sailboat (This Vehicle only uses 1 Movement Point on Water Hexes, unless there is stormy weather, at which point Water Hexes cost 3 MP.)
  • Ship (Large) - - - Encumbrance: 500 - - - Riders: 10 to 100 - - - Cost: Extreme, at least 25,000 GP
    • Special: Sailboat (This Vehicle only uses 1 Movement Point on Water Hexes, unless there is stormy weather, at which point Water Hexes cost 3 MP.)

Sunday, July 17, 2022

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Bard

The Bard

HP: +1d6 each Level, minimum of +3

AC: +1 each 2nd Level

AB: +1 each 2nd Level

Save: -1 each Level

Skills: +2 Skill Pips each Level

At 1st Level, you are able to inspire those around you through sheer willpower, usually by performing. As an Action, you may begin such a performance. For up to 10 minutes, you and allies that can see or hear you gain a +1 bonus on Attack rolls, Damage rolls, and Saves. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Long Rest before you may use it again. Finally, you may use 1 Spell Point to use this Ability again even if you haven't finished a Long Rest yet.

At 2nd Level, your willpower has granted you the ability to Cast Spells. You learn a number of Spells equal to your Bard Level and you gain 2 Spell Points (SP). Using 1 Spell Point, you may cast any Spell you know. You regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest.

At 3rd Level, you begin to specialize your performance. You may choose one of the options below.

  • Composer: The bonuses provided by your 1st Level Ability increase from +1 to +2.
  • Dancer: While you are performing per your 1st Level Ability, you have +5 AC.
  • Jester: When you attempt Skill Checks to Demoralize or Taunt targets, you have Advantage.
  • Magician: You learn 3 additional Spells.
  • Soloist: You gain +2 AC and you deal +2 Damage with Weapons.

At 4th Level, you may gain one of the options below.

  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +1 AB.
  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +2 Skill Pips.
  • You gain 2 additional Spell Points.

At 5th Level, your performance enhances your combat. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.
  • Composer: On your Turn, you may direct an ally who can see or hear you, allowing them to attempt a single Weapon Attack. You may only use this Ability once per Round.
  • Dancer: When an Attack roll misses you, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack. You may only use this Ability once per Round.
  • Jester: When you successfully Demoralize or Taunt a target, you may use 1 Spell Point to Heal yourself or an ally that can see or hear you for 2d6 HP. Alternatively, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack instead.
  • Magician: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.
  • Soloist: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, you may gain one of the options below.

  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +1 AB.
  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +2 Skill Pips.
  • You gain 2 additional Spell Points.

At 7th Level, your performance aides you further. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.
  • Composer: You regain the use of your 1st Level Ability whenever you finish a Short or Long Rest, instead of only regaining its use when you finish a Long Rest.
  • Dancer: While you are performing per your 1st Level Ability, you have Advantage on Saves.
  • Jester: Whenever you finish a Long Rest, choose 3 Skills. You have Advantage on those Skills until you finish another Long Rest.
  • Magician: Whenever you finish a Short or Long Rest, you may swap out one Spell you know with a different one.
  • Soloist: You gain an additional +2 AC and you deal an additional +2 Damage with Weapons.

At 8th Level, you may gain one of the options below.

  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +1 AB.
  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +2 Skill Pips.
  • You gain 2 additional Spell Points.

At 9th Level, you master your style of performance. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.
  • Composer: You may now use your 5th Level Composer Ability twice per Round.
  • Dancer: You may now use your 5th Level Dancer Ability twice per Round.
  • Jester: Whenever you use a Spell Point, you may grant an ally within Short Range a 1d12 bonus die. They may use this bonus die once during the next 10 minutes, adding it onto an Attack Roll, Damage Roll, Save, or Skill Check. Each of your allies may only have one of these bonus dice at a time.
  • Magician: You deal +5 Damage with Spells.
  • Soloist: Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 10th Level, you have become a renown performer. The old Court Jester of local Royalty or the leader of a local Performer's Guild seek you out, each making you an offer. You may either take up the mantle of the old Court Jester, or you may join the Performer's Guild. Details for both options are below.
  • Court Jester: The old Court Jester puts in a good word with local royalty and arranges for you to take their place as soon as possible. Once you have taken their place, you will receive 3d6 Gold per day as a stipend and you will be gifted a home to live in at the nearest royal castle, stronghold, city, etc. The royalty you perform for takes quite a shine to you, treating you like one of the family. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within your home in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • Performer's Guild: You join the local Performer's Guild, and you are welcomed with open arms. While you do not own the Guild, you have immense sway over its decisions due to your renown. For each Day of Downtime you spend at the Guild, you generate 6d6 Gold of profit for yourself. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within the Guild in half the normal time due to its accommodations.

