Friday, September 16, 2022

[CLASS] Dungeon! - The Swashbuckler

The Swashbuckler

HP: +1d8 each Level, minimum of +4

AC: +1 each Level

AB: +1 each Level

Save: -1 each 2nd Level

Skills: +2 Skill Pips each Level

At 1st Level, your tongue and wit are often sharper than your blade. Once per combat, you may attempt to Demoralize or Taunt a target without using an Action or a Move.

At 2nd Level, you have trained yourself to better utilize a certain type of Weapon, making it your Dueling Weapon. Choose 1 type of Weapon, such as a Dagger, Flintlock, or Rapier. You deal +1 Damage with your Dueling Weapon.

At 3rd Level, you have focused on a certain fighting style. Choose one of the benefits below.

  • Charmer: Outside of combat, you may speak with a non-hostile creature over the course of 10 minutes. At the end of this time, you may roll a Charisma Skill Check. If you succeed, the target is Charmed per the Charm Spell. Once you have attempted to use this ability, you must finish a Short Rest before you may attempt to use it again.
  • Defensive: You gain +1 AC.
  • Duelist: You may use this Ability to dodge a non-Critical Hit Attack. You must use this Ability before the Damage is announced, and you may only use this Ability once per Combat.
  • Gunslinger: You ignore the Load attribute of Ranged Weapons, with Ammo being reloaded automatically for each Attack.
  • Offensive: You deal +1 Damage with Weapons.
  • Silver Tongue: When you attempt Skill Checks to Demoralize or Taunt targets, you have Advantage.

At 4th Level, you become more experienced with your Dueling Weapon. You deal an additional +1 Damage with your Dueling Weapon. Finally, you may now use your 1st Level ability up to twice per combat.

At 5th Level, you have become a daring duelist. Once per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

At 6th Level, your Weapon expertise becomes more diverse. You may choose a 2nd Dueling Weapon. Also, you deal an additional +1 Damage with your Dueling Weapons.

At 7th Level, your fighting style becomes more advanced. The fighting style you chose at 3rd Level becomes altered as shown below.

  • Charmer: When you attempt to use your 3rd Level Charmer ability, you now always succeed.
  • Defensive: You gain +1 additional AC.
  • Duelist: When you dodge an Attack using your 3rd Level ability, you may also attempt a single Weapon Attack.
  • Gunslinger: Once per combat when you hit a target using a Ranged Attack, you may disarm them of one Item that they are wielding, such as a Shield or a Weapon.
  • Offensive: You deal +1 additional Damage with Weapons.
  • Silver Tongue: When you succeed on Skill Checks to Demoralize or Taunt targets, you cause the Affliction Afraid 3 (Demoralize) or Provoked 3 (Taunt), and the target takes 1d6 Psychic Damage.

At 8th Level, you have nearly mastered your Dueling Weapons. While you are conscious, you cannot be disarmed of your Dueling Weapons. Also, you deal an additional +1 Damage with your Dueling Weapons. Finally, you may now use your 1st Level ability up to three times per combat.

At 9th Level, you have mastered both charisma and combat. Twice per Round and on your Turn, you may attempt a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action. Also, you deal an additional +1 Damage with your Dueling Weapons.

At 10th Level, your name has become synonymous with bravery and bravado. This legacy leads to a legendary ship Captain or Pirate King requesting you to take up the mantle as their successor. Details for both options are below.

  • Captain: Your predecessor gifts you their ship and their crew, consisting of a Ship (Large), 1d10 + 15 Mercenaries, 1d10 + 15 Crewman, 5 Laborers, 3 Craftsman, and 1 Doctor. Details for these may be found in the Vehicle and Henchman Rules, respectively. Unlike normal, you do not need to pay these Henchman/Hirelings daily. So long as you continue to employ, feed, and respect them, they require no payment. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest upon your ship in half the normal time due to its accommodations.
  • Pirate King: Your predecessor grants you control over their "business operations." Each day of Downtime you spend managing this business from a coastal town, you generate 6d6 Gold. On days you do not manage the business, you still generate 3d6 Gold. Also, while you do not command your own ship, you may seek free passage via any ship within your fleet. Finally, you and your allies may successfully rest upon these ships in half the normal time due to their accommodations.

Dungeon! YoutTube Channel

Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that I have launched an official YouTube Channel featuring content for Dungeon! In the coming weeks ...