Hi everyone!
I'm happy to announce that I have launched an official YouTube Channel featuring content for Dungeon! In the coming weeks and months, I will be posting some special content there, so check it out if you are interested.
- Bob
Hi everyone!
I'm happy to announce that I have launched an official YouTube Channel featuring content for Dungeon! In the coming weeks and months, I will be posting some special content there, so check it out if you are interested.
- Bob
Hi everyone!
I will be attending Con of the North 2025! I will be hosting multiple Dungeon! One Shots on Day 2 of the event (Saturday at 3 PM, 6 PM, and 9 PM). At these One Shots I will also be handing out a limited supply of printed Dungeon! rulebooks. Finally, if you are attending Con of the North 2025, feel free to join any of the One Shots!
I hope you see you there!
- Bob
Details for the One Shots are below!
Dungeon! One Shot (Level 2)
Character Primer: This adventure is intended for 2nd Level Characters using Dungeon! No particular Classes are required, but it is recommended that the party is well-rounded. If you plan to make your Character prior to meeting the other players, please consider a backup Class in case of overlap. Finally, each Character should follow the creative constraints below.
1. My Character is loyal to the party.
2. My Character is motivated to explore a treasure-filled dungeon.
Session Primer: Your party has recently formed in the city of Kremos, an oceanic cliffside settlement. Lately, Kremos has been plagued by misfortune. Black cats roam the streets at night, the most beautiful women find their mirrors shattered, and the town crier fell down a well. Even worse, much of the forest's wild game has seemingly fled or gone into hiding.
Your party has been offered a quest to investigate the nearby forest for answers. The leader of the Hunter's Guild has set up a meeting with you at a local tavern, The Last Lob. He has some important information that will assist you in your investigation and will be providing you with upfront pay to prepare for your quest.
Dungeon! One Shot (Level 4)
Character Primer: This adventure is intended for 4th Level Characters using Dungeon! No particular Classes are required, but it is recommended that the party is well-rounded. If you plan to make your Character prior to meeting the other players, please consider a backup Class in case of overlap. Finally, each Character should follow the creative constraints below.
1. My Character is loyal to the party.
2. My Character is motivated to explore a treasure-filled dungeon.
Session Primer: Your party has recently formed in the city of Kremos, an oceanic cliffside settlement. Lately, Kremos has been plagued by misfortune. Black cats roam the streets at night, the most beautiful women find their mirrors shattered, and the town crier fell down a well. Even worse, the dead have begun to rise within the extensive catacombs beneath the city.
Your party has been offered a quest to find the source of the undead by any means necessary. The head priest of the temple is awaiting your arrival. He has some important information that will assist you in your investigation and will be providing you with upfront pay to prepare for your quest.
Dungeon! One Shot (Level 6)
Character Primer: This adventure is intended for 6th Level Characters using Dungeon! No particular Classes are required, but it is recommended that the party is well-rounded. If you plan to make your Character prior to meeting the other players, please consider a backup Class in case of overlap. Finally, each Character should follow the creative constraints below.
1. My Character is loyal to the party.
2. My Character is motivated to explore a treasure-filled dungeon.
Session Primer: Your party has recently formed in the city of Kremos, an oceanic cliffside settlement. Lately, Kremos has been plagued by misfortune. Black cats roam the streets at night, the most beautiful women find their mirrors shattered, and the town crier fell down a well. Even worse, a group of adventurers has discovered something dark and mysterious within the city catacombs.
Your party has been offered a quest to further investigate the occult object from the city catacombs. The temple priests have done some research into the object and wish to meet with you. They have some important information that will assist you in your investigation and will be providing you with upfront pay to prepare for your quest.
Hi everyone!
Check out this cool perchance generator I made for Dungeon!
Stay tuned for some other cool projects... an Actual Play perchance?
The original design for The Barbarian Class focused on their Rage and re-contextualizing Rage as different emotions. In hindsight, I do still like this idea. It is far more interesting than every Barbarian just being angry, but simply changing the emotion does nothing to change the fact that this version of a Barbarian just Rages and hits things.
Therefore, I am redesigning the Class from the ground up. Instead of focusing on Rage as the core concept, I will instead be focusing on the Conan / Outlander archetype as the core Class while aspects like Rage will instead be added as sort of preternatural powers instead of proper Subclasses (like The Cleric for example). Not only will this make Dungeon's Barbarian more interesting, but it will also differentiate them from other martial classes, like The Fighter or The Monk.
Finally, the old version of The Barbarian will be labeled as (OLD), but it will remain posted. This new version will be the only one supported going forward, but I will keep them as separate posts due to their drastic differences.
The Barbarian (Rework)
HP: +1d10 each Level, minimum of +5
AC: +1 each 2nd Level
AB: +1 each Level
Save: -1 each 2nd Level
Skills: +2 Skill Pips each Level
At 1st Level, you are a fearsome warrior, but your skill comes more from instinct than proper training. Despite your d10 HP Die, you are incapable of wearing Heavy Armor. However, you are far more mobile in combat because of this. Once per combat, you may perform a Move as a Free Action. Finally, this extra Move may only be used to Move or Charge, not for any other Maneuvers.
At 2nd Level, your instincts grow stronger. You gain one of the options below.
At 3rd Level, your experience and instincts have granted you a unique ability. Choose one of the options below.
At 4th Level, your instincts begin to reflect even greater skill. You may now use your 1st Level ability up to twice per combat. Finally, you gain one of the options below.
At 5th Level, combat has become more instinctual for you. Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.
At 6th Level, your instincts begin to become preternatural. You gain one of the options below.
At 7th Level, your further experience and impressive instincts have granted you another unique ability. Choose a 2nd option from the list you were offered at 3rd Level. You cannot take the same option.
At 8th Level, your instincts have become borderline supernatural. You may now use your 1st Level ability up to three times per combat. Finally, you gain one of the options below.
At 9th Level, your instincts are at their peak while you are engaged in combat. Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.
At 10th Level, you have become a paragon of Barbarian culture. This renown allows you to gather enough followers to either form a Clan or form a War Band. Details for both options are below.
Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that I have launched an official YouTube Channel featuring content for Dungeon! In the coming weeks ...