[MECHANICS] Dungeon! - Simple Encumbrance

Thoughts on Encumbrance

Encumbrance is an oddly hot topic of debate in TTRPGs. Inventory management is clearly a core part of TTRPG design, but many players, especially in modern TTRPGs, simply ignore it completely. Why? Well, the most popular TTRPG system has a horribly designed afterthought of an Encumbrance System.

Many OSR systems have their own, simple, and easy to use Encumbrance Systems. Even in those systems, however, there is sometimes a stigma to actually tracking Encumbrance. In all honesty, I believe this comes from a place of ignorance, not laziness.

Regardless of what system you play, you should try to track Encumbrance one way or another. It adds a fun challenge to the game, and it allows for more realism. Hopefully, one or both of those reasons is enough for you.

Encumbrance in Dungeon!

Encumbrance is an additional mechanic in Dungeon! For the reasons mentioned above, including Encumbrance as a required mechanic tends to scare people off. However, adding Encumbrance is as simple as grabbing a blank sheet of lined paper.

On this sheet of lined paper, make a numbered list. The length of this list should equal (10 + the Max roll of your Class's HP die). For example, a Mage's Encumbrance List would be 16 lines long while a Fighter's would be 20 lines long. Finally, place each of your Items into the list. Each individual Item takes up 1 line. The only exceptions to this are Items that are used up when used, such as Ammo, Potions, Torches, Rations, etc. Single-use Items like this may be placed together in “stacks” of 20 onto a single line. Finally, Coins may be placed together in "stacks" of 1000.

And that's it!

At the end of the day, the mechanic of Encumbrance is only as complicated as you let yourself think it is. With the right system and the right mindset, Encumbrance is incredibly easy to use and enjoy.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

[NEW SPELLS] Dungeon! - New Spells 7/10/22

Below is a list of new Spells I have added to Dungeon! Details for these Spells may be found on the Core Spell List.

  • Charm
  • Hilarity
  • Illusion
  • Phantasm
  • Shatter
  • Sleep

Saturday, July 9, 2022

[MECHANICS] Dungeon! - Traps

Traps and the OSR

Before I talk about how Traps are intended to be used in Dungeon!, I should first touch on the overall purpose of Traps in OSR TTRPGs.

Especially today in 5e, the purpose of Traps has been completely missed by both the game designers and many DMs. For whatever reason, Traps in many modern TTRPG systems are designed for the sole purpose of being "gotcha" mechanics that serve to deplete resources. While this may be effective for the bad guys, it is in no way fun or enjoyable to the players. Also, it punishes the players for Exploration... One of the core pillars of TTRPG game design. Seems kind of silly, doesn't it?

Enter the OSR. Many people in the OSR community seem to truly understand the purpose of Traps; Traps should serve as a puzzle or problem to solve. This puzzle or problem may require resources to solve, but it shouldn't take those resources away as a "gotcha," instead allowing the players to actively choose how to handle the Trap in a way that may cost them specific resources. GMs should design Traps to be somewhat obvious, but they guard something tempting or important to the players, such as a chest of treasure or the way into a dungeon. Traps shouldn't be haphazardly placed everywhere, only in places where it both makes sense and serves a purpose.

If you still aren't sold, I recommend checking out the videos below.

Traps in Dungeon!

With the purpose of Traps established, I can now delve into their use in Dungeon! Traps should be used sparingly and intelligently, as detailed above. Use Traps as puzzles, NOT as "gotcha" moments.

If you are used to other systems, you may be inclined to hide Traps behind Skill Checks. DO NOT DO THIS! Why? Because as the GM it is your job to tell the players what their characters see, hear, smell, etc. Their senses of a room shouldn't be up to an arbitrary roll. Just tell them what is in the room, what it smells like, what they hear, etc. They may then take that information and make decisions. Simple.

Now, you may ask, do I just tell them, "Hey, there's a Trap in this room." You should! Just do it in a subtle way. For example, in a room with a one-way dart Trap you may describe one of the walls as "dotted with holes" while the one directly across is "chipped and pock marked." The players will then realize what you said is a clear indication of a Trap. If they don't... Well, they will learn very quickly.

Next, be open to creative solutions to Traps. Not every Trap will have a logical and easy way to be disarmed, so more creative solutions may be required. Also, even simple Traps can be solved creatively. The dart room mentioned above could potentially be solved by a Fighter with a metal Shield just carefully walking by the trap, hiding behind their Shield. Remember, Traps are puzzles, not necessarily resource taxes. This Shield solution is very simple and costs the party little to nothing. And that's okay! It's a simple and smart solution to a simple problem. That should be rewarded.

Finally, some example Traps are below. Each Trap includes a description, options for how the Trap is triggered and mechanics for how the Trap "Attacks." Additionally, each Trap lists 4 possible locations where you may find such a Trap. Feel free to roll 1d4 on these lists to place these Traps throughout your dungeons.

  • Alarm Trap: A trap that makes noise or otherwise gives away the position of those who trigger it.
    • Possible Triggers: A weighted pressure plate, a tripwire, lack of Stealth, etc.
    • Effect: If triggered, the Trap alerts nearby Monsters. The GM rolls the Encounter Die, but 3 or less counts as a 1.
    • Locations: 1; A room full of bells attached to tripwires via pulleys. 2; A silent room where the floor is covered with calm but deep water. 3; A room where a large guard dog sleeps. 4; A hallway full of hanging strings of glass bottles.
  • Boulder/Rockfall Trap: A trap which allows gravity to drop a rolling boulder or pile of rocks onto targets.
    • Possible Triggers: A weighted pressure plate, a tripwire, etc.
    • Effect: If triggered, Targets within a 10-foot Radius of the trigger must roll a Save. If they fail, they take 5d6 Damage. If they succeed, they take half as much Damage.
    • Locations: 1; A room containing a golden idol on a weighted pressure plate. 2; A hallway with obvious scuffs along the walls and a hole in the ceiling. 3; A crumbling cliffside path where small chunks of different colored rocks are scattered. 4; A long hallway with an obvious round boulder visible in a high place.
  • Chute: A trap that uses gravity to displace its targets to a lower location, such as the lower level of a dungeon.
    • Possible Triggers: A trapdoor, a suspicious lever, etc.
    • Effect: If triggered, the target must roll a Save. If they fail, they fall down the chute, being spat out wherever the chute leads. It is near-impossible to climb up a chute. If they succeed, they simply sidestep this Trap.
    • Locations: 1; A hallway with missing floor tiles, where each missing tile shows a different chute. 2; A room where the entire floor is a massive trapdoor. A chest sits in the middle of the room. 3; A room with many trap doors built into the floor. Some are open, some closed. Multiple levers can be seen on the walls, some pulled, some not. 4; A room where the only way out is a visible Chute.
  • Dart Trap: A trap that fires sharp darts at targets.
    • Possible Triggers: A weighted pressure plate, a tripwire, etc.
    • Effect: If triggered, the GM rolls 1d20 + 10 versus the target's AC. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 Damage.
    • Locations: 1; A hallway with holes in the walls. 2; A wall where many faces are chiseled, each with open mouths. 3; A chest with a suspiciously large keyhole. 4; A large statue with holes for eyes.
  • Dart Trap (Poisoned): A trap that fires sharp, poison tipped darts at targets.
    • Possible Triggers: A weighted pressure plate, a tripwire, etc.
    • Effect: If triggered, the GM rolls 1d20 + 10 versus the target's AC. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 Damage, and they must roll a Save. If they fail, the gain the Affliction Poisoned 3.
    • Locations: 1; A hallway with holes in the walls. 2; A wall where many faces are chiseled, each with open mouths. 3; A chest with a suspiciously large keyhole. 4; A large statue with holes for eyes.
  • Fire Trap: A trap that cooks its targets with hot flames.
    • Possible Triggers: A weighted pressure plate, a suspicious lever, etc.
    • Effect: If triggered, the target must roll a Save. If they fail, they take 3d6 Fire Damage. If they succeed, they take half as much Damage.
    • Locations: 1; A dragon statue with a gaping mouth. 2: A room where the floor is covered with pipes and pressure plates. 3; A room where magical orange crystal floats in the middle of many pressure plates. 4; A room where the ground is coated with oil and many burning lanterns haphazardly hang from above via tripwires and pulleys.
  • Gas Trap (Poison): A trap that floods an area with poisonous gas.
    • Possible Triggers: A weighted pressure plate, a suspicious lever, etc.
    • Effect: If triggered, each target within the hallway, room, etc. must roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Poisoned 6. If they succeed, they gain the Affliction Poisoned 3.
    • Locations: 1; A snake-like statue with a gaping mouth. 2: A room where the floor is covered with pipes and pressure plates. 3; A room that has been overgrown with massive, poisonous mushrooms. 4; A hallway with holes in the walls.
  • Pit Trap: A trap that drops the target into a pit, likely filled with spikes.
    • Possible Triggers: A trapdoor, a suspicious lever, etc.
    • Effect: If triggered, the target must roll a Save. If they fail, they fall into the pit. If the pit is spiked or bladed in some way, they also take 3d6 Damage. If they succeed, they simply sidestep this Trap.
    • Locations: 1; A hallway with missing floor tiles, where each missing tile shows a different pit. 2; A room where the entire floor is a massive trapdoor. A chest sits in the middle of the room. 3; A room with many trap doors built into the floor. Some are open, some closed. Multiple levers can be seen on the walls, some pulled, some not. 4; A forest clearing with an obvious mound of leaves that seem out of place.
  • Portcullis/Wall: A trap that drops a metal gate between or onto targets. Its primary purpose is separating targets from each other.
    • Possible Triggers: A weighted pressure plate, a tripwire, etc.
    • Effect: If triggered, the target must roll a Save. If they fail, they are pinned beneath the portcullis/wall, taking 3d6 Damage. If they succeed, they simply sidestep this Trap, choosing which side they end up on.
      • (If the party's goal is to lift the portcullis/wall, roll 2d4 x 100. This is the weight of the portcullis/wall in pounds. If the party realistically has enough manpower to lift this weight, they may do so [no roll is required]. If they do not have the manpower, they may choose to lift the weight [no roll required], but they each gain Exhaustion)
    • Locations: 1; An archway where a rusted portcullis clearly looms above. 2; A large room with a divot down the center and a crack/slit directly above it. 3; A hallway where a secret door seems to be hidden behind a lever. 4; A room full of treasure, but it only has one suspiciously unguarded way in.
  • Swinging Blades/Logs: A trap that uses gravity to swing weaponry at its targets.
    • Possible Triggers: A weighted pressure plate, a tripwire, etc.
    • Effect: If triggered, the GM rolls 1d20 + 10 versus the target's AC. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 Damage.
    • Locations: 1; A hallway with a suspiciously high ceiling. 2; A slightly ajar door that leads into a small side-room. 3; A hallway that has a seemingly pointless intersection. 4; short, claustrophobic hallway with many slits in the walls.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Druid

The Druid

HP: +1d8 each Level, minimum of +4

AC: +1 each 2nd Level

AB: +1 each 2nd Level

Save: -1 each Level

Skills: +1 Skill Pip each Level

At 1st Level, your connection with nature allows you to shapeshift. As an Action, you may activate this Ability to alter your physiology to mimic that of an animal, elemental, plant, or any other creature from nature that is similar to you in size or smaller. You gain similar capabilities to the mimicked creature, such as gaining flight when mimicking a Hawk. However, your Stats do not change to match those of the creature. You do not gain additional HP, you do not gain the mimicked creature's Attacks, etc. However, you are still able to attempt your usual Attacks, Cast your usual Spells, etc. Also, you gain a +1 bonus on all Attack and Damage rolls while transformed in this way. Finally, any Items you wear, carry, or wield morph into your body when you transform. You still gain the benefits of these Items, however, such as still being able to utilize the magical bonuses and Damage die of a Magical Club despite you being in a Wolf-like form and using your jaws to Attack. This transformation will last for up to 10 minutes, or until you end it early. Once you have used this Ability, you must finish a Long Rest before you may use it again. Finally, you may use 1 Spell Point to use this Ability again even if you haven't finished a Long Rest yet.

At 2nd Level, your connection with nature has granted you the ability to Cast Spells. You learn a number of Spells equal to your Druid Level and you gain 2 Spell Points (SP). Using 1 Spell Point, you may cast any Spell you know. You regain used Spell Points after a Long Rest. Finally, you gain an additional +1 bonus on all Attack and Damage rolls while transformed per your 1st Level Ability.

At 3rd Level, you begin to follow an ancient druidic path. You may choose one of the options below.

  • Beastheart: You form a kindred connection with animals. Animals will not harm you unless you harm them, and you gain the ability to communicate with animals; You may speak with and understand them as if you shared a common language.
  • Earthguard: You learn to wear Heavy Armor despite your d8 HP die. You also gain +1 additional AC while wielding a Shield.
  • Greensoul: When you provide Healing to a target through a Spell, you provide +5 Healing.
  • Wildspirit: You may use your 1st Level Ability at the start of your Turn instead of as an Action. While transformed per this Ability, you take -1 Damage. You take at least 1 Damage.

At 4th Level, you may gain one of the options below. Also, you gain an additional +1 bonus on all Attack and Damage rolls while transformed per your 1st Level Ability.

  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +1 AC.
  • You gain 2 additional Spell Points.

At 5th Level, the magic of your ancient path aides you. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.

  • Beastheart: You gain the service of a Companion. Your Companion takes on any appearance you choose, but its Stats remain the same regardless of appearance. Its Stats can be seen at the end of this post, and its Stats improve with your Druid Level. In Combat, your Companion will always take its Turn during your Turn, as you must give it commands.
  • Earthguard: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.
  • Greensoul: When you Heal a target, they may immediately attempt a single Weapon Attack.
  • Wildspirit: Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, you may gain one of the options below. Also, you gain an additional +1 bonus on all Attack and Damage rolls while transformed per your 1st Level Ability.

  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +1 AC.
  • You gain 2 additional Spell Points.

At 7th Level, your ancient path teaches new knowledge. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.

  • Beastheart: Your Companion gains Advantage on 3 Skills of your choice.
  • Earthguard: While transformed per your 1st Level Ability, you have Advantage on Saves.
  • Greensoul: When you Heal a target, you also Heal yourself for 2d4 HP.
  • Wildspirit: While transformed per your 1st Level Ability, you take -2 Damage instead of only -1 Damage. You take at least 1 Damage.

At 8th Level, you may gain one of the options below. Also, you gain an additional +1 bonus on all Attack and Damage rolls while transformed per your 1st Level Ability.

  • You gain 1 additional Spell Point and +1 AC.
  • You gain 2 additional Spell Points.

At 9th Level, your ancient path comes to an end. You gain the option below that matches the path you took at 3rd Level.

  • Beastheart: Once per Round and on your Turn, either you or your Companion may attempt a single Weapon/Unarmed Attack as a Free Action.
  • Earthguard: Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.
  • Greensoul: When you Heal a target, they may immediately attempt two Weapon Attacks.
  • Wildspirit: Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 10th Level, nature itself begins to recognize your druidic knowledge. A group of 1d10 + 20 Nature Spirits seek you out and offer to aide you by creating a Grove or a place of Primal Power. Details for both options are below.

  • Grove: The Nature Spirits will find a valid nearby location to protect as a druidic Grove. The Grove will be a 5-mile radius (or single hex) of wilderness that you and the Nature Spirits will seek to protect. The Grove takes no time to build, but it does not generate income. Instead, it generates 1d4 random Consumable Items per day. Additionally, there is almost always something to do in the Grove, such as a monster to slay, poachers to chase off, or treasure to hunt for.
  • Primal Power: The Nature Spirits find a valid nearby location to empower as a place of Primal Power. This place of Primal Power will be a small area about 100 feet in diameter, such as a ring of standing stones, a massive oak tree, etc. This place takes no time to build, but it does not generate income. Instead, it allows you to swap out any and all known Spells on a Long Rest, and you will regain 1 Spell Point per hour while within the place of Primal Power. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest within this place in half the normal time due to its accommodations.

HP: 25 --- (+5 HP for every Druid Level above 5th)
AC: 15 --- (+1 AC for every Druid Level above 5th)
AB: +5 --- (+1 AB for every Druid Level above 5th)
Damage: 1d6 + 5, only attacks once --- (+1 Damage for every Druid Level above 5th)
Special: Servitude (Your Companion can be reduced to 0 HP, but it never truly dies. Once reduced to 0 HP, it crumbles to ash. Over the course of a Short or Long Rest, you may resummon your Companion at 1 HP using 1 Spell Point.)
Save: 13 --- (-1 Save at Druid Levels 6th, 8th, and 10th)
Skills: Agility (2-in-6), Strength (2-in-6) --- (+1 Skill Pip at Druid Levels 6th, 8th, and 10th)

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Dungeon! - Magic Items

Magic Items

Magic Items in Dungeon! are handled however the GM wishes to. If your setting is low magic, simply don't give out Magic Items often. If your setting is high magic, go nuts.

Be warned, however. Many new GMs will often flood their games with Magic Items and then complain when it breaks the game. Don't be that guy. Just use your brain and only give Magic Items if it actually makes sense to. The same thing goes for designing Magic Items. If you think its overpowered, it probably is. That doesn't mean you can't put it in your game, but know that if you make your bed you must lie in it. Don't be the GM who puts an OP Magic Item into their game only to take it away later.

All that being said, the Magic Items I have put into Dungeon! were all designed to be balanced in some way. Use these Magic Items as guidelines when creating your own if you wish to avoid making Magic Items that might break your game.

Consumable Magic Items

These types of Magic Items may only be used once. This includes things like Potions, Scrolls, etc. All Consumable Magic Items require an Action to use (aside from Ammo and Rope), just like normal Consumable Items.

  • +1, +2, and +3 Ammo: Must be used alongside Ranged Weapons. Provides a bonus on Attack and Damage rolls equal to the "+" listed for Ranged Attacks they are used for. Unlike normal Ammo, however, magical Ammo is destroyed completely after use.
  • Antidote: The user loses all stages of the Poisoned Affliction they have when quaffed.
  • Greater Firebomb: Must be thrown akin to an Attack but uses an Action. On a hit, deals 1d10 + 10 Fire Damage to the intended target as well as any targets within Close Range of the initial target.
  • Greater Healing Potion: Heals 3d6 + 10 HP when quaffed.
  • Greater Holy Water: Must be thrown akin to an Attack but uses an Action. On a hit, deals 1d12 + 10 Radiant Damage to the intended target as well as any targets within Close Range of the initial target. Any target that is not an unholy creature is not affected.
  • Greater Poison: Can be coated on a Weapon or quaffed as an Action. If coated on a Weapon, the next target to take Damage from that Weapon must roll a Save. If they fail, they gain the Affliction Poisoned 4. If they succeed, they gain the Affliction Poisoned 2. If quaffed, the target gains the Affliction Poisoned 10.
  • Potion of Cure Disease: The user loses all Diseases (or sicknesses) they have when quaffed.
  • Potion of Haste: The user Casts the Spell Haste on themselves when quaffed.
  • Potion of Magic: Restores 1d4 Spell Points when quaffed.
  • Potion of Might: The user gains +3 on Attack and Damage rolls for 1 minute when quaffed.
  • Potion of Polymorph: The user Casts the Spell Polymorph on themselves when quaffed.
  • Potion of Resilience: The user gains +3 AC and +3 on Saves for 1 minute when quaffed.
  • Potion of Rest: The user loses Exhaustion when quaffed.
  • Regenerative Rope: This may be used just like a normal Rope. Every 2d6 days, however, it regrows 10 feet in length. It always has a maximum possible length of 50 feet. If the last 10 feet are used up, this Magic Item is destroyed.
  • Scroll of Blink: The user may Cast the Spell Blink.
  • Scroll of Fireball: The user may Cast the Spell Fireball.
  • Scroll of Revive: The user may Cast the Spell Revive.
  • Tome of Detect: One person may read this book over the course of one full day of Downtime. The reader then learns the Spell Detect and this book is destroyed.
  • Tome of Heal: One person may read this book over the course of one full day of Downtime. The reader then learns the Spell Heal and this book is destroyed.
  • Tome of Light: One person may read this book over the course of one full day of Downtime. The reader then learns the Spell Light and this book is destroyed.
    • Potion (Any Spell): The user becomes affected by the infused Spell when quaffed, Casting it on themselves.
    • Scroll (Any Spell): The user may Cast the imbued Spell.
    • Tome (Any Spell): One person may read this book over the course of one full day of Downtime. The reader then learns the imbued Spell and this book is destroyed.

Magical Accessories

These types of Magic Items are primarily small objects, such as Rings, Boots, Helmets, Cloaks, etc. Use logic when wearing these Magic Items. For example, a magical Scarf could easily be worn with a magical Necklace, but two magical Helmets couldn't be worn at once. Finally, all of the options below may be mixed and matched to your desires. Be careful, as more than 3 options may be too powerful.

  • Amulet of Immunity: The wearer is Immune to the Enfeebled and Poisoned Afflictions.
  • Amulet of [Skill] (+1, +2, or +3): Increases the effective Skill Pips the wearer has in the specified Skill by the "+" listed.
  • Bag of Holding: A satchel that grants the carrier 100 additional Encumbrance. Regardless of how full it is, the bag is always lightweight and small. 
    • Note: Creatures cannot be placed within the Bag, nor does putting two Bags together rip apart space-time or some random crap. Not gonna happen.
  • Boots of Leaping: The wearer may leap up to 10 feet vertically and 20 feet horizontally.
  • Boots of Water Walking: The wearer may slowly walk atop the surface of water.
  • Cloak of Camouflage: The wearer has Advantage on Stealth Skill Checks and is completely unnoticeable to the naked eye while completely still.
  • Cockatrice Charm: The wearer is Immune to the Paralyzed and Poisoned Afflictions.
  • Crown of Light: The wearer may Cast the Spell Light at will.
  • Gauntlets of Ogre Power: The wearer has +1 on Attack and Damage rolls. They may also lift objects weighing 500 pounds (225 kg) or less with ease.
  • Handwraps of Might (+1, +2, or +3): The wearer has a bonus on Unarmed Attack and Damage rolls equal to the "+" listed. At the GM's discretion, this Accessory may also have some of the same magical effects that Magical Weapons can.
  • Helm of Heroism: The wearer may Cast the Spell Heroism at will.
  • Helm of Telepathy: The wearer may telepathically communicate with others within Medium Range at will.
  • Medal of Courage: The wearer is Immune to the Afraid and Stunned Afflictions.
  • Ring of Spell Absorption: When targeted by a Spell, the wearer may use this Ring to absorb the Spell and all of its effects completely. However, the Ring is then destroyed.
  • Ring of Elemental Resistance: The GM chooses one Elemental Damage type when this Ring is obtained. The wearer takes half as much Damage of this specific type.
  • Ring of Healing: The wearer regains 1 additional HP from Short Rests and 1d4 additional HP from Long Rests.
  • Ring of Power: The wearer's Maximum Spell Points are increased by 1. If the Ring is removed, the additional Spell Point is lost until the Ring is worn again.
  • Ring of Protection: Provides a +1 bonus to AC and Saves while worn.
  • Scarf of Tangling: The wearer may use an Action to command this Scarf to Grapple a target within Short Range. The target gets a Save as normal.
  • Scribe's Spectacles: The wearer can read and understand all forms of writing.

Magical Armor

These Magic Items are simply Armor or Shields that have additional magical effects. Just like normal Armor, two sets of Magical Armor cannot logically be worn at the same time. Finally, all of the options below may be mixed and matched to your desires. Be careful, as more than 3 options may be too powerful.

  • +1, +2, and +3 Armors and Shield: Provides a bonus to AC and Saves equal to the "+" listed while worn.
  • Armor of Toughness: Armor that increases the wearer's Maximum HP by 10. If the Armor is removed, the additional HP is lost until the Armor is donned again.
  • Aquatic Armor: Armor that allows the wearer to swim as easily as they walk. They do not sink in water regardless of weight, unless they choose to.
  • Climber's Armor: Armor that allows the wearer to climb as easily as they walk. They also take half as much Damage when they take Damage due to falling.
  • Elemental Resistance: The GM chooses one Elemental Damage type when this Armor is obtained. The wearer takes half as much Damage of this specific type.
  • Mithril or Silvered: Damage rolls against the wearer have Disadvantage.
  • Sentinel Shield: A Shield that floats around and follows its wielder, allowing the wielder to benefit from the Shield without actually using a hand to hold onto it.

Magical Weapons

These Magic Items are simply Weapons that have additional magical effects. Otherwise, they act just like normal Weapons. Finally, all of the options below may be mixed and matched to your desires. Be careful, as more than 3 options may be too powerful.

  • +1, +2, and +3 Weapons: Provides a bonus on Attack and Damage rolls equal to the "+" listed when used to Attack.
  • +3 vs. Animals: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack Animals.
  • +3 vs. Casters: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack humanoid Spellcasters.
  • +3 vs. Dragons: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack Dragons.
  • +3 vs. Dwarves: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack Dwarves.
  • +3 vs. Elves: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack Elves.
  • +3 vs. Orcs: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack Orcs.
  • +3 vs. Regenerative: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack creatures that have the Regeneration Ability.
  • +3 vs. Shapeshifters: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack creatures that can shapeshift.
  • +3 vs. Undead: Provides a +3 bonus on Attack and Damage rolls when used to Attack creatures that are Undead.
  • Arcing: Deals an additional 1d4 Shock Damage on a hit.
  • Burning: Deals an additional 1d4 Fire Damage on a hit.
  • Chilling: Deals an additional 1d4 Ice Damage on a hit.
  • Detecting: The wielder may Cast the Spell Detect at will.
  • Draining: The wielder regains 1 HP each time this Weapon deals Damage to a target.
  • Mithril or Silvered: Damage rolls with this Weapon have Advantage.
  • Radiant: The wielder may Cast the Spell Light at will.
  • Reaching: The Weapon gains the Reach attribute, but retains its normal Damage.
  • Sentient: This Weapon somehow contains the spirit, soul, or mind of another being. It may either empathetically, telepathically, or verbally communicate with its wielder, and it has its own ideas and goals. The GM should treat the sentient being as an NPC, having it make its own decisions. It cannot move itself or force itself to Attack, but it will most certainly attempt to sway its wielder to do these things for it. As part of this, the GM should choose a specific goal or purpose for this being. This could be something like "Slay Dragons" or "Fight for Good." The GM should then roll a special Ego Stat for this Weapon, as detailed below.
    • Ego: When rolling Ego for a Weapon, the GM rolls 1d3 (1d6 halved, rounded up). The value rolled is the Weapon's Ego. If the wielder has been using the Weapon in a way that aides the being in its goal, the Weapon has a bonus on Attack and Damage rolls equal to its Ego Stat. If the wielder ever goes against the being's goal, this bonus is lost and instead becomes a penalty of the same magnitude (i.e., A Weapon with Ego: 3 would provide a -3 penalty on Attack and Damage rolls if the Wielder is acting against the being's goal). This penalty will persist until the wielder aids the being again.

Staves, Wands, and Other Casting Foci

These Magic Items are specifically designed to allow their wielders to Cast Spells they normally couldn't. Each Magic Item of this type has a set number total of uses, rolled by the GM when the Item is acquired. Once it has been all used up, the Item loses its magical power and becomes mundane.

  • +1, +2, and +3 Foci: Provides a bonus on Attack and Damage rolls equal to the "+" listed when used for the Attack and Damage rolls of Spells. Also, the other Foci below may also have this effect added onto them.
  • Crytal Focus: The user may Cast the Spell Ward. 1d4 uses.
  • Druidic Totem: The user may Cast the Spell Polymorph. 1d4 uses.
  • Holy Symbol: The user may Cast the Spell Bless. 1d4 uses.
  • Occult Object: The user may Cast the Spell Bane. 1d4 uses.
  • Staff of Fireball: The user may Cast the Spell Fireball. 3d4 uses.
  • Staff of Heal: The user may Cast the Spell Heal. 3d4 uses.
  • Staff of Web: The user may Cast the Spell Web. 3d4 uses.
  • Wand of Acid Blast: The user may Cast the Spell Acid Blast. 2d4 uses.
  • Wand of Lightning Bolt: The user may Cast the Spell Lightning Bolt. 2d4 uses.
  • Wand of Magic Missiles: The user may Cast the Spell Magic Missile. 2d4 uses.
    • Focus (Any Spell): The user may Cast the imbued Spell. 1d4 uses.
    • Staff (Any Spell): The user may Cast the imbued Spell. 3d4 uses.
    • Wand (Any Spell): The user may Cast the imbued Spell. 2d4 uses.

Magic Item Randomization

When you wish to randomly award Magic Items, a simple way to do so is to roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, choose a Consumable Magic Item. On a 3, choose a Magical Accessory. On a 4, choose a Magical Armor. On a 5, choose a Magical Weapon. On a 6, choose a Staff, Wand, or other Casting Focus. Instead of choosing which Item to grant, you may also choose to roll on the d20 tables below.

  • Consumable Magic Items


+1 Ammo



+2 Ammo


+3 Ammo




Greater Firebomb


Greater Healing Potion




Greater Holy Water


Greater Poison


Potion of Cure Disease


Potion of Magic


Potion of Might


Potion of Resilience


Potion of Rest


Regenerative Rope


Potion (Any Spell)


Scroll (Any Spell)


Tome (Any Spell)

  • Magical Accessories


Aptitude (bonus equal to 1d3)



Amulet of Immunity


Bag of Holding


Boots of Leaping


Boots of Water Walking


Cloak of Camouflage


Cockatrice Charm


Crown of Light


Gauntlets of Ogre Power


Handwraps of Might (bonus equal to 1d3)


Helm of Telepathy


Medal of Courage


Ring of Spell Absorption


Ring of Elemental Resistance


Ring of Healing


Ring of Power


Ring of Protection


Scarf of Tangling


Scribe’s Spectacles

  • Magical Armor


Shield (bonus equal to 1d3)


Light Armor (bonus equal to 1d3)


Medium Armor (bonus equal to 1d3)


Heavy Armor (bonus equal to 1d3)


Armor of Toughness (Light)


Armor of Toughness (Medium)


Armor of Toughness (Heavy)


Aquatic Armor (Light)


Aquatic Armor (Medium)


Aquatic Armor (Heavy)


Climber’s Armor (Light)


Climber’s Armor (Medium)


Climber’s Armor (Heavy)


Elemental Resistance (Shield)


Elemental Resistance (Light)


Elemental Resistance (Medium)


Elemental Resistance (Heavy)


Mithril or Silvered Armor (Medium)


Mithril or Silvered Armor (Heavy)


Sentinel Shield (bonus equal to 1d4 - 1)

  • Magical Weapons


Weapon (bonus equal to 1d3)




+3 vs. Animals


+3 vs. Casters


+3 vs. Dragons


+3 vs. Dwarves


+3 vs. Elves


+3 vs. Orcs


+3 vs. Regenerative


+3 vs. Shapeshifters


+3 vs. Undead












Mithril or Silvered




Sentient (Ego equal to 1d3)

  • Staves, Wands, and Other Casting Foci


Foci (bonus equal to 1d3)




Crystal Focus


Druidic Totem


Holy Symbol


Occult Object


Focus (Any Spell)







Wand (Any Spell)





Staff (Any Spell)



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Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that I have launched an official YouTube Channel featuring content for Dungeon! In the coming weeks ...